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Wife is new to MMO's, wants to play a healer. Any tips?

Hey so my wife started playing ESO and built a NB. Not working out for her as she thought and wants to roll a healer. She is new to MMO's in general so there is a huge curve for her, and I'm not looking for perfect max stat build. She'll probably be a Kahjiit, and she want to use a mace shield, and of course the resto staff.

My question is: What skills should she focus on? I would assume a magic build. her mace/shield would be on the front bar (for when she solos). Resto staff on the back.
  • DocFrost72

    For which class?

    That setup could be very fun on a nightblade healer. Sap essence and swallow soul would be great healing when not helping others with healing springs or healing ward.

    If you're looking for a new class, try running templar. The best news is that templars have a fast acting healing ability in their tree that would allow her to heal on her mace/shield bar, and it is the first healing skill she'll learn! On top of that you get a rune that restores magicka and increases defenses (great for soloing), and an area heal over time (hot).

    Sorcs and Dragonknights are harder to heal on, but have their quirks. Sorc especially would make soloing very easy.

    For gear, try 5 heavy armor of the seducer set. It is craftable and powerful for churning out endless healing. Once you reach max level, try farming normal white gold tower if you have the DLC. Spell Power Cure is a drop from there that gives anyone you heal weapon and spell damage, if they were at full health at the time of the healing. Another good option if you don't have the DLC is the worm set from vaults of madness, which reduces ALL magicka costs for your whole group!

    Most of all, have fun and practice practice practice!
  • Queo
    @DocFrost72 I think shes going to go templar, she watched me wreck stuff on mine. On top of that the heals are pretty strait forward. That was some issues she had with the NB, it was to much and to fast.
  • Nestor
    She needs to watch this video first

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Ghanima_Atreides
    If she's going to be a magicka build, I would advise against using a mace&shield. Weapon damage scales off stamina whereas healing abilities use magicka, and hybrids do not really work in this game. For best results, focus on one attribute: stamina or magicka.
    [The Beauty of Tamriel] My collection of ESO screenshots

    Show me a completely smooth operation and I'll show you someone who's covering mistakes. Real boats rock.
  • Queo
    @Nestor OMG that is awesome. She is an avid RPGer (D&D/Pathfinder) cleric so some this info translate well. but yes ill make sure she watches.
  • Queo
    If she's going to be a magicka build, I would advise against using a mace&shield. Weapon damage scales off stamina whereas healing abilities use magicka, and hybrids do not really work in this game. For best results, focus on one attribute: stamina or magicka.

    what weapon would you recommend? A destro staff?
  • Integral1900
    Stick to normal dungeons and open world pve and you can build the charecter any way you fancy
  • Ghanima_Atreides
    @Queo , yes, a destro staff would certainly work.
    [The Beauty of Tamriel] My collection of ESO screenshots

    Show me a completely smooth operation and I'll show you someone who's covering mistakes. Real boats rock.
  • DocFrost72
    Queo wrote: »
    If she's going to be a magicka build, I would advise against using a mace&shield. Weapon damage scales off stamina whereas healing abilities use magicka, and hybrids do not really work in this game. For best results, focus on one attribute: stamina or magicka.

    what weapon would you recommend? A destro staff?

    While she is new, he has a point. When she gets more comfortable, maybe she can try tank-healing. But that is way later down the road.
  • Queo
    @Ghanima_Atreides Cool ill pass the advice on. I'm pretty sure she intent on a weapon shield (I think she going back to her D&D Roots to learn the game). Maybe i can talk her into leveling up the destro staff line and then when she feels comfy enough she can respect and go all magic

    You know that was one of the tings she did with her night blade was tried to dived the mag/stam. So maybe she'll be more open to focus on magic for the healing.
    Edited by Queo on May 17, 2017 5:28PM
  • Nestor
    Have her use the Destro Staff up until L15 when you can weapon swap, unless she runs with you all the time so you can DPS, then use the Resto Staff. This way she can do damage later as needed in dungeons when healing is not required.

    For the love of Akatosh, yes she has to be all in on one attribute or the other, and for Healing, that is Magic. No Stamina. Use your powers of persuasion, get her drunk so she is agreeable, steal her password and respec her toon, buy her flowers or candy or something shiny, but convince her that she needs to be magic to be a healer. And this means Sticks.

    Also, as side note, you can level Resto Staff to 50 in about 2 to 4 hours in Crimson Cove, even solo. I did this by slotting 3 Resto skills on my bar, and used two Destro Skills to mow the mobs down. Used an Ambrosia potion and it only took 2 hours, and had tons of loot and gold to boot. This method is only applicable if your already leveled and decided to go Resto. If your leveling a Healer, then play and level them as you see fit.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Jitterbug
    Nestor wrote: »
    She needs to watch this video first


    Beat me to it
  • scipionumatia
    Argonian/Breton are best
    Resto front bar:
    Breath of life, purify, healing springs,harness magika, shards

    Destro back bar (lightning is best 4 pve)
    Force pulse, weakness to elements, radiant opression (for self heal while channeling to activate spell power cure over duration. If not using SPC then go radient destruction)breath of life, then use last spot depending on what your doing, channeled focus is good here, repent if your running with a lot of stam players.

    Pve sets:
    Spell power cure
    Infalable aether

    Spell power cure
    Worms (if grouped, won't work if your random in a Zerg)

    Scipio Numantia Red guard Nightblade PvP- AD
    Scipio Asiaticus Khajiit Nightblade (CRAFTER/DPS) PvE- EP
    Altmer Nightblade PvP- EP
    Fueoculto Breton Templar (DPS) PvE- EP
    Rasoculto Orc Dragon Knight PvP- EP
    Caethus Argonian Templar (HEAL) PvE- EP
    Vale Oso Nord Sorc (DPS) PvE- AD
    Sir-Galahad-the-pure Altmer Sorc (DPS) PvE- EP
    Scipionumantine Imperial Templar PvP- EP
    Un-bearable Imperial Warden PVP- EP
    Vale Bear Altmer Warden PvP- EP
    Baits-All-Zergs Argonian Dragon knight PVP- DC
  • Malic

    Keep her away from this cesspool of a forum, she sees this she'll never want to play mmo's again.
  • scipionumatia
    Queo wrote: »
    @Ghanima_Atreides Cool ill pass the advice on. I'm pretty sure she intent on a weapon shield (I think she going back to her D&D Roots to learn the game). Maybe i can talk her into leveling up the destro staff line and then when she feels comfy enough she can respect and go all magic

    You know that was one of the tings she did with her night blade was tried to dived the mag/stam. So maybe she'll be more open to focus on magic for the healing.

    If your going to be running VDSA the healer needs to hold boss aggro on final fight with sword n board. Having S&B leveled up will be a good thing for when you go to do this. Also, she could use sweeps and respec to damage if she wants
    Scipio Numantia Red guard Nightblade PvP- AD
    Scipio Asiaticus Khajiit Nightblade (CRAFTER/DPS) PvE- EP
    Altmer Nightblade PvP- EP
    Fueoculto Breton Templar (DPS) PvE- EP
    Rasoculto Orc Dragon Knight PvP- EP
    Caethus Argonian Templar (HEAL) PvE- EP
    Vale Oso Nord Sorc (DPS) PvE- AD
    Sir-Galahad-the-pure Altmer Sorc (DPS) PvE- EP
    Scipionumantine Imperial Templar PvP- EP
    Un-bearable Imperial Warden PVP- EP
    Vale Bear Altmer Warden PvP- EP
    Baits-All-Zergs Argonian Dragon knight PVP- DC
  • Queo
    Malic wrote: »

    Keep her away from this cesspool of a forum, she sees this she'll never want to play mmo's again.

    Why do you think im asking and not her! LOL!!

    There is good people on here, just gotta have troll shields up ;-)
  • AcadianPaladin
    I run a magplar healer. The best 'guide' is to simply remember the functions of a healer and make sure you have them all covered while still able to solo effectively.

    Tasks (in rough priority): Heal (burst, area, targeted, HoT). Help magic fighters with sustain. Help stam fighters with sustain. Debuff big foes. Dps as the situation allows.

    Here's my bar setups:

    Destro bar: EleDrain / Blazing Spear / Reflective Light / Purifying Light / Sweeps

    Resto bar: Extended Ritual / Mutagen / Healing Springs / Breath of Life / Radiant Glory

    With that set up, my healer has all healer tasks covered and can still solo all normal content. Remember, the same focus on magic that gives a healer big heals also gives her pretty good damage and great defense by healing through most damage she takes.

    The build doesn't have to be perfect, just reasonable and practiced. For example, my healer is a Bosmer who does not farm for dungeon sets. Crafted + Overland drop sets only and she also avoids PvP and top level content. And that suits me just fine.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Queo
    I run a magplar healer. The best 'guide' is to simply remember the functions of a healer and make sure you have them all covered while still able to solo effectively.

    Tasks (in rough priority): Heal (burst, area, targeted, HoT). Help magic fighters with sustain. Help stam fighters with sustain. Debuff big foes. Dps as the situation allows.

    Here's my bar setups:

    Destro bar: EleDrain / Blazing Spear / Reflective Light / Purifying Light / Sweeps

    Resto bar: Extended Ritual / Mutagen / Healing Springs / Breath of Life / Radiant Glory

    With that set up, my healer has all healer tasks covered and can still solo all normal content. Remember, the same focus on magic that gives a healer big heals also gives her pretty good damage and great defense by healing through most damage she takes.

    The build doesn't have to be perfect, just reasonable and practiced. For example, my healer is a Bosmer who does not farm for dungeon sets. Crafted + Overland drop sets only and she also avoids PvP and top level content. And that suits me just fine.

    This is perfect thank you! My wifes play style is similar to what you describe, she'll probably never be at the top end or do PVP this here is great! thank you so much.
  • Tal_72
    Can non-templars play healers? When I last played, people grumbled about non templar healers--not sure if it was because throughput or lack of being able to give party stam. And I never liked templar because it lacked escape/mobility tools that NB and sorc have (I assume this is still the same).

    I'd like to play a warden healer if that works--and they have some escape tools.
  • AcadianPaladin
    Traditionally, templars have been viewed for the best choice for a healer. That is largely because of their ability to provide solid stamina sustain help to stamina fighters. With the upcoming MW patch in June, my understanding is that some stamina sustain support is now available via Orbs (Undaunted line) so any class can access that. Combine that with the fact that the templar's stamina (and overall healing) support is getting nerfed in the patch. Templar healers will become degraded and other healers will improve some. Though too early to tell, I think all classes will now be able to be mediocre healers but none will likely excel. I hope I'm wrong.

    Regarding a templar healer's escape/mobility, you are right. We tend to stay within the radius of the aura we drop on the ground. The good news is that if charged, a templar healer does not need to run. We simply kill our attacker while self-healing through the damage. That is, a templar healer in 7 light armor is not squishy.
    Edited by AcadianPaladin on May 19, 2017 3:19PM
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
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