So, I have a CP 280 Breton Templar Healer focused on vet Dungeons, and I want to be able to switch this char to do Trials and PvP more often, and could use some advice.
1. I don't play a lot each week. Maybe 5 or 6 hours, that is why I wanted a single char to use until I can get more CPs and learn the content before rolling more dedicated alts
2. I don't need to mix/max or be the absolute best. Just be good enough to be able to do the harder contend and LEARN while not being a disadvantaged to the group and not die all the time in PvP
3. I will switch gears and skills and even reset CPs to do the harder content until a get more toons.
As I understand now, after One Tamriel this should be my goal for each content:
For PvE 4 man dungeons:
Equip: 5x Spell Power Cure / 5x Infallible Aether (or Worm Cult if not possible) / 1 Kena
Mundus: Atronach or Thief
Resto Bar: Channeled Focus / Rapid Regeneration / Breath of Life / Ritual of Retribution / Repentance / ULT: Remembrance
Dual Wield Bar: Puncture Sweep / Blazing Spears / Breath of Life / Radiant Oppresion / Purifying Light / ULT: Agressive Warhorn
The focus here is to buff and help with DPS. I still double bar Breath of Life just for PuGs since sometimes I just have to have it all the time for inexperienced players.
For Trials:
1. I understand that I should add Healing Springs and Combat Prayer to the mix, correct?
2. Should a do double resto bar? Or destro / resto? I think dual wield is not the best choice here, right?
3. Maybe forget support Warhorn and use the new Resto Ulti instead as an alternate to Remembrance?
Equip: Same as PvE?
Mundus: Atronac or Thief (??)
Resto Bar: Channeled Focus / Rapid Regeneration / Breath of Life / Ritual of Retribution / Repentance / ULT: Remembrance
Resto (or Destro?) Bar: Healing Springs / Blazing Spears / Breath of Life / Combat Prayer / ?????? / ULT: Agressive Warhorn
For PvP (this is the one I'm having a harder time swapping to):
1. Should I use 5 Heavy Impen?
2. Is Healing Springs effective for group heals when the group is stacked to defend flags or when funnelled into keeps breaches? Or should I forget about this in PvP?
Equip: 2 Blood Spawn / 5x Kagrenac's / 5x Transmutation (Deltia's Warden build) ??
Resto Bar: Channeled Focus / Rapid Regeneration / Breath of Life / Ritual of Retribution / Repentance / ULT: Remembrance
One Hand and Shield Bar: Puncture Sweep / Blazing Spears / Aurora Javelin / Radiant Oppresion / Sun Shieldt/ ULT: Agressive Warhorn (??)
I'm getting pretty good at healing dungeons, I can heal normal Trials and even solo heal some normal Trials but I nowhere near healing vet Trials or being a very good group healer/support at PvP.
I welcome any and all advice!