What do people find to be a more fun, or more I interesting PvE class. I've leveled my stam DK (redguard) to level 25, but I am finding I like the magic abilities of the class more than the DW/bow setup I have going. I love the dots from stam builds, but I feel like a mag DK would lend itself to more DK skills used. It seems like stam DKs only have a few abilities from the class to use, where the mag DKs would be using more DK abilities than weapon abilities.
I run random dungeons with the rearguard, and do just fine, but I would like to know if a mag DK would do better in groups/solo questing. I have a level 5 dunmer running magicka, just wondering what people find to be the most fun. Stam classes all seem the same to me, running DW/bow abilities, with a few class abilities sprinkled in, running medium armor, among them all feel very similar, no matter the class.
I would also like to say, I plan on leveling my stam classes eventually, but I want something that feels different from all DW/bow specs, which I understand is the only way to max DPS as a stam character, using more weapon skills than class skills, making classes feel mostly useless outside of 1-3 abilities. If this is the norm, I will more.than likely stick to leveling my stam DK/Templar around the same pace, but so many of the mag DK abilities are very interesting to me. I love the fire aspect to the class, but if I'm going to be pigeonholed into weapon skills, I may hold off for a while.
Any advice on the matter is appreciated, just keep in mind, though I am a vet in the elder scroll games, I am still new-ish to the iteration of the franchise.
Edited by klowdy1 on March 7, 2017 8:18AM