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Any Beginner Tips for a complete Dungeon noobie?

While I've played this game off and on since launch and am sitting at around 400 cp, I have yet to do a dungeon run, and I'm ready to change that.

I have Mag and Stam builds for each class so I'm curious what would be the best to start off with? Mag Sorc was my first class, and what I use for most pve stuff.

Should I just start with the undaunted dailies? Or should I just pick one of the easier dungeons and try it out. Do you need to do prep work (watching runs on youtube) of the dungeons first or is it ok to just be smart in there?

In other games I've usually run as a healer, and it seems like the magplar would be good for that in this? How difficult is healing in the normal dungeons?

Any other tips or advice....or a good beginner dungeon guide.

  • Nestor
    Normal Dungeons are easy. So, just jump into those.

    I would recommend running them with Guild Mates rather than Pugs you find with the Group Finder. Even if you find a good group, they tend to rush through as quickly as possible. Guild mates are better for this. Plus you can learn how to do the Vet versions of the dungeons while doing the Normal versions.

    If you don't have a guild, join one. Friendly Dungeon Runners is one, but that is PC/NA. However there are usually Dungeon oriented guilds for all platforms and servers.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • FrancisCrawford
    Some ideas:
    • Definitely start in normal mode.
    • 8 of the dungeons have two versions -- I & II. The II versions are the old "veteran versions", which is relevant if you look at old guides. But "veteran mode" means something totally different now.
    • Check online guides to see if there are very specific mechanics you need to know about.
    • Magicka sorcerer is a great class to start with, especially if you don't have a reliable healer, because you have both good shields and a good spot heal. Pets cause little of the trouble they cause in other games. (One exception is one of the minibosses in City of Ash I, specifically the one who covers a small platform with fire; the Twilight Matriarch tends to pull him down the stairs, causing the fight to reset.)
    • Build your skill bars for damage over time first and direct damage second. E.g. as a sorcerer I will ALWAYS take Elemental Blockade and a Lightning Splash morph (usually Liquid Lightning). But I will sometimes leave off my Force Shock morph (usually Force Pulse) and Crystal Fragments.
    • Similarly, healing starts with heals-over-time, although you should of course also be prepared to spot heal as necessary.
    • Dropped potions are cheap enough to chug.
    • The easier dungeons don't require 4 people; indeed, they're straightforward to duo. By "easier" I mean the ones that aren't from the DLCs, aren't the "II"/formerly-veteran ones, and aren't Blackheart Haven. The easiest among those are generally the ones in the lowest-level zones.
    • Generally the ones in the DC are a little harder than the ones in the other alliance areas. Don't worry about that, but also don't be shocked.
    • Healers are expected to both heal and buff. If you find a group that is OK with you only healing, then you'll have an easy job, which could be helpful as you learn the dungeons.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Start with normal, version I, dungeons and the character you enjoy playing the most/a lot.

    You don't need any prior knowledge at all before heading in. Though in saying that a sound grounding in the basics of the game is definitely a boon. For example, knowing the signs of when you need to block/interrupt/dodge/move-out-of-red etc etc. If you're unsure about these, The HELP (F1) Combat section is very handy and covers all the foundations.

    A magicka templar makes a great healer, yes (speaking as one). But restoration staff skills can be very useful also.

    I mirror what Nestor said; Friendly Dungeon Runners is a wonderful guild (speaking as a member). There is also Awesome Dungeon Runners, Also run by Emily, which is built on the foundation of more experienced players mentoring new players to the game/group-content.

    Finally, if you have any problems at all or want any further information, feel free to contact me at @Reverielle.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Tygerfire
    Thank you for all of the advice and tips. Sadly, I'm still on X1, so I don't think any of those guilds will work. I have a nice shiny new computer that I would love to play this game on, but I hate to leave the 400 CP behind.
  • The_Lex
    If you are being pressured by the boss (i.e., the tank lost aggro) or an add(s), fight the urge to run away. lol. I know that sounds like a "duh" statement but, when on my healer toon, I've seen it happen more than I care to admit. The problem is that you run out of healing range or you end up resetting the boss fight. If you find yourself in this situation, run to the tank who will then be able to taunt the baddie away from you.

    EDIT: since you are on X1, I'd like to suggest that you try out this guild: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/331159/fathers-of-the-dominion-actively-recruiting

    We are a great, helpful, and (most importantly) patient guild and love to show people the ropes. Give it a try. I'd run dungeons with you.
    Edited by The_Lex on May 4, 2017 1:36PM
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