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The I'm Learning Tanking Build [StamDkTank for beginners-Homestead]

Hello, this small Guide/Build is for those tanks that just started the game and are lvls 1-50 or cp10-160cp

-noob friendly
-easy to start of your tanking journey
-you get to design the armor as it’s all crafted
-if your tank is your main crafter then you can craft this yourself

-hard to do pve content as it takes FOREVER to kill anything
-Don't be a vampire fire bad
-mostley for group dungeons(4 player dungeons)
-not recommended for all dungeons as you are new to tanking take it slow
-gear farming fear RNG
-need to farm materials and hire someone to craft you the gear

Gear for 160 and below
Hello there so you want to tank and don’t know how to go about it cause you are new first let us talk about our gear, you want 5-piece Hist Bark(4 traits need to craft) which will give you a chance to dodge an attack by 15% the set also gives you physical resistances and health bonuses and 4-piece Vampire Kiss(5 traits need to craft) just having 4 pieces of Vampire Kiss will help you by giving you health and healing these 2 sets will help you start on tanking you want the big pieces to have Infused trait on them just so the glyphs you buy can be increased and the small pieces you want to use sturdy so you can block longer, next up we have our jewelry we are using Endurance set you can buy these very cheap at guild stores about 1000 gold each not bad the jewelry is to give us health you get them also can get them from doing random normal or use any 3 jewelry you find that has healthy as place holders . Finally we have our weapons and shields you are going to want your one handed weapon to defending just so you can be tanky as it gives you resistance then you want to enchants your weapon with crusher enchant just to debuff enemies and for your shields you want it to be sturdy so you can block a lot enchant your shields with max stamina.

Gear for over 160+
Build for above 160cp+(some of the text here was copied and pasted off my build)
Hello so you now hit cp160 congrats you are now going to change the build you can use the previous build until you find the pieces you need first let’s talk about these gear with Blood Spawn it is such an amazing monster set for every tank you get ultimate and resistances from getting hurt the ultimate generating is awesome and the stam regen on the first piece of the monster set is somewhat useful out of combat since you don’t regenerate stamina from blocking, next up we have the Ebon set what makes this set great is the 5-piece bonus of giving your allies 1k HP when near you which will help them with survivability(Ebon set does not stack with other people’s Ebon set), and now the third set Hist Bark we are using it for that 15% dodge chance just like the first build.Remember only have 2 pieces of Ebon on your body and 3 ebon jewelry the rest will be Hist Bark, helm and shoulders must be held only for monster helm(Blood Spawn).

If you are cp 160+ and want an advanced build here a link to my other build

You want to put all of your attribute points into stamina and get the mundus stone of the atronach for magicka regeneration, you are going to want to have food that gives you tri-stats so that it gives you max HP, Stam, and Magicka and don’t forget to equip potions just use the ones you get

Let’s talk about skills
Bar 1
1.Heroic Slash (S&B skill)
2.Pierce Armor (S&B skill)
3.Harden Armor (Draconic Power skill)
4.Green Dragon Blood (Draconic Power skill)
5.Absorb Magic (S&B skill)
6.Ultimate:Magma Shell (Earthen Heart skill)
-Let’s talk about skill bar 1 first(some of the text here was copied and pasted off my build)
Skill bar one will be our main bar it will be used for your benefits, Heroic Slash will give you minor heroism giving you ultimate generated over time, Pierce Armor is a must have as it’s your main taunt not only that it breaks a lot of resistances on who you are taunting but you want to keep this up almost all the time on bosses you are the tank hold in place and move away from red as you are blocking bosses while applying this skill every 10 seconds, Harden Ward this skill must be kept on at all time when in combat it will give you Major Ward buff making you very tanky with the resistance you are given by this buff. Now our last skill Absorb Magic this skill is used for its passive of giving you 8% block cost reduction which is very nice, finally the ultimate Magma Shell this ult makes you very tanky reducing incoming damage from enemies, giving your allies a huge shield to protect them and you do minor damage to things around you also comes in handy when you are near death it will give you your resources back cause of DK passives also Green Dragons Blood is your self heal based of missing HP and gives you extra healing received.

Skill bar 2
1.Igneous Weapon (Earthen Heart skill)
2.Choking Talons (Draconic Power skill)
3.Unrelenting Grip(Ardent Flame skill)
4.Igneous Shield (Earthen Heart skill)
5.Absorb Magic (S&B skill)
Ultimate: Standard of Might(Ardent Flame skill)
-Let’s talk about skill bar 2 first(some of the text here was copied and pasted off my build)
Skill bar two will be our group buffing/support this will allow you to help the group in a few ways first we have Igneous Weapon giving your allies Major Brutality alloying them to do more damage, next up we have Choking Talons and Unrelenting Grip(chains) these two skills are a combo what you do is pull enemies to you with chains then use talons to hold them in place that way your group will AoE everything clearing the area of enemies very fast. Absorb Magic same as skill bar one,finally use Standard of Might if you want to do some nice DPS on a boss.

Champion point distribution of 165cp
[Red]The Lady
25 Hardy
20 Elemental Defender
10 Thick Skinned

[Green] The Tower
15 Warlord
15 Magician
[Green] The Lover
15 Arcanist
[Green] The Shadow
10 Shadow Ward

[Blue]The Apprentice
20 Blessed
20 Elfborn
[Blue]The Atronach
15 Melee Weapon Expert

Now I bet you are asking what dungeons am you capable of? you are capable of many dungeons if you are lvl 160+ i recommend you start farming Blood Spawn monster set and Ebon set, if you are below cp 160 stick to normal dungeons until you hit 160cp+ you can do every dungeon(not trials) but I strongly suggest you stay away from White-Gold Tower, Imperial City Prison, Ruins Of Mazzatun, Cradle of Shadow, City of Ash2, Fungal Grotto 2,Crypt of Hearts 2 and Darkshade Caverns 2 until you are at least 200cp+ for DLC dungeons I say 300cp+(but the 2nd build(the 160+) you can do these dungeons better :)

Races Recommended if you are new to tanking
5.Dark Elf
Race explanations
1.Imperials they have amazing passive of max HP(12%) and max stamina(10%) meaning more blocking more staying alive not only that but melee has a chance of giving you HP back
2.Nords they have the passives of max stamina(6%) and health recovery(20%), max health (9%), cold damage resistance and finally damage reduction(6%) that means you can tank take hits and lose less hp not only that but you have lots of health recovery some max stamina and max health very awesome for tanking.
3.Redguards the same as imperial but no health bonuses instead stamina amazing to block for long, max stamina of 10% and stamina recovery (9%)which isn't too bad but you wont get much stamina back as you are blocking most of the time and finally a chance to get stamina back with melee attack which is very nice.
4.Orcs they get max health and stamina(6% both) 20% health recovery and healing received(5%) good for tanking as healers can heal you for a lot and that HP recovery will help a lot.
5.Dark elf now this is something of a balanced tank when as they have racial passives of max magicka(9% total) and stamina(6%) then they have fire resistance which is very nice. the magicka
6.khajiit they have health recovery(20%) which is great and stamina recovery(10%) which isn't too bad but you wont get much stamina back as you are blocking most of the time.
will come in handy as DK stamina tanks do need magicka for most of their skills.
7.what about other races? up to you i’m not stopping you but please I urge you to use the recommended

You will want to have passives from certain skill lines
All of your DK passives
All of your one hand and shield passives
All of your heavy passive
All of your undaunted passives
Fighters Guild passive Banish The Wicked
Mages Guild passive Persuasive Will
All of your Racial passives

Gear Location
Hist Bark- Crafted
Vampire Kiss- Crafted
Ebon-Crypt of Hearts 1 and 2
Blood spawn helm- Spindle Clutch 2
Blood spawn shoulder-Maj undaunted chest

Edits are to fix mistakes, feel free to give feedback
Edited by DaFatCookie on February 20, 2017 5:54PM
Love being an Argonian Tank and Khajiit DPS
  • raglau
    This is pretty much what I run except I use Tava's instead of Hist, then manually run Dodge. This way I get near constant Ultimate and can drop Standards of Warhorn as appropriate.
  • DaFatCookie
    Pibbles wrote: »
    This is pretty much what I run except I use Tava's instead of Hist, then manually run Dodge. This way I get near constant Ultimate and can drop Standards of Warhorn as appropriate.

    This build is more for beginners so War Horn and Tavas is not need, but it's always good to have War Horn
    Love being an Argonian Tank and Khajiit DPS
  • doggie
    Great Guide, I like that you have easy to get gear, I just crafted Hist bark for my lvl 50 CP Tank. Some of the other guides are like, just put on gear from Veteran Trials,, easy hehe.

    Buying jewlery on CP 10-50 isnt easy though, not much for sale tbh, SO I just use whatever drops, which means they're not always giving me set stats, but it's not really a issue. I also have many point invested in health and have about 27k health.

    I use training traits, that works fine in Normal dungeons. I have been leveling up in dungeons exlusive from lvl 10.

    What I would like to know more about is addons, I've been trying addons like FTC and AUI, but they're all outdated, so what do people use to display buffs?

    I also use the addon Tank, which was recomended in another guide I read, and it's been working really great for me, why don't more Tanks use that one?

    It displays how much time is left on the taunt on the mob itself when you point at it, makes it easy if you have 2 or more bosses, but also to know when to update your taunt, and not waste resources.

    Also I would like to know more about rotations, when do you update Taunt? at 14 ,12, or10 second? Do you update Heroic every 8 sec?

    What about Absorb magica do you use the active ability that heal you? How often if you do?

    I like to have my taunts on 1. on both bars, ie Piercing armor on bar 1 and inner fire on bar 2. Incase I have to taunt I will allways taunt if I press 1. and don't have to switch bars or anything.

    I also like to have Igneous Shield on my first bar on 5, because I use it to burn my magicka to generate Stamina.. Would also like to hear how often you use Igneous Shield ? As far as I can see there is no reason to let Magicka fill up since you could use that generate stamina.

    Hardened Ward seems to be from Sorcerer line? Sure you're not thinking about Hardened Armor?

    When it comes to Major Brutality I was using this at lvl 10-30 because the teams I got struggeled with the few dps checks in normal dungeons, but aren't DPS supposed to add Major Brutality themselves?
    Edited by doggie on February 20, 2017 5:27PM
  • kewl
    Missing Argonian on your race list. It should be number two.
    Edited by kewl on February 20, 2017 10:45AM
  • kewl
    No PvP skills included? Vigor? Warhorn?
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    kewl wrote: »
    No PvP skills included? Vigor? Warhorn?

    Beginner tank...
  • tonyb16_ESO17
    Potential new tank here.
    Nice guide - just a few questions.
    Is it right that you suggest all attributes into Stamina? That seems counter-intuitive to me, but what do I know.
    Also I see many people praising Magic Recovery as a stat for tank, but you don't seem to have much.
  • DaFatCookie
    great feedback @doggie
    first thing first I use FTC just because it shows how long i have to taunt the boss i usually taunt the boss every 10s also having that ranged taunt helps if you lost taunt and boss ran far from you and use heroic slash when it's about to end. absorb magic is there as a passive giving you an 8% extra block but if there are bosses that throws a lot of projectiles at you, use the ability as it will heal you for it. for igneous shield you can place it where ever you like as long as you are comfortable with the rotation i use the shield when im running low on stamina or some one near me need a quick shield cause they are low. for major brutality not everyone is able to do it example nightbaldes don't put on some thing that give major brutality just because they don't have room to use one.

    @kewl , Beginner build and read spoiler about races.

    @tonyb16_ESO17, you would want to put all points into stamina it helps with blocking everything as holding down things for your team is your job and for magicka recovery if you do have a problem keeping magicka regenerated i say enchant a jewelry piece with magicka recovery also when you switch out your sturdy pieces for divines, divines will increase magicka recovery from your Atronach mundus
    Edited by DaFatCookie on February 20, 2017 6:14PM
    Love being an Argonian Tank and Khajiit DPS
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