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Proc sets are good for the game

Proc sets have helped to level the playing field in PvP giving more players the ability to be affective in arguable one of the harder mainstream MMO's out there.

I think its a good balance between tab targeting faceroll PvP and preventing the elitist and ultra skilled from totally dominating gameplay

The only people butt hurt about proc sets are the sub set of above average players who no longer have excluisve rights to kill in Cyrodiil

Porc sets are good for the game.
  • Jaronking
    No their not.When they Nerf them into the ground and you quit because you can no longer get easy kills we won't miss players like yourself.I hope you have fun the next Month and the half until the next update.
    Edited by Jaronking on December 9, 2016 7:46PM
  • Sandman929
    There's always Hello Kitty: Island Adventure.
  • Rohaus
    Total troll post. Toodles!
    YouTube channel Rohaus Lives!
    Daggerfall Covenant
    VR16 DragonKnight
  • Gilvoth


  • bellanca6561n
    Feels a bit like feeding troll to disagree so I'm going to come at it from another angle.

    Process sets are a throwback to the early days of online games when network bandwidth was measured in baud rate and latency of one full second was considered good.

    In those conditions you needed to make more of the combat a passive ability, both offense and defense.

    Although lag remains an issue at times the mixing of passive combat abilities with an action based combat system is extremely disconcerting because it sharply diminishes one of this game's key features - the feeling that you're doing battle in real time.

    It's an unnecessary step backwards.
  • Waffennacht
    You, OP, just literally stated that Proc sets remove skill from the game... and that it's a good thing...

    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Sureshawt
    Proc sets are OK.

    Stacking multiple damage proc sets without any kind of global cooldown is NOT OK.

    Edited by Sureshawt on December 9, 2016 8:57PM
  • Thelon
  • Theodard
    Thelon wrote: »


    There fixed that for ya.
  • HoloYoitsu
  • Armitas
    Nord mDK
  • RebornV3x
    Proc sets are horrible and is bad for the game
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Thanks for sharing with the group . Keep coming back . It works if you work it .
  • FearlessOne_2014
    Proc sets have helped to level the playing field in PvP giving more players the ability to be affective in arguable one of the harder mainstream MMO's out there.

    I think its a good balance between tab targeting faceroll PvP and preventing the elitist and ultra skilled from totally dominating gameplay

    The only people butt hurt about proc sets are the sub set of above average players who no longer have excluisve rights to kill in Cyrodiil

    Porc sets are good for the game.

    This troll tread. I mean if you are too potato to play a MMO without it playing for you. Go join the other gaming potatoes in GW2. In GW2 you would fit in perfectly. GW2 will play the game for you all you have to do is spam skills of CD and win. Plus there is no grinding for gear in GW2, and no player skill needed. Any potatoe can pick up GW2 and be very successful after spending 4 hours learning the basic mechanics.

    Let me tell you something tho. After ANet made GW2 go full potatoe. GW2 lost all of it's community that actually cared the game. And is suffering because of the fact. ANet let go of all of the PvP and WvW Devs because population became so low because again ANet allowed GW2 to go full on potato for the potatoes to rein supreme.

    What I'm trying to say out of all of this is. That if you want to be able to put no effort into understanding game mechanics and learning how to play but want to beat the players that do. GW2 would be the perfect MMO for you and your kind. That game has fully devolved into the most spam based, tacticless, skill less, Mainstream Action MMO on the market. All in the name of marketing to sell their new HoT expansion.
    Edited by FearlessOne_2014 on December 9, 2016 9:45PM
  • thankyourat
    Why can't casuals just practice the fundamentals of the game. They already have zergs, brain dead easy survivability, root spam, and gap closer snare. Giving the ambush spammers viper and velidreth was just too much. And on top of that if you ever fight a elite player who has viper and velidreth/tremorscale and you don't have it. You don't stand a chance
  • FearlessOne_2014
    Why can't casuals just practice the fundamentals of the game. They already have zergs, brain dead easy survivability, root spam, and gap closer snare. Giving the ambush spammers viper and velidreth was just too much. And on top of that if you ever fight a elite player who has viper and velidreth/tremorscale and you don't have it. You don't stand a chance

    Because they are entitled to be able to show up to a game with no practice and just win against people who do take the time to learn how to play and what not. Merica!
  • Derra
    Your logic is flawed in the assumption everyone should be able to pull of a win by dumb luck.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • bigmamajama
    You, OP, just literally stated that Proc sets remove skill from the game... and that it's a good thing...


    I did indeed literally just do that.
  • bigmamajama
    Proc sets have helped to level the playing field in PvP giving more players the ability to be affective in arguable one of the harder mainstream MMO's out there.

    I think its a good balance between tab targeting faceroll PvP and preventing the elitist and ultra skilled from totally dominating gameplay

    The only people butt hurt about proc sets are the sub set of above average players who no longer have excluisve rights to kill in Cyrodiil

    Porc sets are good for the game.

    This troll tread. I mean if you are too potato to play a MMO without it playing for you. Go join the other gaming potatoes in GW2. In GW2 you would fit in perfectly. GW2 will play the game for you all you have to do is spam skills of CD and win. Plus there is no grinding for gear in GW2, and no player skill needed. Any potatoe can pick up GW2 and be very successful after spending 4 hours learning the basic mechanics.

    Let me tell you something tho. After ANet made GW2 go full potatoe. GW2 lost all of it's community that actually cared the game. And is suffering because of the fact. ANet let go of all of the PvP and WvW Devs because population became so low because again ANet allowed GW2 to go full on potato for the potatoes to rein supreme.

    What I'm trying to say out of all of this is. That if you want to be able to put no effort into understanding game mechanics and learning how to play but want to beat the players that do. GW2 would be the perfect MMO for you and your kind. That game has fully devolved into the most spam based, tacticless, skill less, Mainstream Action MMO on the market. All in the name of marketing to sell their new HoT expansion.

    There are allot of potatoes in your post, I counted 6 at least. But regardless, I'm sticking with my original thoughts on this and predict that they are not going away completely.
  • bigmamajama


    Do you hate proc sets because you get killed by them often? Or do you hate proc sets because now there are more players effective at PvP then before?
  • rteezy
    im jsut goign to copy/paste what i wrote on the other proc set thread(out of the 15 daily ones we get)

    im a new player, and i have yet to even reach rank 6 in pvp, BUT i do bring alot of pvp exp form other mmos and my opinion is that proc sets per se are NOT bad. They provide the game some depth when it comes to gearing/building your toon providing different options/procs to build around (or so it should )

    The problem is when mmo devs give procs(from abilities/gear/consumables etc) effects too strong for the level of player input required.
    What i mean is, in mmo pvp the game should ALWAYS lean towards player input, skill caps and skill ceiling for that player to succeed(taking into account that the very "rock/paper/scissors" nature of mmos makes it impossible to EVER achieve a perfect balance EVEN if the design greatly enhances those factors).
    So, procs are not bad WHEN the rewards vs risk vs effort are balanced.For example, a certain ability/gear set can provide a VERY strong proc BUT too achieve it the player HAS to "outplay" the circumstances.On the other hand, a weaker (yet still beneficial) proc, shouldn't require that much player input too achieve (for example weapon poisons).

    So, yes, procs are extremely unbalanced as they are, since they reward a VERY minimal(if any in some cases) player input.
    Someone can literally get a kill because viper and Veli procced, and all they had to do was press lmb once.That requires Zero coordination, awareness, skill, knowledge or anything form the player for that matter other then a subtle finger movement.Obviously good players take an even greater advantage of it because their gameplay maximizes the use of the procs("cough cough" as if necessary), but subpar players GREATLY benefit from this kind of design and one thing i learned after years of high rated competitive pvp, designing/balancing the game around the "casual" player has TERRIBLE consequences for the game

    PVP SHOULD be fun for everyone, including the less skilled players, but for it to be GOOD it has to provide DEPTH to the player input so the skillcap AND ceiling can always be raised, and that is only achievable with a design that DOES NOT revolve around simplifying gameplay (cough cough WOW LEgion...)

    There are some very easy ways to tell if something is "balanced" and provides depth to the game.For example, could a BOT kill a decent player? Under regular circumstances probably not, but if there is a REMOTE chance that a BOT can get all his procs and in a stroke of luck one shot a good player, then your answer is : THE DESIGN IS BAD

    Again, PROCS are not bad, they offer depth to the overall game play, BUT if a proc is strong the player input has to be even greater.How? make it extremely hard for the proc to happen.NOT ONLY with proc chance % but by adding conditions thjat woudl require a greater player awareness, mechanical skill and a deeper overall class and game knowledge.
    ALSO, and i forgot to mention it, the STRONGER THE PROC IS THE EASIER IT SHOULD BE TO COUNTER IT AND AVOID IT, raising the skillcap on both ends.

    TLDR-procs are not bad, they offer depth to the game, BUT they need to offer a better balance between player iinput required, "counter-ability" and proc effect.
  • Gothren
    i can still kill proc potatoes like you. i obsolutely love when they panick and realize that they don't have the punching power of multi proc sets for the kill.
  • leepalmer95


    Do you hate proc sets because you get killed by them often? Or do you hate proc sets because now there are more players effective at PvP then before?

    There going to nerf them to dots.

    I'd get looking for another mmo maybe. I hear runescape is nice and easy.

    Because players like you who relied on armor to pvp aren't going to like it when the 'above average' players who have struggled to 1vX and such with proc sets, finally get to a sort of skill based pvp again.


    Newbs who refused to improve and instead of getting better zerged and went proc sets to pvp for them and suddenly going to find themselves as walking ap because of their reliance.

    Players who try and pvp without them and stook with it despite the obvious brokenness of them are suddenly going to find pvp a lot easier because despite how hard it was they still managed to 1vX and successfully pvp in this patch.

    Protaotes: Pvp Difficulty increase
    Actual Pvp'ers : Pvp difficulty increase.

    Good luck.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Jaronking


    Do you hate proc sets because you get killed by them often? Or do you hate proc sets because now there are more players effective at PvP then before?
    Your not more effective at PVP then before,You still suck that hasn't changed. Now your just getting kills because your armor is able to do the damage that your not able to.When they Nerf them I doubt anyone will see you in the game more then likely your going to quit since you will no longer have sets that are able to kill for you.
  • FearlessOne_2014
    Proc sets have helped to level the playing field in PvP giving more players the ability to be affective in arguable one of the harder mainstream MMO's out there.

    I think its a good balance between tab targeting faceroll PvP and preventing the elitist and ultra skilled from totally dominating gameplay

    The only people butt hurt about proc sets are the sub set of above average players who no longer have excluisve rights to kill in Cyrodiil

    Porc sets are good for the game.

    This troll tread. I mean if you are too potato to play a MMO without it playing for you. Go join the other gaming potatoes in GW2. In GW2 you would fit in perfectly. GW2 will play the game for you all you have to do is spam skills of CD and win. Plus there is no grinding for gear in GW2, and no player skill needed. Any potatoe can pick up GW2 and be very successful after spending 4 hours learning the basic mechanics.

    Let me tell you something tho. After ANet made GW2 go full potatoe. GW2 lost all of it's community that actually cared the game. And is suffering because of the fact. ANet let go of all of the PvP and WvW Devs because population became so low because again ANet allowed GW2 to go full on potato for the potatoes to rein supreme.

    What I'm trying to say out of all of this is. That if you want to be able to put no effort into understanding game mechanics and learning how to play but want to beat the players that do. GW2 would be the perfect MMO for you and your kind. That game has fully devolved into the most spam based, tacticless, skill less, Mainstream Action MMO on the market. All in the name of marketing to sell their new HoT expansion.

    There are allot of potatoes in your post, I counted 6 at least. But regardless, I'm sticking with my original thoughts on this and predict that they are not going away completely.

    I don't think proc sets will go away. Because if proc sets did go away then the majority of the community the causal community would just once again stand not chance against those who put actually time and effort into learning the game mechanics and how to use them to min-max to their fullest potential. They would get angry and just quit because their time means nothing if they can't just grind more then others who are better and win against them. This is again a MMO not some competitive skill based PvP game. So ofc the company are going to take care of their casual gamers first, It's the same as society embracing full on political correctness and safe spaces.

    Again when I'm craving skilled based pvp combat I just go plays games like Smite and DoTA. When I'm just craving for casual fun and good looking visuals and PvE lore I then plays MMOs like ESO which is btw my goto MMO in these dark times. After finally trying out the MOBA genre I've come to terms on what the MMO genre currently truly are these days. This is way I don't spend much time in ESO these days, because my skillful use of tactics, and player skill counts for too little in PvP against someone who just spammed Dungeons and/or trials for 4 or 5 months.

    I mean come on lets be honest proc sets in ESO are just as good a the Heart of Thorns elite specs was for GW2 which did the same thing and has completely destroyed the GW2's sPvP and WvW communities till the point now both game modes have no dedicated dev team support. I'm guessing as a player who can't be bother to learn how to play the game you want that for Cyrodiil in ESO too right?
    Edited by FearlessOne_2014 on December 11, 2016 11:45AM
  • Knootewoot
    I think proc sets are ok. I don't use them myself and whenever I kill a proctato as a melee magblade I go like


    and throw a party. It's good for my ego.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Ganj
  • Paraflex
    Clearly you played before proc sets because the game was better overall had more balance...if you think proc sets are healthy you probably enjoy training wheels on bikes so you don't fall over
    Edited by Paraflex on December 12, 2016 4:32PM
    Hollykills CP 630 Templar Healer - Ad PS4 Warlord Rank

    Max Stam/Mag Dk
    Max Stam Sorc
    Max Stam/Mag NB

    Don't care to dps much so I heal.

  • MaximillianDiE
    Sureshawt wrote: »
    Proc sets are OK.

    Stacking multiple damage proc sets without any kind of global cooldown is NOT OK.

    Agreed - it's not a single proc that's the issue its 2-3 procs all hitting together with the base damage at the same time that I take issues with. There are much more unbalancing things out there in pvp than a player wearing a single proc set. Give us a GCD on proc sets so only one can proc in any window, and the problem largely goes away.
    Maximillian Die Caesar - DC - [K-Hole] Retired
    Maximillian AD [[DiE]
  • Rataroto
    Someone needs a bucket of L2P


    it stands for Get Gud
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