Hi all. I learned couple of neat things. While trying to make battle plans for In Scourge on PS4 EU. While trying to make battle plans. I learned that 1. The keeps and outposts around Imperial city. Plus the keeps of Fort Dragonclaw, Arrius Keep, Drakelowe Keep, Castle Faregyl, Castle Brindle and Fort Glademist as points.
What I'm trying to say is that it looks like a star to me. However the outposts made it little curve.
But that's not all. I was trying to make plans for AD. In the first picture. It will show my original plan in red ink. But then I came to relize. As I kept studying. I found a secret code. I not sure if it considered as easter eggs. But very clever ZOS. (Forgive me I had to use google drive. Will send you to different link. I unsure how to post pictures directly in forum)
Hidden Message 1: Aldmeri Dominion
As you can see in black ink. The Initials of Aldmeri Dominion (AD) I was like. O my. I was so amazed. Of what I saw. I was so happy to see initials of an alliance. It got me thinking. I wonder if it is same for DC and EP. So I dig deeper. Looking all over map. It is so true!
Hidden Message 2: Daggerfall Convenient
As You can see in black ink again! The Initials of Daggerfall Convenient is (DC)! Was it coincidence? I am not sure. To be honest. So I was thinking. Could it be same thing For Ebonheart Pact? Well guess what! It sure does. As you can see below. However this was very challenging for me. I know it doesn't look like an E and a P. But I tried my best lol.
Hidden Message 3: Ebonheart Pact
Lo and behold! I give you all Ebonheart Pact! (EP) Even though it may not look like it to some. But to me it does. This was so challenging.
With all these 3 Initials for all 3 factions in Cyrodiil. I truly believe it is an Easter Egg. Least for me. Why? Look at both Initials of AD, DC and EP. What do you all see? What does all 3 represent? Not only does it represent all 3 alliances in Glory. Since all 3 as you can see show the Initials of all 3 alliances. But each Initials to. Also represents there supposed territory.
Initials for AD, Represents the whole bottom half of Aldmeri Dominion Territory
Initials for DC, Represents all Of Daggerfall Territory to some degrees on top and left side
Initials for EP, Represents all of Ebonheart Territory to some degree on top and right side
I truly believe this is an Easter Egg inside Cyrodiil. Least to me. Showing the love of our factions who we serve currently in Cyrodill. Thank you ZOS if this was supposed to be there. This not only help me to love the faction I currently serve. But makes me love Cyrodiil even more so.