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Advice on a switchable, non mix/max, templar healer for Dungeons, Trials and PvP

So, I have a CP 280 Breton Templar Healer focused on vet Dungeons, and I want to be able to switch this char to do Trials and PvP more often, and could use some advice.


1. I don't play a lot each week. Maybe 5 or 6 hours, that is why I wanted a single char to use until I can get more CPs and learn the content before rolling more dedicated alts
2. I don't need to mix/max or be the absolute best. Just be good enough to be able to do the harder contend and LEARN while not being a disadvantaged to the group and not die all the time in PvP
3. I will switch gears and skills and even reset CPs to do the harder content until a get more toons.

As I understand now, after One Tamriel this should be my goal for each content:

For PvE 4 man dungeons:

Equip: 5x Spell Power Cure / 5x Infallible Aether (or Worm Cult if not possible) / 1 Kena
Mundus: Atronach or Thief

Resto Bar: Channeled Focus / Rapid Regeneration / Breath of Life / Ritual of Retribution / Repentance / ULT: Remembrance
Dual Wield Bar: Puncture Sweep / Blazing Spears / Breath of Life / Radiant Oppresion / Purifying Light / ULT: Agressive Warhorn

The focus here is to buff and help with DPS. I still double bar Breath of Life just for PuGs since sometimes I just have to have it all the time for inexperienced players.

For Trials:

1. I understand that I should add Healing Springs and Combat Prayer to the mix, correct?
2. Should a do double resto bar? Or destro / resto? I think dual wield is not the best choice here, right?
3. Maybe forget support Warhorn and use the new Resto Ulti instead as an alternate to Remembrance?

Equip: Same as PvE?
Mundus: Atronac or Thief (??)

Resto Bar: Channeled Focus / Rapid Regeneration / Breath of Life / Ritual of Retribution / Repentance / ULT: Remembrance
Resto (or Destro?) Bar: Healing Springs / Blazing Spears / Breath of Life / Combat Prayer / ?????? / ULT: Agressive Warhorn

For PvP (this is the one I'm having a harder time swapping to):

1. Should I use 5 Heavy Impen?
2. Is Healing Springs effective for group heals when the group is stacked to defend flags or when funnelled into keeps breaches? Or should I forget about this in PvP?

Equip: 2 Blood Spawn / 5x Kagrenac's / 5x Transmutation (Deltia's Warden build) ??

Resto Bar: Channeled Focus / Rapid Regeneration / Breath of Life / Ritual of Retribution / Repentance / ULT: Remembrance
One Hand and Shield Bar: Puncture Sweep / Blazing Spears / Aurora Javelin / Radiant Oppresion / Sun Shieldt/ ULT: Agressive Warhorn (??)

I'm getting pretty good at healing dungeons, I can heal normal Trials and even solo heal some normal Trials but I nowhere near healing vet Trials or being a very good group healer/support at PvP.

I welcome any and all advice!
  • davey1107
    Nobody replied...sorry. I have a healer I swap around to be mega-healer or heal and dps assist too. Your builds look good to me, generally. Probably just some adjusts for play style as you get better. But I notice you have no buffs, and little protection for yourself. For example, entropy increases your spell damage by 20% for 20 seconds. Maybe you're getting major prophesy from elsewhere (potions), but I prefer just using entropy.

    Your gear list is good...maybe a bit ambitious for a casual player, but good.

    Vet trials and Pvp will take some practice. Partially, you need more champion points. You don't have to go grind them all at once, but as you earn them it will reeeeeally help in this content.

    You don't have a lot of play time, so maybe this is the best cp grind strategy. Work your provisioning up so you can extend the duration of drinks. (DRINKS). If you haven't worked provisioning, get a few skill points and buy a lvl 1, 2 and 3 recipe from a guild store. Then ask someone (feel free to psn msg me) to help with the ingredients...like I have stacks of 4000 of all of them. You get stacks to make a few hundred recipes, Then you spend ten minutes button mashing and bam, provisioning lvl 47...is what you need, I think. Anyway, then you buy psijic ambrosia from guild stores to get 50% more xp for 50 minutes. Once a week, do a psijic run in a public dungeon...kill as quick as possible for an hour. You'll get the CPs up pretty quick. In December there will be another event like the witch festival. Do your grinds during that event and you get 150% more xp.

    That was long, but I've helped magplars before and everyone has trouble in vet trials until,they get up near 400 CPs.

    For pvp, I wouldn't suggest all heavy armor...it will nerf your spell power by a lot. Do 5 light, 2 heavy. But impen would really help. Magplar healers are a bit tricky in pvp...it's totally different from trials. You need more offense than in trials because humans will try to pick you off. Also, you might want some defense, like shuffle (medium armor skill).

    Hope that helps. I have a cold, so hopefully it's also in English and coherent, lol.
  • Dasovaruilos
    davey1107 wrote: »
    Nobody replied...sorry. I have a healer I swap around to be mega-healer or heal and dps assist too. Your builds look good to me, generally. Probably just some adjusts for play style as you get better. But I notice you have no buffs, and little protection for yourself. For example, entropy increases your spell damage by 20% for 20 seconds. Maybe you're getting major prophesy from elsewhere (potions), but I prefer just using entropy.

    Your gear list is good...maybe a bit ambitious for a casual player, but good.

    Vet trials and Pvp will take some practice. Partially, you need more champion points. You don't have to go grind them all at once, but as you earn them it will reeeeeally help in this content.

    You don't have a lot of play time, so maybe this is the best cp grind strategy. Work your provisioning up so you can extend the duration of drinks. (DRINKS). If you haven't worked provisioning, get a few skill points and buy a lvl 1, 2 and 3 recipe from a guild store. Then ask someone (feel free to psn msg me) to help with the ingredients...like I have stacks of 4000 of all of them. You get stacks to make a few hundred recipes, Then you spend ten minutes button mashing and bam, provisioning lvl 47...is what you need, I think. Anyway, then you buy psijic ambrosia from guild stores to get 50% more xp for 50 minutes. Once a week, do a psijic run in a public dungeon...kill as quick as possible for an hour. You'll get the CPs up pretty quick. In December there will be another event like the witch festival. Do your grinds during that event and you get 150% more xp.

    That was long, but I've helped magplars before and everyone has trouble in vet trials until,they get up near 400 CPs.

    For pvp, I wouldn't suggest all heavy armor...it will nerf your spell power by a lot. Do 5 light, 2 heavy. But impen would really help. Magplar healers are a bit tricky in pvp...it's totally different from trials. You need more offense than in trials because humans will try to pick you off. Also, you might want some defense, like shuffle (medium armor skill).

    Hope that helps. I have a cold, so hopefully it's also in English and coherent, lol.

    Wow, I didn't even remembered this post... Thanks for the reply!

    So, now I'm at 350 CP and already have some SPC and Worm pieces. I still can't have them both at the same time, but I can with bar swaps. A lot of pieces are still Reinforced, but I think the set bonuses are already worth it.

    My only buff / protection is Channeled Focus. I used to use Dampen Magicka, but most of the time I find that I don't need it for PvE (not counting Vet Trials). I'll give Entropy a try and see the results.

    I already have max Provisioning. I ocasionally use Spell Power potions, but not always. For normal trials and Vet Dungeons, max magicka, max health blue food is usually enough. I'll try to get more CP the way you said. I really used the Witches Festival as I could to get as many CP as possible.

    Regarding PvP, I'm still at a lost. I can help my group a lot with the same build as I do dungeons, but I just get killed with 2 shots if someone targets me. I really need to explore a more tanky healer, even if with lower spell power.

    But thanks for your help! I'll try out some of the things you said.
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