I noticed last night I have a very strange routine in the way I go about things.
I log into my character, take the crafting and consumable writs right off the bat, then I check my mail to see what I get from my hirelings. From there I proceed to do all the writs at the same time, head over to the Belkarth drop zone and drop them off one by one, have to go to the box for what is the white arrow, going to a box with the black arrow is forbidden. I then collect all my rewards, head over to the merchant tent in behind the drop off zone and check out my rewards, always starting with alchemy, then enchanting, then blacksmith, woodworking and clothing, and finally provisioning, like a kid saving the biggest Christmas present for last. I thought it was hilarious since that is my routine.... every single time, and I feel it would be bad luck for my characters to stray from it. You may call me crazy, but crazy like a fox with the good rng I have been getting lately