The blink of the equipment is something that happens since the release of the game afaik.
It's connexted to an event if I remember right but I can't remember the exact event name.
Could be something like
Register a callback function to this even Toni, or some others about inventory items, and just do a debug message output like
and you might find out which one it is and report it to ZOs.
The disappearing context menu should be because of a usage of function "ClearMenu()" somewhere in the event's callback function (or functions used inside the callback function)
It looks like the shown items at the crafting station (for me it was a deconstruction panel -> all items shown there that i could deconstruct) were updted every x seconds by something.
And with every update the contxt menu was disapperaing, and the character items were blinking.
To rebuild it:
-Go to deconstruction crafting station
-Have a few items in your bag/bank to deconstruct
-Right click one item to show the context menu and wait
-After a few seconds (maybe it depends on players near you spamming buffs too) the contxt menu will be hidden and the equipped items show the "refreshed" star
After some "debugging" I found out that something is updating all shown items, even the ones shown at the deconstruction list, as this happens.