Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Small Newbie to End-Game Progression Guild

This Guild I have has been inactive for awhile, and I always find myself helping new players out since I have a fair amount of knowledge and crafts. So I decided Id invite a few new dedicated players to Qahnaarin and see what I could make of it.

If your interested in progressing to end game content and are interested in a relaxed guild to learn the ins and outs of Combat put your GT below. Cant promise it will be a huge community but Im always available on and offline. Looking forward to helping ESOs quality End-Game community grow.

P.s. Im also looking for other advanced players to come helpout with the guild. Maybe a Master Crafter or 2, and maybe even a PvP Master.
Edited by AtraisMachina on January 6, 2017 5:42PM
  • SarenaRoae82281
    Soul Shriven
    GT SerenaRose82281

    Definitely interested :)
  • AtraisMachina
    Sweet! Ill shoot you an inv tonight.
  • AtraisMachina
    Inv Sent!
  • GravlordServant12
    Im interested GT: NamelessJoker
    What roles are you looking for?
    gt is tarafraka
  • AtraisMachina
    Invites sent!
  • AtraisMachina
    thank you who ever did that
  • o0Velius
    If you need an experienced tank; I am happy to help your guild and give them all the knowledge I can.
    GT: o Lady Velius
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
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