Maintenance for the week of October 28:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 28, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – October 30, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – October 30, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)

Tired of Getting Kicked from Dungeons? Wanna be a Master of your Class? Check us out

  • swampy033
    Soul Shriven
    would like invite. gt: hammer033
  • LunaticChild22
    Soul Shriven
    Only been playing this game for a couple weeks. Definitely new to this. Any help leveling up or building characters would be great.

    GT: LunaticChild22
  • ghostunit47
    Soul Shriven
    Seems like a cool guild. Send me an invite if you're​ still recruiting. GT- xXGhostUNIT47Xx
  • AtraisMachina
    iinvs are out
  • IanEuler
    Soul Shriven
    Champion 236 DPS Stam Nightblade. Still rusty with vast majority of veteran dungeons, but this guild is about learning right? I've never run a trial. Currently working on the endless research time for crafting.

    GT - Ian Euler
  • RosenrotWolf
    Gt: RosenrotWolf
    386 cp mag dk magsorc and temp heals. Fairly proficient in normal dungeons would like to be an asset for vet dungeons. I would also like to learn mechanics of normal trials in hopes of running vet.
  • matt.heat1
    Soul Shriven
    GT: HarmoniousFist2
  • cmartdt
    Soul Shriven
  • Wolfsfuhrer
    I think I got your invite but thought it was a random so I deleted it. Have gotten spammed with those lately. Sorry. Can you invite again please?


  • Skullwill
    Soul Shriven
    Hey i would like to join i'm a relatively new player i would say i'm adept i can do dungeons rather well but would love to learn more about the game.

    GT: God Of The Nile
    Edited by Skullwill on April 26, 2017 10:44PM
  • rgvcrazythunder
    GT: rgvcrazythunder

    I am looking for an active guild, I stopped playing ESO a couple of months back. I recently decided to start playing again and I cant seem to put it down! I'm not into too much pvp, but I love doing pve stuff. I would love to join a group that does weekly dungeon runs etc. I recently got into crafting and could use some pointers! Hope to hear from you soon!
  • Triplehgame
    Soul Shriven
    Hey this guild sounds great I'm looking to learn GT skellington8182
  • T6O9MS
    Soul Shriven
    Kinda new lvl 32 sorcerer magician, your guild sounds interesting. SpryAnteater565 is gt.
  • cole716
    Soul Shriven
    If youre still taking players, id love to join: GT: xNAKOAx715
  • wolf3336
    Soul Shriven
    GT :WOLF3336
  • jrod1816
    Soul Shriven
    I'm fairly new to the online game would like to learn more..jrod1816
  • AtraisMachina
    Invs should be out soon!
  • ayywall
    Soul Shriven
    New player around lvl 30

  • Rule_the_rude
    Soul Shriven
    Still looking? I think this is where I need to be. Cp280?ish magsorc. Done some vet content, unsure of my build /gear. Running bsw & llambris
    GT : Rule the Rude
    Edited by Rule_the_rude on May 9, 2017 3:23PM
  • AtraisMachina
    Sorry guys. The Guild is shuting down for morrowind. Well begin recruiting again as soon as zos pulls there heads out of there butts.
  • Rule_the_rude
    Soul Shriven
  • facelessparmala
    Edited by facelessparmala on May 10, 2017 10:54PM
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