The-Baconator wrote: »AD has always had the largest number of guilds and players but it hasn't been as noticeable because they've been spread out over a variety of campaigns. Scourge is as bad as it is right now as a result of these guilds being chased off of their old buff servers and most EP\DC guilds choosing easymode PvDoor on other campaigns over actual PvP where they are outnumbered the majority of the day. All three alliances have more than enough guilds\players to actually have a competitive and balanced campaigns but most simply don't like being challenged.
Edit: To be clear, I still believe wholeheartedly that AD has WAY to many guilds on scourge atm, but a lot of the effect could be lessened by red\blue having their guilds actually step up and try to get better instead of loosing a 24v48 and running over to skull with their tails between their legs.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »Either way, everyone's going be pop locked in a couple weeks. Damn it zos.