suetokerb16_ESO wrote: »I have to make a masterful concoction and it does not work. I need to make 20 essence of ravage health with the traits, ravage health, detection and increase spell power. ....
So far, at least, I haven't received a Master Alchemy Writ that had trait requirements for which Potion Maker could not find any combination of reagents to satisfy them. Then again, I've only received about a dozen MAWs. Of course, there is a huge number of specific combinations of reagents which will not produce a potion or a poison. For one MAW I overlooked the fact that it was for a poison and tried to find a potion that satisfied the requirements instead. When Potion Maker could not find a potion that satisfied the MAW, I reviewed the writ and realized that I had to use the Poison UI instead.I've had a couple of these that are impossible to make.
Can't remember what they were, though...
Try either of these;
Cornflower + Violet Cop + Torchbug
Cornflower + Violet Cop + Wormwood
Eventually, you may find an exception to this rule: a "potion" named as a "poison" in the opened Master Crafting Writ. It has happened to me. If memory serves, the combination of herbs was found by the Potion Maker add-on, after I used the Potion feature because the Poison feature did not produce the required results. The game software accepted it as fulfilling the Writ.devilfish79 wrote: »Just a note: if the writ is for an 'Essence' it's a potion, but if it says 'Poison', it's a poison. That helps me know, right off the bat, whether to use tears or alkahest.