The Stormwolves (NA-PC Faction Neutral RP Guild)


To learn more at our website!

The howl in the depths of the night,
The silent death on sails of shadow,
The most feared pirate crew in Tamriel,
has returned...

Claws in the darkness,
Fangs in the night,
Hold tight to your loved ones
Until Dawns first light...


They say the ship sailed into the harbor in the darkest hours of the night, its sails still smoking, trailing tendrils of black in the wind. The hull sizzled, patches still glowing with smoldering embers of burnt wood. The ship slid past the dock, its bowsprit ground into the rocks until it snapped, debris falling into the water with a splash.

Dock workers claim they saw a lone figure, a female khajiit, limp down from the forecastle and onto the dock. She wore a red mask and a black coat, and when asked to stop and declare herself, the only answer she gave was a dagger to the gut.

Since then, a howl has gone out, a summons to return. Letters on bloodstained parchment sped across Tamriel to the scattered remnants of the wretched crew.

And they heeded the call...


The Stormwolves are back! And better than ever. This bloodthirsty band of pirate-werewolves are at it again, pillaging and plundering the coastlines of Tamriel. But this crew has stepped up the game. No longer do they entangle themselves with schemes and politics, allying with this faction or that house. No more will they make deals with landfolk. The wolves are on the prowl.

Robbing, pillaging, plunder and murder are the tools of the trade for the Stormwolves. Any survivors of their devastating attacks are sold into slavery in the few places the trade is still accepted (even if it isn't legal). They answer to no crown, no creed, no sovereign or commander, save their own hierarchy. This pack doesn't even answer to Hircine, choosing to use their fangs and claws not for hunting game, but for slaughtering any who stand in their way.

Few have what it takes to be a member of the most notorious pirate crew on Nirn. Few can stomach the gore, destruction, and misery they leave in their wake. But for those that can, the Stormwolves are a tight nit family like no other, each willing to lie down their life for a brother or sister Stormwolf, or for the pack as a whole. Their spoils and winnings are split evenly between the crew, with everyone getting an equal share, and none, not even the Captain receiving a larger portion. They are more than a crew, more than a pack... The Stormwolves are a family.


uG2RGKM.pngCaptain - Do'Jira (@Twilanthe)
The Captain is the leader of the crew, and the Alpha of the Pack. It is the Captain's responsibility, with the aid of her First Mate, to lead the Stormwolves, making the final decisions when it comes to where to sail and when to fight. She relies heavily on her Sailing Master and Quartermaster to command the crew of the Hotspur.

uG2RGKM.pngQuartermaster - Catrisse (@ColeK)
The Quartermaster is the Captain's second in command, but in many regards the Quartermaster is even more vital than the Captain. The Quartermaster leads the Stormwolves in battle, and even when the Captain is present in a fight, it is the Quartermaster who calls the shots, organizes units, and lays out the strategy of battle. With the help of the Master at Arms the Quartermaster trains the crew in combat, strategy and tactics.

uG2RGKM.pngSailing Master - Valcantor (@Platymonk2)
The Sailing Master is more than just the ship's navigator. He is also the one with information on where the ship should sail. With the aid of the Boatswain the Sailing Master gathers information from spies, informants and contacts throughout Tamriel, using this vital information to chart a course for the ship. The Captain may have the final say, but more often than not the Sailing Master's sound advice determines the path the Stormwolves will take.

uG2RGKM.pngBoatswain - Zafrinea (@thefostone)
The Boatswain (bos'n) is the chief assistant of the Sailing Master in terms of helping gather information. Often the Sailing Master compiles the information, goes over it, determines an outcome, but the actual gathering and leg-work is done by the Boatswain, who is a master of stealth, disguise and guile, weeding out information through trickery, subterfuge, or blackmail (among other things) and bringing it to the Sailing Master. In many cases the Boatswain is almost like the public face of the crew.

uG2RGKM.pngMaster at Arms - R'azha-Dar (@SlashedFlyer)
The Master at Arms directly aids the Quartermaster in combat. The Master will help train the crew, and aid the Quartermaster in determining strategy and tactics before a fight. Using information from the Sailing Master and Boatswain, the Master at Arms and Quartermaster will get the lay of the land, and formulate a strategy. The Master at Arms is also responsible for ensuring the ship's armory is well supplied, weapons and armor are in good repair, and artillery is in working order.

uG2RGKM.pngFirst Mate - OPEN
The First Mate is like the chief steward of the crew, working directly with the Captain to keep the day-to-day of the ship functioning. Making sure all the crew are accounted for, that the galley has all the supplies it needs, that the hull is stocked, they crunch the numbers when it comes to how much space in the hold, and what certain plundered goods are worth and where. The First Mate knows where the black markets are, and negotiates sales of goods. They keep the books for the ship, the money and expenses, the inventory and all the information on the crew. The Captain rarely goes anywhere without her First Mate.


Below are some Guidelines required of all Stormwolves. Read these carefuly and make sure you feel comfortable with them. OOCly we are a laid back and friendly bunch, but Discipline within the guild is strict and unwavering. Breaking any of these below guidelines can result in instant removal from the guild. We do not put up with BS, cheating, or drama.

1. The Stormwolves are a mature guild. We deal with murder, kidnapping, slavery, adult language, adult content, sex, torture, blood, gore, death, and cannibalism. We are not a guild for anyone under 18, or anyone uncomfortable with these adult themes. We are a rowdy bunch of pirates, and we act like it. (We do ask that any sexual content be kept in group chats for the benefit of non-guild members who may be in the area you're RPing)

2. Being an active member is required. We understand and accept that real life comes first. Long absences, so long as they are explained, are not punished. However, continued unexplained absence from events and guild functions will not go unnoticed. There is no point to being in the guild if you will not participate. You will be allowed 2 warnings against lack of involvement, after that you will be removed from the guild.

3. We are a combat heavy guild. As pirates and werewolves we do a lot of RP-based fighting. As such we have adapted to the use of multiple combat systems so that we may engage in combat with any outsiders. However, for internal combat we use a specially designed dice-system you can read about HERE. This system is used for all internal combat training, rp-pvp arena fights, and D&D-like adventures out in the world. This system is required for almost all internal events, so being okay with a complex dice system is required to join.

4. God-Modding is not tolerated. This shouldn't have to be explained further, and yet it does. No matter whether you are using dice or freestyling it, your character needs to accept hits against them, show pain, even lose on occasion. If all you care about is your character looking awesome, being powerful, and always winning, then the Stormwolves are not for you. We are about the story, not about whose character is the most powerful.

5. We do not accept any kind of drama. OOC fighting among members will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

6. No one character is the center of attention. Despite the centerfold of officers above, everyone in the guild is equal, and everyone will be given a chance to shine. If you have an idea for a story, bring it to us! We would love to incorporate it into the overall flow of the Stormwolves storyline. Each week we have adventure-RP sessions where we delve into new excitement and intrigue of a member's person story. Your character will be welcome to add to this story, but realize that your character is not the center of the universe, and doesn't always have to be. Let others have the spotlight sometimes. This goes double for the officers of the guild—we tend to be the outspoken storytellers, and we strive to ensure that everyone has a voice, a story, and a part to play.

7. We are a heavily immersive guild, we RP all the time and are almost always in character. We plan to do pledges, pvp, delves, and expansions as they come all in character and together, experiencing this MMO as it was meant to be experienced, as a group. We also, as stated before, use dueling for a lot of our RP fights. As a result we encourage you to understand your class, level to max level, and gear up. We will of course help new members to succeed in this!

8. Werewolf is required.

9. Vampires are not permitted.

10. Despite these strict rules, we are all here to have fun!


Here is a brief overview of the dice system we use for combat. A more detailed description can be found HERE. This description is only meant to give you an idea of how the system works so you can determine if you are even interested to investigate it further.

The Stormwolf Dice System is a basic d20 system, however we've added to it in order to give it a slightly more table-top RP experience. The system is not so complex that it limits your characters abilities, or what they can and cannot do, but it gives a bit more structure to the base d20.

The system allows for leveling up to level 10, and experiences is granted for participating in events that use the system, most notably are RP events out in the world for various pirate/thief/assassin/treasure hunter related adventures. These can be storming an estate to find a rich collectors prized possession, or ambushing a caravan delivering noble heiress' dowry, or delving into a ruined tomb in search of a lost treasure.

In those types of adventures our system utilizes a series of non-combat skills similar to those found in table-top games to determine the success of things like investigating and finding clues, picking locks, smooth talking guards, pick-pocketing a set of keys, understanding the strange text in an arcane tome, and more. The system is also used for combat, and has HP and damage dice determined by level. It has a few simple rules for certain actions, but still leaves a lot up to judgement and honor, and allows for players to still be just as creative in their actions.

Because we cannot force this system on non-guild members, the Stormwolves are also well versed in other combat, such as freestyle, straight d20 for success/fail, and 4-hearts, and we are always willing to explore new ventures.

We understand that some potential members may not like the idea of dice, and we accept that. But this is how the stormwolves like to play, and so we encourage and recruit others who enjoy a bit of table-top spice to their ESO RP. If dice isn't for you, then the Stormwolves may not be for you either. You can join and not use this system, but you would have to sit out from a lot of events where the system is required, and you would miss out on most of the major events and RP sessions in the guild.

So, you've made it this far and are interested in joining the crew, and need to know how to go about it! We are a heavily immersive RP guild, so joining is In Character Only!

Contact any of the crew listed above to join. You will need to meet with one of the above officers in person, and RP through your acceptance into the crew. You begin at the rank of Unbloodied, not yet a full Stormwolf.

Every Wednesday we hold initiations. These initiations pit you against 3 trials, the trial of the Sailing Master, the Quartermaster and the Captain. Each trial must be completed before the next can be undertaken. Each trial will test your abilities in areas the Stormwolves value, and test your ability to work outside the law.

Once your initiation is complete you will be a full Stormwolf. You will be placed under a Beta into a unit. Your unit will be a smaller family within the Stormwolf family, and you will work with your unit, being sent out on assignment.

Because of the ebb and flow of the stories, the officers shift and change. Just because all but one of the positions above are full does not mean they always will be. An officer could, ICly, do something to warrant their demotion, opening up a spot for someone to take their place. Ranks in the guild are entirely for IC flavor. Everyone in the guild is equal, and everyone is encouraged to help with events, add to the story, and make the Stormwolves a fantastic and active guild. So don't stress to much about achieving ranks, they are arbitrary and entirely story-driven.

We hope to see you on board!

Lüc - Argonian Necromancer Healer
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