Ghanima_Atreides wrote: »If she's going to be a magicka build, I would advise against using a mace&shield. Weapon damage scales off stamina whereas healing abilities use magicka, and hybrids do not really work in this game. For best results, focus on one attribute: stamina or magicka.
Ghanima_Atreides wrote: »If she's going to be a magicka build, I would advise against using a mace&shield. Weapon damage scales off stamina whereas healing abilities use magicka, and hybrids do not really work in this game. For best results, focus on one attribute: stamina or magicka.
what weapon would you recommend? A destro staff?
@Ghanima_Atreides Cool ill pass the advice on. I'm pretty sure she intent on a weapon shield (I think she going back to her D&D Roots to learn the game). Maybe i can talk her into leveling up the destro staff line and then when she feels comfy enough she can respect and go all magic
You know that was one of the tings she did with her night blade was tried to dived the mag/stam. So maybe she'll be more open to focus on magic for the healing.
AcadianPaladin wrote: »I run a magplar healer. The best 'guide' is to simply remember the functions of a healer and make sure you have them all covered while still able to solo effectively.
Tasks (in rough priority): Heal (burst, area, targeted, HoT). Help magic fighters with sustain. Help stam fighters with sustain. Debuff big foes. Dps as the situation allows.
Here's my bar setups:
Destro bar: EleDrain / Blazing Spear / Reflective Light / Purifying Light / Sweeps
Resto bar: Extended Ritual / Mutagen / Healing Springs / Breath of Life / Radiant Glory
With that set up, my healer has all healer tasks covered and can still solo all normal content. Remember, the same focus on magic that gives a healer big heals also gives her pretty good damage and great defense by healing through most damage she takes.
The build doesn't have to be perfect, just reasonable and practiced. For example, my healer is a Bosmer who does not farm for dungeon sets. Crafted + Overland drop sets only and she also avoids PvP and top level content. And that suits me just fine.