Availability of the training dummys should be easy to get

With housing, there is going to be an extreme demand for these training dummies, more then can be supplied. While this may sound great to crafters, not all of us want to deal with crappy writs or pay more then a house to get.

The system of having to do writs, for a rng based invite, so that we can collect writ vouchers is going to become something that will be annoying.

Remember that not everything in the game has to be a drawn out process. Some things such as the training dummy need to be cheap if not free. Having more people able to practice their rotation will help everyone... We need to view these dummies as a training implement and not some random decor. They have a purpose and function that the players have wanted for a long time, and almost every other mmorpg game has for free...
  • leepalmer95
    Dev wrote: »
    With housing, there is going to be an extreme demand for these training dummies, more then can be supplied. While this may sound great to crafters, not all of us want to deal with crappy writs or pay more then a house to get.

    The system of having to do writs, for a rng based invite, so that we can collect writ vouchers is going to become something that will be annoying.

    Remember that not everything in the game has to be a drawn out process. Some things such as the training dummy need to be cheap if not free. Having more people able to practice their rotation will help everyone... We need to view these dummies as a training implement and not some random decor. They have a purpose and function that the players have wanted for a long time, and almost every other mmorpg game has for free...

    The system hasn't been released yet and your already complaining about having to do work to get things.

    You don't NEED a dummy, people have been able to test dps before these. But going through the effort to get one (which you only need to do once) lets you test dps more often which less effort.

    But you can always go and test on bloodspawn.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Sigtric
    I agree with this one.

    From what I can tell the process just to get the schematic needed to make the thing could be very time consuming and for a lot of people this item is going to be the #1 reason to get a house.

    With it being such a basic and usually included feature in public areas in many MMOs, it really should be easy to obtain.

    Best, I think, would be right in the normal basic furniture vendor for like 500-1000 gold.

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • wayfarerx
    Dev wrote: »
    With housing, there is going to be an extreme demand for these training dummies, more then can be supplied. While this may sound great to crafters, not all of us want to deal with crappy writs or pay more then a house to get.

    The system of having to do writs, for a rng based invite, so that we can collect writ vouchers is going to become something that will be annoying.

    Remember that not everything in the game has to be a drawn out process. Some things such as the training dummy need to be cheap if not free. Having more people able to practice their rotation will help everyone... We need to view these dummies as a training implement and not some random decor. They have a purpose and function that the players have wanted for a long time, and almost every other mmorpg game has for free...

    The system hasn't been released yet and your already complaining about having to do work to get things.

    Just want to point out that it has been released on PTS with the explicit expectation that we will complain about the parts we don't like. Starting a discussion in the PTS forum suggesting changes to systems currently on the PTS is pretty much exactly what we are supposed to be doing here.
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • leepalmer95
    wayfarerx wrote: »
    Dev wrote: »
    With housing, there is going to be an extreme demand for these training dummies, more then can be supplied. While this may sound great to crafters, not all of us want to deal with crappy writs or pay more then a house to get.

    The system of having to do writs, for a rng based invite, so that we can collect writ vouchers is going to become something that will be annoying.

    Remember that not everything in the game has to be a drawn out process. Some things such as the training dummy need to be cheap if not free. Having more people able to practice their rotation will help everyone... We need to view these dummies as a training implement and not some random decor. They have a purpose and function that the players have wanted for a long time, and almost every other mmorpg game has for free...

    The system hasn't been released yet and your already complaining about having to do work to get things.

    Just want to point out that it has been released on PTS with the explicit expectation that we will complain about the parts we don't like. Starting a discussion in the PTS forum suggesting changes to systems currently on the PTS is pretty much exactly what we are supposed to be doing here.

    Yes but in the pts you get all mats given to you.

    How can you complain something is hard to craft or such when your given mats to craft it.

    It should be a bit hard to get, even if they reduce whats needed now slightly sure. But don't make it one of these extremely easy to acquire things.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Taleof2Cities
    wayfarerx wrote: »

    Just want to point out that it has been released on PTS with the explicit expectation that we will complain about the parts we don't like. Starting a discussion in the PTS forum suggesting changes to systems currently on the PTS is pretty much exactly what we are supposed to be doing here.


    Though I do agree with @leepalmer95 in that crafting has value ... and the game is now starting to reward players who have put in the time and skill points to master.

    Not wanting to "deal with crappy writs or pay more then a house to get" sounds like someone doesn't want to put in the time to achieve something that other players have ...
  • Dev
    Yes but in the pts you get all mats given to you.

    How can you complain something is hard to craft or such when your given mats to craft it.

    It should be a bit hard to get, even if they reduce whats needed now slightly sure. But don't make it one of these extremely easy to acquire things.

    Lee, cut the crap: You are only posting this to be a counter point to anything i post because you dont like my opinion on pvp. You are arguing just for the sake of arguing.

    The reason i am advising the dummy to be as close to free is because it is a feature and not simple decoration. The people who need the most work on their rotation, are not going to spend tons of effort on a dummy.
  • leepalmer95
    Dev wrote: »
    Yes but in the pts you get all mats given to you.

    How can you complain something is hard to craft or such when your given mats to craft it.

    It should be a bit hard to get, even if they reduce whats needed now slightly sure. But don't make it one of these extremely easy to acquire things.

    Lee, cut the crap: You are only posting this to be a counter point to anything i post because you dont like my opinion on pvp. You are arguing just for the sake of arguing.

    The reason i am advising the dummy to be as close to free is because it is a feature and not simple decoration. The people who need the most work on their rotation, are not going to spend tons of effort on a dummy.

    Nah i'm argument become i don't want everything in the game to be obtainable and easy instantly.

    The game has managed to get along fine without a dummy. I'm sure it can wait a few days until people manage to craft it.

    People can have themselves and 24 others in 1 house, i'm sure people will let their friends use it and anyone whose remotely serious about end game pve will have a access to dummy pretty quickly.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Dev
    Though I do agree with @leepalmer95 in that crafting has value ... and the game is now starting to reward players who have put in the time and skill points to master.

    Not wanting to "deal with crappy writs or pay more then a house to get" sounds like someone doesn't want to put in the time to achieve something that other players have ...

    I have all crafts at 50, with all the points in them, and plenty of motifs... i already put in the 'work' and could just as easily rip people off for a mil on day 1 release. that is not the point though.

    Besides since many people use addons for their writs, its not like they are putting in any work either.

    Training dummies serve the people that play with the person practicing far more then the practitioner. Whenever you complain about someone's dps being low, they could work with real results on a dummy before having to factor in the distractions of actual combat.
  • Slurg
    I'm sure it'll turn up in the crown store as a "convenience" item at some point.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • Dev
    Slurg wrote: »
    I'm sure it'll turn up in the crown store as a "convenience" item at some point.

    true, they could even add it in as one of the items in the 'furnished' option.

    I just hope they have more then the one rng based option.
  • vamp_emily
    Have you ever tried training a dummy?

    I don't know how many times I have said this in WGT

    - kill the rifts
    - kill the rifts or we will be overwelmed
    - kill the rifts
    - kill the rifts

    But they never listen and just quit the dungeon.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • xXSilverDragonXx
    How exactly are these dummies obtained?
  • Dev
    How exactly are these dummies obtained?

    you have to do master writs for vouchers, which means:
    1. need to have high level crafting
    2. do regular writs to get the container at the end
    3. the container *Might* have a master crafter invite inside it, based on how many crafts, the points spent in them and the number of motifs you have on that char
    4. then complete the master crafter writ, which from other posts could require gold level mats like kuta and tempering alloys
    5. when you complete the waster write, you will get a 'voucher'
    6. get enough vouchers and buy the schematic, and some of the mats off the npc
    7. then take all the mats and craft it

    Edited by Dev on January 5, 2017 7:43PM
  • Oakmontowls_ESO
    How exactly are these dummies obtained?

    You buy the blueprint using a new currency that you get by completing master level writs which rarely are awarded from the completion of normal writs and require you to craft very specific items sometimes requiring rare motifs and sometimes even requiring you to upgrade items to legendary.
  • Number_51
    Is this not one of the housing crafting items you can sell to other players?
  • Dev
    Number_51 wrote: »
    Is this not one of the housing crafting items you can sell to other players?

    yes, but it will cost more then the medium houses with the price gouging
  • Number_51
    Dev wrote: »
    Number_51 wrote: »
    Is this not one of the housing crafting items you can sell to other players?

    yes, but it will cost more then the medium houses with the price gouging

    Of course it will, at first. As more and more people are able to craft them the price will come down.
  • The_Undefined
    This is so stupid... I'm sorry but it is. You're taking items that are needed by lots of players in game (look at all the new folks joining, nirn weapons would be so helpful and they're selling for upwards of 13k ea) to give to a npc for a voucher? Now crafters will be thinking more so towards training dummies than actual in game items that help players...

    Take the training dummies out of these master writ vouchers and put them in the furnishing merchant, maybe make it achievement bound.
  • SickDuck
    There are very few options left for master crafters to earn money for their hard work. Dummies may be one of them, leave them be.
    Holdviola - Khira'de Regalo - Lélekvadász - Used To Be An Adventurer - Zetor - Does-Not-Give-A-Duck - Lord Sugar - Tenar Arha - Da'rinka - Violent Moon - Extreme Runner
  • Koolio
    SickDuck wrote: »
    There are very few options left for master crafters to earn money for their hard work. Dummies may be one of them, leave them be.

    Haven't tested this stuff because in a console player. But I could see these end up costing more than a manor from what I've read. Not sure if true. But if they are rare first one on the market will probably go for 10mill.
  • SublimeSparo
    Dev wrote: »
    How exactly are these dummies obtained?

    you have to do master writs for vouchers, which means:
    1. need to have high level crafting
    2. do regular writs to get the container at the end
    3. the container *Might* have a master crafter invite inside it, based on how many crafts, the points spent in them and the number of motifs you have on that char
    4. then complete the master crafter writ, which from other posts could require gold level mats like kuta and tempering alloys
    5. when you complete the waster write, you will get a 'voucher'
    6. get enough vouchers and buy the schematic, and some of the mats off the npc
    7. then take all the mats and craft it

    So not only do the dummies not tell you your dps unless you time yourself and do math (ie exactly the same as a BS or SC test) but they pointlessly hard to aquire.
    GG ZoS GG.
    So my only question is how much does the upgraded one that actually measures dps cost in the crown store?
    PS4 EU CP900. PS4 NA CP600,
    vAA HM ☆ vHRC HM ☆ vSO HM ☆ vMOL
    4th Console vMOL clear,
    vMA cleared on all classes stam & magic

    My Tribe
    High Sparo - Altmer - mSo DD.
    Wood Sparo - Bosmer - sNB DD
    Nord Sparo - Nord -sDK DD/Tank.
    Bubble Girl - Imperial -sTe DD
    Succubus Sue - Breton - mNB Tank.
    Andrana Stormlock - Altmer - mTe Healer/ DD
    Elvali Marvani - Dunmer - mDK DD.
    Venemus Draconem - Redguard - sDK DD
    Jayri Leki - Redguard - sSo DD.
    Miss Jabsalot - Altmer - mTe PvP DD/ Tank
    Mireli Hlaano - Dunmer - mNB DD.
    Ms Shanks - Redguard - sNB DD/ le bank

    Dilemma Dame - Altmer - mDK DD
    Stamsorc Kitty - Redguard - sSor DD
    Aia Draconis - Imperial - sDK Tank
    Decides-Who-Lives - Argonian - mTe Healer
    You wont stop me - Altmer - mSo DD
    Stab in the dark - Khajiit - sNB DD
    Jabjabjab Beambeambeam - Dunmer - mTe DD
    Spatium Auxiliarus - Imperial - hTe Tank&bank
    Spectre - Altmer - mNB DD
    Can't-Main-Tank -Argonian - sDK offTank
  • Dev
    SickDuck wrote: »
    There are very few options left for master crafters to earn money for their hard work. Dummies may be one of them, leave them be.

    What exactly do you think will happen when housing goes live and only the super rich can have a training dummy?

    it is the one thing that many people wanted the house for other then storage. So we are supposed to buy a house and not get anything but a glamor piece?

    not worth it, give the house some purpose or expect it to fail.

  • Koolio
    Dev wrote: »
    SickDuck wrote: »
    There are very few options left for master crafters to earn money for their hard work. Dummies may be one of them, leave them be.

    What exactly do you think will happen when housing goes live and only the super rich can have a training dummy?

    it is the one thing that many people wanted the house for other then storage. So we are supposed to buy a house and not get anything but a glamor piece?

    not worth it, give the house some purpose or expect it to fail.

    I was definitely just going to buy a cheap house leave it empty and just use training dummy. That's the only reason I was going to buy one. Maybe more expensive houses should include one.
  • Khaos_Bane
    I agree with the OP. And making something so wanted so hard to get is complete BS. This was a nasty decision by ZoS, makes them look bad IMO.

    One Tamriel was so awesome and this update looks SO BORING. Don't get me wrong, some of the houses look fantastic and the designer is cool. But the system for the training dummy, furniture, and just bizarre ability changes makes ZoS look so bad.

    ZoS and the loot crates, especially the initial implementation make them look like greedy ***. Don't forget ZoS, you need to keep customers to have a successful game. If you screw stuff up too bad you won't have anyone to sell anything to.

    Edited by Khaos_Bane on January 5, 2017 8:45PM
  • Nifty2g
    I too agree, a lot of the people who want it arent even really going to be able to get them, why are they locked behind master crafting
  • MissBizz
    As someone who has almost no interest in training dummies... I absolutely agree. Something like set crafting stations is fine to be a grind, but a training dummy is something you literally can't get anywheres else. I expected these to be a common easy to get item, as I think they should be.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Khaos_Bane
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    I too agree, a lot of the people who want it arent even really going to be able to get them, why are they locked behind master crafting

    There are some items that should be, a healthy economy is important in an online game. Crafting is an excellent way to maintian a healthy economy. The training dummy and basic furniture shouldn't be those items. A training dummy should be available to nearly everyone.
    Edited by Khaos_Bane on January 5, 2017 9:02PM
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