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What to do with a healer who keeps dying?

I'm a Templar Tank that has a good amount of experience with dungeons,but not a veteran by any standard. I usually run with 1 2-handed with lots of fire spells for the mobs, and then use sword and shield for bosses, with my sword and shield I only use defensives/taunts, and 1 healing spell just in case. Usually when I do dungeons my group does extremely well, often times no one takes any damage at all (except me of course, but it is healed/blocked) There is some times when I die, but that is usually only when it's my first time on the boss or in the situation below.

Ever so often, specifically on the bosses who do a lot of AoE attacks I find that although I am still taunting the boss, the healers die very early on and our group topples. Is there a way to help the healer at all or is that on his end? Like I said I'm taunting and absorbing most of the damage already (except for other smaller enemies during the boss battle, the DPS usually handle that while I deal with the boss.) Is this just a situation where the healer has to be aware of his surroundings and make sure not to be in the AoE? Any help is appreciated.

Edited by ZeSlaughterhaus on March 11, 2017 7:59PM
  • zaria
    Who dungeons is this?
    Might be healers who don't have situation awareness and only watch health bars.
    An issue for low CP healers with low health, if its guild runs it might be an idea to tell healer to get more health protection.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • ZeSlaughterhaus
    zaria wrote: »
    Who dungeons is this?
    Might be healers who don't have situation awareness and only watch health bars.
    An issue for low CP healers with low health, if its guild runs it might be an idea to tell healer to get more health protection.

    The most recent experience I've had with the situation I mentioned before was in the Imperial City Prison, the final boss. The rest of our group were handling pretty well but the healer was dying frequently. In this situation, we were all aware of the Warden's abilities so we knew how to defeat him, but we were unable to.

    The healer in this situation was pretty new to the game (as is with most of my experiences similar to this one,) so I assume that's part of it. I think that you are right in that this usually just happens with low health/ newer healers, who perhaps haven't built their character correctly for a healer, or do not have situation awareness.

    I'll be sure to pass on the advice, thanks for the help.

  • zaria
    Add that did not eat food is an common one :)
    Changing some enchants to health might also help, an healer is not so max magic focused as an dps, regen is more important, not dying is critical, more critical than if an dps goes down. :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • SBC
    zaria wrote: »
    Who dungeons is this?
    Might be healers who don't have situation awareness and only watch health bars.
    An issue for low CP healers with low health, if its guild runs it might be an idea to tell healer to get more health protection.

    The most recent experience I've had with the situation I mentioned before was in the Imperial City Prison, the final boss. The rest of our group were handling pretty well but the healer was dying frequently. In this situation, we were all aware of the Warden's abilities so we knew how to defeat him, but we were unable to.

    The healer in this situation was pretty new to the game (as is with most of my experiences similar to this one,) so I assume that's part of it. I think that you are right in that this usually just happens with low health/ newer healers, who perhaps haven't built their character correctly for a healer, or do not have situation awareness.

    I'll be sure to pass on the advice, thanks for the help.

    I wonder if you were the one I was running with in ICP lol. Healer constantly died and would not listen to instructions; they ended up bailing.
  • AcadianPaladin
    It does sound like inexperience.

    I mean, my healer has an obsessive focus on the health bars of others but has painfully learned the essential truth of paying enough attention to her own to stay alive.

    The other stuff of positioning/moving, food buffing, balancing the 'right' amount of health vs magicka via enchants/set bonuses should come with time/experience.

    Can't speak to other classes, but my templar healer is also pretty tough between her heals and leaching sweeps if needed for self-defense.

    Edited by AcadianPaladin on March 12, 2017 3:49PM
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • ZeSlaughterhaus
    zaria wrote: »
    Who dungeons is this?
    Might be healers who don't have situation awareness and only watch health bars.
    An issue for low CP healers with low health, if its guild runs it might be an idea to tell healer to get more health protection.

    The most recent experience I've had with the situation I mentioned before was in the Imperial City Prison, the final boss. The rest of our group were handling pretty well but the healer was dying frequently. In this situation, we were all aware of the Warden's abilities so we knew how to defeat him, but we were unable to.

    The healer in this situation was pretty new to the game (as is with most of my experiences similar to this one,) so I assume that's part of it. I think that you are right in that this usually just happens with low health/ newer healers, who perhaps haven't built their character correctly for a healer, or do not have situation awareness.

    I'll be sure to pass on the advice, thanks for the help.

    I wonder if you were the one I was running with in ICP lol. Healer constantly died and would not listen to instructions; they ended up bailing.

    That wasn't me, in mine 1 of the DPS' went afk, so the healer and the other DPS decided to leave, because by that time we had probably failed like 8 times on the warden lol
  • Magdalina
    zaria wrote: »
    Who dungeons is this?
    Might be healers who don't have situation awareness and only watch health bars.
    An issue for low CP healers with low health, if its guild runs it might be an idea to tell healer to get more health protection.

    The most recent experience I've had with the situation I mentioned before was in the Imperial City Prison, the final boss. The rest of our group were handling pretty well but the healer was dying frequently. In this situation, we were all aware of the Warden's abilities so we knew how to defeat him, but we were unable to.

    The healer in this situation was pretty new to the game (as is with most of my experiences similar to this one,) so I assume that's part of it. I think that you are right in that this usually just happens with low health/ newer healers, who perhaps haven't built their character correctly for a healer, or do not have situation awareness.

    I'll be sure to pass on the advice, thanks for the help.

    Annulment, Annulment, and then moar Annulment. It's the light armor active skill that shields you and one of its morphs restores magicka based on magic damage done to you, too(amd aside from actual Warden's melee hits all of that fight is magicka damage). The shield's strength is based on max magicka which given every healer is a magicka build should make it fairly strong(my sorc's Annulment is roughly 18K I think). It only lasts 6 seconds now so it's hard to keep up all the time but it's still a life saver.
    Also yes, higher health helps a bit. ~18-20k perhaps? You can run ~16 but you do need to be extra careful then.

    As a templar, you should also have a somewhat easier time with recovering from healer's death than most. You can offheal your team with BoL(be careful though, it is pricey to spam) - that if you're a magicka build, if stamina, guess Vigor it is - and res quick enough.

    Also if your healer was getting targeted by Warden's machine gun-like attack, it is a bit tricky. Annulment spam should help it still. Not sure if you know that part but even though that attack ignores taunt you can somewhat stop it by standing directly in its way, between Warden and his victim, it will likely make him target you instead. The victim needs to survive long enough for that too though so Annulment spam it is ;)
  • Turelus
    What to do with a healer who keeps dying?
    What to do with a healer who keeps dying?
    What to do with a healer who keeps dying?
    Early in the Dungeon!

    Vote to kick until it passes,
    Vote to kick until it passes,
    Vote to kick until it passes,
    Early in the Dungeon!

    Please note I don't condone kicking members without a talk and attempt to resolve it first.

    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Ozstryker
    There was a post similar to this recently, and in that post there were a lot of dumb comments like,"we don't need healers in this game" and "I equip BoL and que as a healer so the que is instant"
    I think the latter is probably the problem here, in easier dungeons and with the right tank certain inabilities can be masked, but in vets not so much! There are things good healers do that dds don't see.. positioning, managing buffs/debuffs etc.
    When I started healing in eso we'd get into a heavy boss battle, and while positioning myself around dds poor poisoning and managing buff rotations etc inenvertantly id do something stupid like stand in aoe, or miss a mechanic and die... although.. once is a mistake, more than once = bigger issues!
  • Sharee
    Depending on circumstances, guard might help ( the skill from the alliance war support line). It redirects a portion of the damage the guarded person would take to the one guarding him instead.
  • vamp_emily
    I'm a healer and I die all the time. Not on normal content, but some vet dungeons I do bad. DLC vet dungeons, I can not complete, normally can't even pass the first boss.

    For me, I think it is mostly a learning issue. I never give up, but something with my build could be wrong, or I just don't understand the mechanics. Sometimes, it is because the players that are DPSing their damage is not high enough, or the tank is not tanking and then I get hit and die. It could be that I am wearing a trial build ( worm and spc gold ). It is not always my fault I die.

    Yesterday, I was doing COA II on Vet. I did great till that last boss. The last boss, we almost completed in the first run, but after that it just went down hill. I personally don't mind if people tell me they need to replace me, because there is some content I just can't do. I'm a vampire and COA was the worst place for me :)

    A lot of people just don't understand some players are new, and some players just don't get it. My advice to the OP is offer them help, teach them how to play if they are willing to listen. Or just find a group or guild that doesn't have a healer that dies. Finally, and most important don't be a jerk.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Ozstryker
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    For me, I think it is mostly a learning issue. I never give up, but something with my build could be wrong, or I just don't understand the mechanics. Sometimes, it is because the players that are DPSing their damage is not high enough, or the tank is not tanking and then I get hit and die. It could be that I am wearing a trial build ( worm and spc gold ). It is not always my fault I die.

    I hear ya.. The first boss in Banished Cells, on vet mode throws an ice cyclone/vortex towards a random player(I'm at work I'll edit correct names in later) that hits for around 19k.. now, I died once or twice to this, so.. I now maintain 19k+ health and around the same in spell resistance.. I live through everything now! Also this boss mechanic is easily interruptible, so sometimes your tank could do more! I prefer not to rely on others to save me though ;)
  • Deedleqwerty
    I'm a Templar Tank that has a good amount of experience with dungeons,but not a veteran by any standard. I usually run with 1 2-handed with lots of fire spells for the mobs, and then use sword and shield for bosses, with my sword and shield I only use defensives/taunts, and 1 healing spell just in case. Usually when I do dungeons my group does extremely well, often times no one takes any damage at all (except me of course, but it is healed/blocked) There is some times when I die, but that is usually only when it's my first time on the boss or in the situation below.

    Ever so often, specifically on the bosses who do a lot of AoE attacks I find that although I am still taunting the boss, the healers die very early on and our group topples. Is there a way to help the healer at all or is that on his end? Like I said I'm taunting and absorbing most of the damage already (except for other smaller enemies during the boss battle, the DPS usually handle that while I deal with the boss.) Is this just a situation where the healer has to be aware of his surroundings and make sure not to be in the AoE? Any help is appreciated.

    You're really not giving us much information here, so the advice is likewise limited: Tell the healer, "Don't stand in the red circle."
    ~Deedleqwerty [PS5] / NA / EU
    CP 2940 NA / CP 1661 EU
    Aldmeri Dominion - Wardevils
    See you in Cyrodiil
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