Stam DK, or Mag DK?

What do people find to be a more fun, or more I interesting PvE class. I've leveled my stam DK (redguard) to level 25, but I am finding I like the magic abilities of the class more than the DW/bow setup I have going. I love the dots from stam builds, but I feel like a mag DK would lend itself to more DK skills used. It seems like stam DKs only have a few abilities from the class to use, where the mag DKs would be using more DK abilities than weapon abilities.

I run random dungeons with the rearguard, and do just fine, but I would like to know if a mag DK would do better in groups/solo questing. I have a level 5 dunmer running magicka, just wondering what people find to be the most fun. Stam classes all seem the same to me, running DW/bow abilities, with a few class abilities sprinkled in, running medium armor, among them all feel very similar, no matter the class.

I would also like to say, I plan on leveling my stam classes eventually, but I want something that feels different from all DW/bow specs, which I understand is the only way to max DPS as a stam character, using more weapon skills than class skills, making classes feel mostly useless outside of 1-3 abilities. If this is the norm, I will more.than likely stick to leveling my stam DK/Templar around the same pace, but so many of the mag DK abilities are very interesting to me. I love the fire aspect to the class, but if I'm going to be pigeonholed into weapon skills, I may hold off for a while.

Any advice on the matter is appreciated, just keep in mind, though I am a vet in the elder scroll games, I am still new-ish to the iteration of the franchise.
Edited by klowdy1 on March 7, 2017 8:18AM
  • Turelus
    Dunmer Magicka DK is really enjoyable.

    Sure it's the meta everyone plays, but nothing says kick butt destruction (fire) magic wizard like that combo.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • klowdy1
    Turelus wrote: »
    Dunmer Magicka DK is really enjoyable.

    Sure it's the meta everyone plays, but nothing says kick butt destruction (fire) magic wizard like that combo.

    Is the spec more oriented towards destruction staff, or Mag DK abilities? That is my big deciding factor for when I start leveling my mag DK. I want something more class skill oriented, and not mostly based on generic weapon skills.
  • Turelus
    I believe it's more class skill based with weaving in Destruction Staff attacks, most likely the destruction ultimate for it's crazy power.

    Your best bet for the specifics would be to check some build videos or sites (Tamriel Foundry), I've not actually updated my DK since returning so don't know the current builds which work best.

    Either way though you're probably going to use some of the skills from the weapon line from time to time as they're beneficial.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • klowdy1
    Turelus wrote: »
    I believe it's more class skill based with weaving in Destruction Staff attacks, most likely the destruction ultimate for it's crazy power.

    Your best bet for the specifics would be to check some build videos or sites (Tamriel Foundry), I've not actually updated my DK since returning so don't know the current builds which work best.

    Either way though you're probably going to use some of the skills from the weapon line from time to time as they're beneficial.

    That is no problem to me, but running stam builds seem to limit the amount of actual class skills to prioritize weapon skills as the majority of the damage, which is why DW/bow is the best for all stam classes outsidenof tanks. I have no problem with mixing in staff skills, but only using staff skills with a sprinkle of class skills defeats the purpose of classes in my mind.
  • strikeback1247
    I have a stam dk and a mag dk and they are both a lot of fun. However, if you go stam dk, you are kinda bound to one specific build while you can run different builds on a mag dk. I made a heavy attack mag dk and it is so much fun!
    P.A.W.S. - Positively Against Wild Sasquatches - NO TO BIGFOOT!
  • Vapirko
    I think it depends on goals. As many say mag DK can be more fun and have some cool build options. If by chance you're going for endgame dps build, stam dks still rate as one of the highest single target damage. But yes they're limited in builds. I have two, one as endgame dps, and one that I run in pvp where I actually boost my magicka and make use of igneous shield and dragon fire scales. Both awesome abilities if used with good timing. Stam DKs are perhaps the most unforgiving class to play atm.
    Edited by Vapirko on March 7, 2017 9:11AM
  • klowdy1
    Vapirko wrote: »
    I think it depends on goals. As many say mag DK can be more fun and have some cool build options. If by chance you're going for endgame dps build, stam dks still rate as one of the highest single target damage. But yes they're limited in builds. I have two, one as endgame dps, and one that I run in pvp where I actually boost my magicka and make use of igneous shield and dragon fire scales. Both awesome abilities if used with good timing. Stam DKs are perhaps the most unforgiving class to play atm.

    At this point, I would love to do end game raiding, but am unsure of my skill. I am currently focussed on getting to 50, but would like to start to get used to the raiding playstyle as much as I can while leveling.
  • Turelus
    klowdy1 wrote: »

    At this point, I would love to do end game raiding, but am unsure of my skill. I am currently focussed on getting to 50, but would like to start to get used to the raiding playstyle as much as I can while leveling.

    Watch and read some guides about how to do rotations/animation cancelling/weaving of attacks and when you find enemies hard enough in questing practice it a little.

    Sadly the core game zones don't give much experience or training for trials (raids), you can also start working on some group dungeons either via the group finder or asking in your factions main city for groups.

    Lastly look for a good PvE guild, it doesn't have to be a hardcore end game trials guild, but one which does trials and PvE content where you can speak with other members and learn about the game.

    Lastly, be cautious about what you hear and always have an open mind or check facts for yourself. Sadly there are a number of silly rumours and "facts" spread around ESO in regards to builds, mechanics and ease/difficulty of content, don't fall into the trap of hearing only "elite" guilds can clear content.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Anti_Virus
    Magicka DK.
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • cpuScientist
    I have both and use both in endgame raiding.

    MagDK only uses wall of elements from the destro line. They spam whip they use standard as their ultimates (NEVER USE DESTRO ULTI IN PVE where DPS matters) the playstyle and rotation is once you get used to it, is one of the easiest thing to pull off IMO. It's involved but all the dots and the rotation just smoothly comes together. They use alot of the skills in the tree so if that's your goal go for it.

    StamDK use the stam dots and standard, when you get the daggers from VMA they then do amazing DPS however they are not using as much of the DPS abilities like mag uses, and are alot more reliant on weapon skill lines like all stam are. But this rotation is also one of the easiest you can pull off in game, but the very high end DPS is dependent on VMA weapons. Which are for many hard to get, and even if you get the place on farm, it's still a FARM.

    I like them both and it's up to you as to which seems better.
    Decent stam dk build would be alcasts venom build. You can look it up but red guards have really good sustain as stam dk. If you would rather do magic I'd say you probably want to race change to a more magic based race like Breton or dunmer.

    I play an imperial stam dk and I enjoy it but I wanted to focus on melee and weapon damage.

    Also almost all skills morph to suit which style you chose. Basically all class skill lines have a morph for each magic and stam. For instance searing strike can morph to venomous claws a stam based morph or burning embers which is the magic based morph.
    Rhaegar Gregorson, The Ebonheart Centurion - Imperial Dragonknight
    RABIDxWOLVERINE - Xbox One, NA, Ebonheart Pact


  • klowdy1
    Decent stam dk build would be alcasts venom build. You can look it up but red guards have really good sustain as stam dk. If you would rather do magic I'd say you probably want to race change to a more magic based race like Breton or dunmer.

    I play an imperial stam dk and I enjoy it but I wanted to focus on melee and weapon damage.

    Also almost all skills morph to suit which style you chose. Basically all class skill lines have a morph for each magic and stam. For instance searing strike can morph to venomous claws a stam based morph or burning embers which is the magic based morph.

    Yea, I have a redguard for my stam build, and dunmer, for the extra fire damage, as my mag build. I'm not huge on race min/maxing, proof with my nord templar, but redguard and dunmer have always been my favorite races, so it worked out well.

    My stam DK is 24 at the time of the post, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on that build, but I'm only 7 on my mag DK, and was hoping that would end up using more class skills than a stam build.

    I would like to thank everyone for the help. This is probably the most mature game forum I've been on since early vanilla WoW, outside of a few randos that are inevitable in any MMO. It is quite uplifting to find a game community with more help than flame.
  • Malkorga
    Dunmer magicka dk. Recently re-acquired vamparism
  • Meneltor
    Soul Shriven
    All exclusively depends on your play style, many people do not understand. In any case, you're going to play better on what you accustomed to, including other MMORPGs.
  • klowdy1
    Meneltor wrote: »
    All exclusively depends on your play style, many people do not understand. In any case, you're going to play better on what you accustomed to, including other MMORPGs.

    I see this a lot. I am usually melee because most other MMOs have a stand still and cast playstyle. I get you are trying to help, but I have stated that I have played both caster and melee specs, and don't mind either in this game. My question was 1) what do others find fun, and 2) what is more viable in the end, while using more class skills as opposed to weapon skills. These responses are not helpful to anyone, but people still give them like its the best advice in the world.

    It also seems others are not actually reading the posts beyond the OP, because I have stated, my mag DK is in fact a dunmer. I also understand that many morphs make the abilities suit stam or mag play, but there are more than enough posts stating that fact.

    Again, if you wish to post a real answer, give more than the race, and the morph possibilities. These are the basic of the basics, and not an answer to what I am asking.

    reiteration; Is mag DK fun and viable in the end, and are you focusing on class skills, or weapon skills. Treat me like I have a basic knowledge of the game, and not trying to figure out the difference between stam and mag.
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    klowdy1 wrote: »

    I see this a lot. I am usually melee because most other MMOs have a stand still and cast playstyle. I get you are trying to help, but I have stated that I have played both caster and melee specs, and don't mind either in this game. My question was 1) what do others find fun, and 2) what is more viable in the end, while using more class skills as opposed to weapon skills. These responses are not helpful to anyone, but people still give them like its the best advice in the world.

    It also seems others are not actually reading the posts beyond the OP, because I have stated, my mag DK is in fact a dunmer. I also understand that many morphs make the abilities suit stam or mag play, but there are more than enough posts stating that fact.

    Again, if you wish to post a real answer, give more than the race, and the morph possibilities. These are the basic of the basics, and not an answer to what I am asking.

    reiteration; Is mag DK fun and viable in the end, and are you focusing on class skills, or weapon skills. Treat me like I have a basic knowledge of the game, and not trying to figure out the difference between stam and mag.

    Magicka dragonknight is very good in endgame PvE right now. We have several builds that are viable in endgame, for example the following:

    You see that there are several playstyles that enable you to dish out really good damage and simultaneously provide group utility.

    My Elemental fury guide contains a solo playstyle alternative and a Raw Damage Component (which is also usable in vMA), while the other two guides rather focus on the pure damage dealer role and dish out a little more single target damage as a tradeoff for group support and aoe in my build.

    Just choose whichever you prefer and have fun with it. If you like theorycrafting you can come up with a build yourself (like I prefer over copying someone else's setups), but that usually requires a fundamental understanding of the games math behind it.

    Stamina DK might become viable again when ZoS decides to bring stamina back up. We literally have no stamina dds in our raids right now (except when our tank decides to go DD on his argonian stamina DK tank once in a while).
    PC EU

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