Tanky DPS DK help

So I'm trying to make a heavy armor tanky DPS Stam DK. I'm thinking about my DK as an imperial, and 5/5 Fury set and 5/5 Seventh Legion. Bar 1: sword and board, bar 2: 2H Maul. What do y'all think?
  • paulsimonps
    Is this for PvP? Cause for PvE this would not work at all. You would lose too much DPS from gaining unnecessary survivability. However in PvP this might work pretty ok. Not super sure about tanky PvP set ups but maybe swap Fury for Twin sisters and have that on your jewelry and weapons to keep more heavy on your armor.
  • Most_Awesome
    Twin sisters is pants, it does like 1k damage :(
  • Betsararie
    Was looking to make a build like this myself.

    Can someone link one of those "OP DPS Heavy Armor" DK builds I keep reading about?
  • x_Demogorgon_x
    Appreciate it yall. Yes. This would be PVP only. I use my stam Sorc for PVE. Any other suggestions? For my DK? Trait wise, y'all think divines? Or impen? Reinforced?
  • Wir2ality
    yeah trying to do somit like that myself but its goin "tank" way.
  • Betsararie
    Wir2ality wrote: »
    yeah trying to do somit like that myself but its goin "tank" way.

    I don't understand if this build is a secret or what.

    The only stam dps builds I see posted online will run 5/1/1 or full medium.

    Medium was always considered to provide superior dps.

    However I see forum posts about the mythical "OP heavy armor stam dk dps build" that never dies and deals insane damage.

    I have yet to see any details on this build.

    I am either thinking that no such build exists, or the people who have achieved the elusive combination don't want to reveal their OP secrets.

    If anyone has any more info on this, feel free to post it here.
    Edited by Betsararie on April 7, 2017 1:43AM
  • DurganBlodox
    I posted this in the vMA thread, but it applies here, as I use the same loadout in PVP (sometimes I'll sub in a 2h instead of a bow). It's very good for most 1vx situations.

    "My first clear of VMA as a stam DK was with a s&b/bow, this was after months and months of failing to complete with dual wield. I've run s&b in vMA ever since and typically clear it in 60-75 minutes. My burst DPS is usually around 18-19k and I can burn bosses fairly quickly.

    I currently run 2x Velidreth (Heavy Divines), 5x VO (3 jewelry, 1 shield, 1 body piece), 4x Advancing Yokeda (All Body Pieces), and 1x Master's Sword (Sharpened). The Master's Sword is kind of the secret to it being such an OP loadout, as the heal from it lets you stand in red/crematorial guard fire and keep dpsing without really losing health.

    I used to slot the s&b gap closer on my main bar when I didn't run 5x VO, but once I started using VO I didn't really need it because of the expedition buff and I replaced it with Venomous Claw to add to my DPS for faster boss burns.

    My first clear set was 2x Tremorscale, 5x Seventh Legion, 4x DKS or Advancing Yokeda, 1x Master Sword if I'm remembering correctly. I've swapped in different sets over time trying to optimize my DPS as I get more comfortable with the playstyle.

    It works incredibly well, it's very rare that my score is below 400k, and I rarely die more than a few times.

    As a side note, I've discovered that I can easily tank almost all pledges in this gear (even DLC ones), it's perfectly viable to be a main tank in this setup unless you're tanking extreme endgame content like bosses in vTrials. You can easily tank and pull 10-15k dps with the right gear. As a stam user."
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