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Leveling Legerdemain now?

What is the quickest way to level Legerdemain now?
It used to be slaughtering sheep on Khenarthi's Roost and selling the guts but now the shepards level with you so you can't oneshot them to avoid a bounty.
3 new classes. 3 new spellcasters. Zenimax has forgotten how to make melee classes.
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    Go to auridon
    Go down to the vulkhel guard wayshrine
    go to docks turn right deadend at a wharehouse
    you can loot there without a guard
    log out log in again and do same
    then go to outlaws refuse to fence
  • Greydir
    Or you could still one shot the Shephards by using the blade of woe from the starting quest of the Assasins guild.
    Sir Greydir - Dunmer DK
    Don Greydir - Kajit NB
    Ser Greydir - Imperial DK
    Dieser-Greydir-Heilt - Argonier Templer
    Greydir Finsterklinge - Bretone NB
    Greydir Drakenson - Nord Hüter
    Clear: vAA HM - vHrC HM - vSO HM - vMoL HM - vHoF TTT - vAS [+2] - vCR [+3] GH - vSS HM - vKA HM - vRG
  • Nestor
    Can you get to Wrothgar? The City of Orsinium is a Thieves Wet Dream

    Don't forget to launder provisioning ingredients and style/trait items, Laundering levels your Legerdemain too.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Kevin_of_Devinshire
    Daggerfall has the ships as well, that are a great place to loot, then fence. Rinse and repeat.
  • BlackSparrow
    1. Go to Daggerfall City.
    2. Go to the northwest docks.
    3. Loot first ship.
    4. Loot second ship.
    5. Go to refuge and fence/launder everything
    6. Repeat until you are a rich, famous, and handsome/beautiful master thief!
    Living vicariously through my characters.

    My Girls:
    "If you were trapped in your house for, say, a year, how would you pass the time?"

    Nephikah the Houseless, dunmer assassin: "I suppose I could use the break. I have a lot of business holdings now that need management."
    Swum-Many-Waters, elderly argonian healer: "I think that I would enjoy writing a memoir."
    Silh'ki, khajiit warrior-chef: "Would this one be able to go outside, to the nearby river? It's hard to fish without water!"
    Peregrine Huntress, bosmer hunter: "Who is forcing me to stay inside, and where can I find them?"
    Lorenyawe, altmer mechanist: "And why would I want to go outside in the first place? Too much to be done in the workshop."
    Lorelai Magpie, breton master thief: "I'd go nuts. Lucky for me, I have a little experience sneaking out!"
    Rasheda the Burning Heart, redguard knight: "I would continue my training to keep my skills sharp."
    Hex-Eye Azabi, khajiit daedric priestess: "I suppose it would be lucky, then, that I built a shrine to Mephala in my backyard."
    Yngva Stormhammer, nord bandit (reformed...ish): "I hate being inside even when I'm not forced to be. GET. ME. OUT."
    Madam Argentia, vampire dunmer aristocrat: "I suppose it would be more of the same. I have a rather... contentious relationship with the sun."
    Mazie gra-Bolga, orc scout: "Uh... I'd have to house train my bear..."
    Felicia the Wanderer, imperial witch-for-hire: "What Lorelai said."
    Calico Jaka-dra, retired khajiit pirate: "This one would like a rest from her grand adventures. Her jewel shop runs out of stock!"
    Shimmerbeam, blind altmer psijic: "Provided that I am confined to Artaeum, I do not think I will want for things to occupy my time."
    Shauna Blackfire, redguard necromancer: "Sounds like paradise. I hate people."
    Kirniel the Undying, cursed bosmer warrior: "I would feel useless, not being able to fight."
    Echoes-from-Dragons, argonian who thinks she's a dragon: "All the better to count my hoard!"

    (Signature idea shamelessly stolen from Abeille.)
  • davey1107
    I spend on point in the passivemthat allows more fencing. This gives you 110 sales and 110 fences per day.

    Go to orsinium. Enter inn complex on either side. This has a path with only a few npcs that yields 150-180 items per run (they stack, so you can make the trip w about 100 slots open).

    Sell/fence items. If you have a craft bag, you can pretty much get away with no vendor/bank services.

    I've done this on all 10 of my characters to get the sneak reduction passives...Leger lvl 16 at minimum. It's about ten trips in total to go from leger 1 to 16.

    Another decent strategy if you have thieves guild / dark brotherhood is to run these quest lines, and do their dailies. Dark bro dailies aren't timed and everything in there is "stolen." These missions offer leveling in those skill lines, as well as potentially valuable motif rewards.
    Edited by davey1107 on February 22, 2017 8:42PM
  • tinythinker
    I use the merchants just across the bridge in Mournhold (Shadowfen). The outlaw's refuge is behind the bank. You can loot the merchants blind (especially the light armor guy who never turns around), then run a few feet away to vendor it.

    Once I get the first two skill points into pickpocketing and forcing locks I do TG quests or just break into and loot all of those houses in Wayrest. Switch from one to the other when it gets tedious.
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    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Autolycus
    The most efficient method that I've found to level Legerdemain is to pickpocket, as you get experience for the act of pickpocketing itself, as well as experience for fencing or laundering stolen items. The same is true for lockboxes. Unfortunately, pickpocketing does not become an efficient method until you have at least two points into Light Fingers, so this is clearly not the best way to get the first several ranks. In the past, I had an efficient lockbox-farming route, but since 1T was released, population in virtually every zone is pretty high, so those routes are not very good due to the competition.

    Fortunately, I have a new suggestion for you! The beaches all around Khenarthi's Roost are littered with short-respawn treasure chests. I farmed these chests routinely when trying to get the achievement for opening chests (it's a lot). You don't get to launder or fence the items from it, but you do get experience for picking the lock (just don't force it, or you get zero exp), and these things are all over the place. You also get a chance at gear for selling or deconstructing, lots of soul gems (both filled and empty), and gold.

    Once you get a couple points into Light Fingers, visit Skywatch in Auridon. All of the Skywatch Celebrants are of the "easy" pickpocket difficulty, and there are a lot of 'em around. The only drawback to this is that you need to transit somewhere else to fence/launder. Don't try to pickpocket Mages Guild or Fighters Guild members until you get 3 points into Light Fingers, and avoid guards until you get 4 points.
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    You could also kill the shepherds and not care, stack up the loot, camp a refuge with that character and turn in daily. When Legerdemain is 20 you'll probably be done anyway. The alternative is you can do what I've been doing on newer characters and lazily thieving on them when I feel like it.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Remag_Div
    Does Legerdemain go all the way to level 50? If so that would take forever. I think I'm only level 18. lol

    What's the point of even going that high? I think I unlocked all the skills already at just level 18.
  • FluffyReachWitch
    Remag_Div wrote: »
    Does Legerdemain go all the way to level 50? If so that would take forever. I think I'm only level 18. lol

    What's the point of even going that high? I think I unlocked all the skills already at just level 18.

    Legerdemain goes up to 20. The last two upgrades improve your chance of forcing locks (great for lockboxes and heists) and reduce the amount of gold you pay to clear your bounty.

    Another way to level the skill once you're done selling and laundering loot for the day: Go somewhere with a lot of locked doors, like the city of Shornhelm (Rivenspire zone). Shornhelm has a handful of locked houses, and one of them has three locked doors. Unlock all those doors the hard way, playing the timed mini-game. Rinse and repeat for a steady skill gain.
  • Remag_Div
    Remag_Div wrote: »
    Does Legerdemain go all the way to level 50? If so that would take forever. I think I'm only level 18. lol

    What's the point of even going that high? I think I unlocked all the skills already at just level 18.

    Legerdemain goes up to 20. The last two upgrades improve your chance of forcing locks (great for lockboxes and heists) and reduce the amount of gold you pay to clear your bounty.

    Another way to level the skill once you're done selling and laundering loot for the day: Go somewhere with a lot of locked doors, like the city of Shornhelm (Rivenspire zone). Shornhelm has a handful of locked houses, and one of them has three locked doors. Unlock all those doors the hard way, playing the timed mini-game. Rinse and repeat for a steady skill gain.

    I'm so glad to hear it's 20. Means I'm almost done! B)
  • StackonClown
    MoTeets wrote: »
    then go to outlaws refuse to fence

    What's this 'Outlaw Refuse' ?

  • Pops_ND_Irish
    Some cities have these in them
    The symbol looks sort of like a dagger on the city map
    Not all cities have them
    You can fence or sell stolen items here, they have a merchant and banker as well (banker only allows you to access your bank not guild bank)
    Edited by Pops_ND_Irish on February 25, 2017 6:47AM
  • Duragon_Darko
    Just wanna say kudos and thanks to all on this thread. My Ledgermen was only 8 and I thought it was an after skill, something to do to pass the time. Now, the last 3 days, I've been logging in just to do this, lmfao. I set the screen to FPS and rob everyone blind. Reminds me of Skyrim, lol. Very fun, and taking away from my CP grind! Thanks guys.
    .... I have to admit, the devs do listen to reason, if not to the forums. Thank you for "nameplates", a welcome addition to immersion, as well as the text chat box for PS4, which only comes on the screen when I need it too, and helps this gameplay SO MUCH MORE then without it. THANK YOU for the additions. Very much appreciated.
  • davey1107

    In an ESO live they discussed that a couple of patches back (update 11 or 12) they changed the system so that higher leger levels offer better odds at rare items in chests, containers, etc.

    It's hard to calculate how much better, but on my leger 20 khajiit when I break into safes I pull a blue for every three greens, where before it felt closer to 1 to 8.
  • Remag_Div
    davey1107 wrote: »

    In an ESO live they discussed that a couple of patches back (update 11 or 12) they changed the system so that higher leger levels offer better odds at rare items in chests, containers, etc.

    It's hard to calculate how much better, but on my leger 20 khajiit when I break into safes I pull a blue for every three greens, where before it felt closer to 1 to 8.

    Never knew this. Good to know!
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