Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

Is there a fix for the PS4 Pro crashing in Update 13?

I know this forum is mostly for the discussion of testing on PTS which wouldn't include the PS4 but all of us PS4 Pro owners have been dealing with constant ESO blue screen crashing since the Pro released and we haven't gotten much feedback on the status of a fix from the Technical Support forum. The crashing occurs when in any high populated areas in PvE, when accessing craft stations, bank, dye stations, ect and in Cyrodiil regardless of population. Really hoping Update 13 includes a fix for this.
  • PC0523
    Yes please this would be great!

    My girlfriend and I play side by side via the same internet connection. One on a PS4 Pro and the other on an original PS4. The Pro crashes noticeably more often than the original PS4.

    During her Emp push I offered to switch so that she might crash less often and lose less AP, but she preferred the better graphics. <shrug>
  • mdylan2013
    I also have this issue.
    PSN - LookoutLuke
    15 Max level toons
  • JimT722
    When I contacted support about the issue, they said they were aware of the issues and were working on a fix. I was told to keep an eye on the patches for improvements. They never said when the fixes would be finished and that was around a month ago. I would like to play in Cyrodiil, but have to avoid it as any large keep battle I never see the end of.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno An update on the progress on PS4 Pro Stability improvements would be appreciated. Any Idea when we might see these?
    Edited by JimT722 on January 9, 2017 10:27PM
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