New pop-up ad feedback

Soul Shriven
Before I even began to talk about it, my screenshot I take on the PTS in middle of gameplay (just doing some random delves to look at it):


I will be clear here, I do not like that. Maybe ZOS you think I'm just a consummer who loves Internet pop-up and that sort of thing but no ... just no. Even least when a play a game.
If I see that in Game post Orsinium release, I will really be pissed off and if you nothing do about that, I'll surely look for another game (and I play ESO for something like two years now so I love that game, I don't say that to show off). I just do not want a damned pop-up appeared in my face when I play (and enjoy) the game !

You're really want to promote your CR Store, I'm fine with that, but just make that pop-up appeared in the launcher or in character selection screen, one time a week or when you're release some new content that will be fine I guess, but not in middle of your game when people want to play and don''t look or want any advertising ! ESO is such a good game, this is just a low and greedy way to promote your content ZOS, you already make this mistake once with your yellow advertising message for some random mount, do not make it twice.

I hope that was just a bug, a little something left in the code, or just something for the PTS ... I really hope so.

NB : Sorry if my english isn't perfect or if I misspelled something, it's not my native langage.
  • Vyle_Byte
    Its my understanding that these are only supposed to pop up the very first time you log in for the day and only on one character.

    This was their answer to us not liking the last thing they tried.
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
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    Viva la Byte
  • BuggeX
    it was there also on the earlybeta.

    i wrote in threads and official Feedback threads they should Keep it also live, and ask before they make Change like Stamina regen etcetc.

    but well......................

    edit: ohh well i did understand somthing else-,- well this is ***, but it should just apear when new items are added to the cs
    Edited by BuggeX on October 16, 2015 2:35PM
  • Alkalieth
    Soul Shriven
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Its my understanding that these are only supposed to pop up the very first time you log in for the day and only on one character.

    This was their answer to us not liking the last thing they tried.

    Then that do not work like intended ... I see this ad after maybe two hours playing the game (I was doing some recording for my YT channel). If that work like you say, well, I do not like it but I can live with it, it's not that intruisive.
    Edited by Alkalieth on October 16, 2015 2:51PM
  • BuggeX
    Alkalieth wrote: »
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Its my understanding that these are only supposed to pop up the very first time you log in for the day and only on one character.

    This was their answer to us not liking the last thing they tried.

    Then that do not work like intended ... I see this ad after maybe two hours playing the game (I was doing some recording for my YT channel). If that work like you say, well, I do not like it but I can live with it, it's not that intruisive.

    currently it is Buggy and Keep poping up, this isuess should be fixed within the releas
  • Alkalieth
    Soul Shriven
    I hope so because I don't want that poping in middle of a dungeon or in a trial but I'm felling a little more better now.

    Anyway, thanks for the info, I really hope they will fix it before the release or make it poping elsewhere like in the character selection screen. I'll surely prefer that.
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Alkalieth wrote: »
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Its my understanding that these are only supposed to pop up the very first time you log in for the day and only on one character.

    This was their answer to us not liking the last thing they tried.

    Then that do not work like intended ... I see this ad after maybe two hours playing the game (I was doing some recording for my YT channel). If that work like you say, well, I do not like it but I can live with it, it's not that intruisive.

    If you look back at what ZOS claimed was immersion breaking and compare it to this, well, I find this add to be far more intrusive than things like displaying numbers on health bars. As I noted in another thread, this type of advertising is a F2P tactic that you can usually disable by purchasing a premium subscription. So where does the advertising stop? Whn you pay for ESO+ despite having to purchase the base game? Can you never disable it unless someone gives us an add-on?

    I mean, everyone knows there is a cash shop, yet they won't give us holiday events because they break immersion and then they place pop-up ads instead of using an in-game merchant that advertises when you enter a new area, or an in-game mail, or even a freaking loading screen (which we look at for at least 10 minutes for every few hours we play). I'm sorry but a pop-up is incredibly intrusive when they could have advertised in several different ways that would not break immersion.
  • Valrien
    Alkalieth wrote: »
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Its my understanding that these are only supposed to pop up the very first time you log in for the day and only on one character.

    This was their answer to us not liking the last thing they tried.

    Then that do not work like intended ... I see this ad after maybe two hours playing the game (I was doing some recording for my YT channel). If that work like you say, well, I do not like it but I can live with it, it's not that intruisive.

    If you look back at what ZOS claimed was immersion breaking and compare it to this, well, I find this add to be far more intrusive than things like displaying numbers on health bars. As I noted in another thread, this type of advertising is a F2P tactic that you can usually disable by purchasing a premium subscription. So where does the advertising stop? Whn you pay for ESO+ despite having to purchase the base game? Can you never disable it unless someone gives us an add-on?

    I mean, everyone knows there is a cash shop, yet they won't give us holiday events because they break immersion and then they place pop-up ads instead of using an in-game merchant that advertises when you enter a new area, or an in-game mail, or even a freaking loading screen (which we look at for at least 10 minutes for every few hours we play). I'm sorry but a pop-up is incredibly intrusive when they could have advertised in several different ways that would not break immersion.

    It's only supposed to pop up when they add new things to the crown store, and only once per account. This is broken, so stop complaining about it like it's intended.
    Valrien Dravic -- Level 50 Dunmeri Sorcerer (EP)
    Garahel Dravic -- Level 50 Bosmeri Nightblade (EP)
    Tamriel Unlimited was a mistake. One Tamriel was a bigger mistake
  • Ayantir
    We all know what the store is, what the key is to go toe crown store, why don't you add those things in loading screens instead of popups ?
    Obsessive Compulsive Elder Scrolls addons Coder
    A Few millions downloads of ESO addons now.
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    My little french Guild: Cercle de l'Eveil
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Valrien wrote: »
    Alkalieth wrote: »
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Its my understanding that these are only supposed to pop up the very first time you log in for the day and only on one character.

    This was their answer to us not liking the last thing they tried.

    Then that do not work like intended ... I see this ad after maybe two hours playing the game (I was doing some recording for my YT channel). If that work like you say, well, I do not like it but I can live with it, it's not that intruisive.

    If you look back at what ZOS claimed was immersion breaking and compare it to this, well, I find this add to be far more intrusive than things like displaying numbers on health bars. As I noted in another thread, this type of advertising is a F2P tactic that you can usually disable by purchasing a premium subscription. So where does the advertising stop? Whn you pay for ESO+ despite having to purchase the base game? Can you never disable it unless someone gives us an add-on?

    I mean, everyone knows there is a cash shop, yet they won't give us holiday events because they break immersion and then they place pop-up ads instead of using an in-game merchant that advertises when you enter a new area, or an in-game mail, or even a freaking loading screen (which we look at for at least 10 minutes for every few hours we play). I'm sorry but a pop-up is incredibly intrusive when they could have advertised in several different ways that would not break immersion.

    It's only supposed to pop up when they add new things to the crown store, and only once per account. This is broken, so stop complaining about it like it's intended.

    The point is not the frequency or size of the pop-up ad but the fact that the pop-up ad even exists. As noted there are several more immersive ways to provide the same information, especially during loading screens and/or with in-game mail.
    Edited by Hiero_Glyph on October 18, 2015 7:36PM
  • Valrien
    Valrien wrote: »
    Alkalieth wrote: »
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Its my understanding that these are only supposed to pop up the very first time you log in for the day and only on one character.

    This was their answer to us not liking the last thing they tried.

    Then that do not work like intended ... I see this ad after maybe two hours playing the game (I was doing some recording for my YT channel). If that work like you say, well, I do not like it but I can live with it, it's not that intruisive.

    If you look back at what ZOS claimed was immersion breaking and compare it to this, well, I find this add to be far more intrusive than things like displaying numbers on health bars. As I noted in another thread, this type of advertising is a F2P tactic that you can usually disable by purchasing a premium subscription. So where does the advertising stop? Whn you pay for ESO+ despite having to purchase the base game? Can you never disable it unless someone gives us an add-on?

    I mean, everyone knows there is a cash shop, yet they won't give us holiday events because they break immersion and then they place pop-up ads instead of using an in-game merchant that advertises when you enter a new area, or an in-game mail, or even a freaking loading screen (which we look at for at least 10 minutes for every few hours we play). I'm sorry but a pop-up is incredibly intrusive when they could have advertised in several different ways that would not break immersion.

    It's only supposed to pop up when they add new things to the crown store, and only once per account. This is broken, so stop complaining about it like it's intended.

    The point is not the frequency or size of the pop-up ad but the fact that the pop-up ad even exists. As noted there are several more immersive ways to provide the same information, especially during loading screens and/or with in-game mail.

    Why would anyone pay attention to a loading screen? They last so long that I personally tab out to read the forums. I'm in a loading screen right now!

    Honestly, a one-time pop-up is the best way to do it. Because people will pay attention to it, and they'll know what's going on in the crown store. The reasoning behind it is simple enough, people get pissed off when they miss a deal they didn't know about, so this is Zenimax's response.
    Valrien Dravic -- Level 50 Dunmeri Sorcerer (EP)
    Garahel Dravic -- Level 50 Bosmeri Nightblade (EP)
    Tamriel Unlimited was a mistake. One Tamriel was a bigger mistake
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Valrien wrote: »
    Valrien wrote: »
    Alkalieth wrote: »
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Its my understanding that these are only supposed to pop up the very first time you log in for the day and only on one character.

    This was their answer to us not liking the last thing they tried.

    Then that do not work like intended ... I see this ad after maybe two hours playing the game (I was doing some recording for my YT channel). If that work like you say, well, I do not like it but I can live with it, it's not that intruisive.

    If you look back at what ZOS claimed was immersion breaking and compare it to this, well, I find this add to be far more intrusive than things like displaying numbers on health bars. As I noted in another thread, this type of advertising is a F2P tactic that you can usually disable by purchasing a premium subscription. So where does the advertising stop? Whn you pay for ESO+ despite having to purchase the base game? Can you never disable it unless someone gives us an add-on?

    I mean, everyone knows there is a cash shop, yet they won't give us holiday events because they break immersion and then they place pop-up ads instead of using an in-game merchant that advertises when you enter a new area, or an in-game mail, or even a freaking loading screen (which we look at for at least 10 minutes for every few hours we play). I'm sorry but a pop-up is incredibly intrusive when they could have advertised in several different ways that would not break immersion.

    It's only supposed to pop up when they add new things to the crown store, and only once per account. This is broken, so stop complaining about it like it's intended.

    The point is not the frequency or size of the pop-up ad but the fact that the pop-up ad even exists. As noted there are several more immersive ways to provide the same information, especially during loading screens and/or with in-game mail.

    Why would anyone pay attention to a loading screen? They last so long that I personally tab out to read the forums. I'm in a loading screen right now!

    Honestly, a one-time pop-up is the best way to do it. Because people will pay attention to it, and they'll know what's going on in the crown store. The reasoning behind it is simple enough, people get pissed off when they miss a deal they didn't know about, so this is Zenimax's response.

    If ZOS chooses to do this then they should also provide the option to disable it for those of us who are not worried about missing an item in the crown store. Instead it is being forced on everyone in one of the most intrusive ways possible by literally blocking your screen until you acknowledge the item(s). Just as you ignore loading screens many players will immediately close the pop-up without even giving it a thought. It's just another bad solution for something that could be a fun way to advertise to players about new items. I mean imagine having an NPC ride up on a new mount and actually interacting with you about new items, or getting an in-game mail with a fun backstory. Sorry, here's a pop-up ad you have to close before you can play the game; just think of it like an additional loading screen (you pay attention to those, right?).
    Edited by Hiero_Glyph on October 19, 2015 1:12AM
  • Jemcrystal
    And here it is. I wondered why everyone was so angry at zos. I found it. This is the seed that turned into a monstrous plant later. You angered the people with this and they never forgave you zos. You should have listened to this one person. Would have saved you so much headache. But years later the trolls have taken over for bitterness you planted so long ago. How could you not see that PEOPLE HATE POPUPS AND ADDS. My god what is the most downloaded internet item of all time? What is it zos? You have it on your own computers. Do you know what it is?


    And look what you have done.
  • ZOS_Bill
    We're closing this thread as it's a necro from over a year ago. You are welcome to make a new thread on this topic if you would like to continue discussion.
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