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Which Class and race is good for PvP?

I'd like to ask...for a class and race capable of being that silent killer in a PvP group...which somehow go behind the enemy's team, either by fast traveling, invis, walking away from the battlefild and walk to the enemy's back or whatever way you can think of and afterwards secretly nuke down their healer before their teammates are fast enough to do anything, hide for a while, maybe secretly kill one of their dps and then return to the group and start crushing the enemy's team in open combat with your team.
Really want to play a character like that...doesn't matter if it is has really high skill cap.

Also (if it is possible), I wish that it is able to do solo vma after changing a few skills and changing the armour/weapon setup

plz help me : 3
Edited by AL16 on April 10, 2017 11:30AM
Joined 2015, didn't play a lot and quit. Returned recently
Stamblade main, trying out other builds atm.

Best Answers

  • Vapirko
    You'll want a NB then.
    Answer ✓
  • Glamdring
    Nope, nightblade are the assassin class. You want to be vampire aswell for fast sneakspeed. Stamina for burst but also good magicka regen so u can cloak away after u killed one off.
    Answer ✓
  • Mayrael
    AL16 wrote: »
    Glamdring wrote: »
    Nope, nightblade are the assassin class. You want to be vampire aswell for fast sneakspeed. Stamina for burst but also good magicka regen so u can cloak away after u killed one off.

    but cloak is only 2.7 seconds...how can i even get away...the enemy can use aoe to get me easily too

    Use it again before it ends. With good timing even stamina oriented nb can cloak 4-5 times in a row so its like 12-15s of invisibility. Magica nb can hide in cloak for ages but it lacks burst damage that stamina has. And no other class has invisibility skill, and it should stay like that.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
    Answer ✓
  • davey1107
    You have several options. I run a stamblade, and am totally biased. But let me give a broad set of pointers based on your desired play style. (And yes, it's really fun to stab people in the back, lol)

    Skills / passives to look at regardless

    - Legerdemain, reduced sneak cost. DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS. Investing the time to get 40% reduced sneak cost is essential for an assassin. My grind is to spend one point in the passive to allow 220 fence transactions per day, then to run the Orsinium Inn complex every day to Legerdemain lvl 16. The complex nets 180ish items per run...the grind requires about ten of these.
    - Mages Guild, might of the guild passive: a lot of sneak builds, even stam builds, pull a mage light before the initial attack for the stacking 20% bonus damage.
    - The stam set Night Silence (crafted) and Magic set shadow dancer eliminate the movement speed penalty while sneaking. This option costs some power, but if you're constantly ganking it might make sense. NS has saved my butt sooooooo many times.

    Thoughts on Morrowind changes

    We know they're probably going to be making some significant changes with Morrowind. They've said they're going to return resource management and scarcity to the game. We don't know much, but I'll try to make some notes for each class based on what we've seen out of PAX.

    Bottom line is that skills will probably cost more, and regen is going to come way down. (At PAX, the cost reduction passives in the CP system were gone, and resource regen drops to 15% from 25% for spending 100 in these lines). As a result, players will probably be forced to invest in enchantments/passives that do more than just dps. Some classes will suffer more from this...I'm guessing DKs will lose a lot of their ward/heal spams, sorcs will run low and have to give up wards/some dps, magplars will drop dps a little and lose some healing. That's just a guess...we don't know all the details, so who knows how the meta will shake up.

    Class/Race possibilities

    (Note: sypherPK and AlcastHQ have sites with most of these builds that have great video guides. I recommend checking them out before choosing.)

    Stamblade: viable as melee assassin or ranged killer. Pros: massive burst damage and very versatile - you can play melee a while, then switch to bow, lots of options here. Cons: can only pull 4-6 dark cloaks before magic is gone, very squishy - you kill quickly, or you die. Races: Khajiit or wood elf for TINY detect radius and sneak damage, Redguard for better stam resource management. Morrowind: I think stamblades will fare great w changes. They may need to bring siphoning attacks back in for resources, but my stamblades perform well in no CP campaigns. And their kill ratio will go up if other classes lose spam wards and heals.

    Magblade: less versatile, and a lot of players express frustration with this class in pvp right now...not entirely sure on the specifics, probably dps potential. This plays a lot like a stamblade as a melee build. Ranged is less viable than bow, but it still plays great. Pros: endless dark cloak, very good w resources. Cons: still squishy, a little less burst damage than stamblades, which can affect gank success rate. Races: bretons have great resistance. Morrowind: I think updates might bring magblades back to Pvp. They have great resource management, but they've fallen out of favor because resources don't matter right now. If sorcs get smashed because of the changes, and I think they will, magblades might see a resurgence.

    Stamplar: perhaps not the most popular choice, but a khajiit still gets the reduced detect and bonus dps. Using invisibility pots for tough situations, a stamplar can be a pretty decent ganker. And no one expects it, so having one snare, gap close and launch jabs can be deadly. Pros: much sturdier. Same variety of play options as Stamblade. AWESOME heal debuffs. If you're helping a group kill off attackers, debuffing their heals will usually kill them faster than outright dps. Cons: less stealthy, lower burst damage than stamblades. Race: Redguard gets great resource return, Khajiit are sneaker. Morrowind: I'm a little concerned for my stamplar. He doesn't have great resource management and his best abilities can cost a lot. Plus his dps is good, but not great. If I need to reduce damage by investing in regen, he might suffer.

    Stam Sorc: yeah, I like the stam builds, lol. For gankers I prefer them for sure. I'm newer to stam sorcs and have only pvp' to assault 9 with mine, but I think they're going to get a HUGE boost in Morrowind (discussed shortly). They're not super sneaky, but they can get in behind a group and just tear them to shreds. Pros: once you learn the right combos, resource management and healing is AWESOME. Good dps, good survivability. Viable as a heavy armor build. Cons: can take a while to master, less play style options. Race: redguard for resource management, Khajiit for sneaky. Morrowind: the reason I think stam sorcs will benefit is that update 14 seems likes it's going to smack resource cost and regen. Stam sorcs are unique in that they can get stam AND magic back from Constitution, then convert the magic they get to stamina via Dark Deal. When everyone else's regen goes down, this is going to be a massive benefit to stam sorcs.

    Stam Warden? We are 45 days from Morrowind...people might start planning their Warden builds now. It seems plausible they'll be OP on release for a few reasons: A.) marketing Morrowind to encourage sales, lol, B.) a lot of clever players will quickly learn some ability/gear combos that will probably overperform for a while. C.) it's going to take players quite a while to learn to counter Wardens. You'd likely get a few hundred kills in before people realize Bird of Prey can only be blocked, no rolling, lol.

    Alcast is already starting Warden builds at AlcastHQ.com. Based on his builds, I think a Stamden would play a lot like a Stamplar for your sneak/assassin builds. I'm personally going to collect his recommended gear sets in May, then come June 5 grind a Warden to vet in 6-10 hours so I can hit Cyrodiil with something people haven't seen before. I plan to die a lot, lol, but it should be fun.
    Answer ✓
  • AL16
    Vapirko wrote: »
    You'll want a NB then.

    no more choice except nb?
    Joined 2015, didn't play a lot and quit. Returned recently
    Stamblade main, trying out other builds atm.
  • AL16
    Glamdring wrote: »
    Nope, nightblade are the assassin class. You want to be vampire aswell for fast sneakspeed. Stamina for burst but also good magicka regen so u can cloak away after u killed one off.

    but cloak is only 2.7 seconds...how can i even get away...the enemy can use aoe to get me easily too
    Joined 2015, didn't play a lot and quit. Returned recently
    Stamblade main, trying out other builds atm.
  • Firerock2
    Breton sorcerer
  • AL16
    Mayrael wrote: »
    AL16 wrote: »
    Glamdring wrote: »
    Nope, nightblade are the assassin class. You want to be vampire aswell for fast sneakspeed. Stamina for burst but also good magicka regen so u can cloak away after u killed one off.

    but cloak is only 2.7 seconds...how can i even get away...the enemy can use aoe to get me easily too

    Use it again before it ends. With good timing even stamina oriented nb can cloak 4-5 times in a row so its like 12-15s of invisibility. Magica nb can hide in cloak for ages but it lacks burst damage that stamina has. And no other class has invisibility skill, and it should stay like that.

    what should i do against players with cc stun shield up?
    Joined 2015, didn't play a lot and quit. Returned recently
    Stamblade main, trying out other builds atm.
  • Dottzgaming
    Sounds like you want a nightblade, but more specifically a magicka nightblade.

    The high magicka pool allows them to spam cloak to keep themselves totally invis and hidden

    Breton, high elf, and Dark elf would be the best race choices for that.
  • QuebraRegra
    Mayrael wrote: »
    AL16 wrote: »
    Glamdring wrote: »
    Nope, nightblade are the assassin class. You want to be vampire aswell for fast sneakspeed. Stamina for burst but also good magicka regen so u can cloak away after u killed one off.

    but cloak is only 2.7 seconds...how can i even get away...the enemy can use aoe to get me easily too

    Use it again before it ends. With good timing even stamina oriented nb can cloak 4-5 times in a row so its like 12-15s of invisibility. Magica nb can hide in cloak for ages but it lacks burst damage that stamina has. And no other class has invisibility skill, and it should stay like that.

    My MAGBLADE woodelf hits like a feather, but can get outta trouble quicker than I got into it ;)

    Cloak is still pretty nerfed in terms of what breaks it, but sometimes I wish other classes had an escape as well (at the cost of DPS is you sped into it). I'm often the last guy left in the battlefield when things go wrong... half the game is knowing when to run ;)
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