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scarecrow/pumpkin mask

  • Waffennacht
    @Stopnaggin sure prices keep going up. But that also increases the values of farming.

    My tempering alloys went from 15k ea to 25k ea as I farmed them. That's a massive profit increase.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Astraous
    OP, you really are being entitled here. Its RNG, people get lucky, and then have every right to sell it. It's no different than when you get a really good drop in a dungeon and you got the perfect trait for it and so you sell it. Going around and asking for something for free is fine, no harm done. But going around and insulting people when you don't get what you want, saying the community is toxic because they don't want to give away something that's theirs for free. All I see is you lashing out against everyone who even suggests you get it yourself or pay for it. Who are you to say you deserve to get it for free without rolling the dice like anyone else?
  • Stopnaggin
    I know and if people want to offer me that much I will sell them at that price. My point was about the absolute greed of some players. I just don't mind helping others with thing they need or want. I am not saying I don't like making a profit. One of my guild mates who was kind enough to help me farm dro mothra motifs needed some wax, so I gave him 40 of them, did I take a loss? Yes. Was is worth it to me? Yes. I am not against selling for profit, I just wish for more helpful people in the game.
  • Glamdring
    I love helping ppl with all kind of stuff in game. For example, Im a crafter and i Craft for free, but not for everyone. If someone approach me with the attitude OP has its no way i would Craft for free. On the other hand if someone have actually bothered to visit a craftingstation, looked up the mats needed, traitstones, stylestones and so on. I also go the extra mile and Craft em their stuff asap and upgrade it to Purple and if some mats is missing i dont bother. Spoiled asholes though, i never bother.
  • altemriel
    does anyone happen to have a spare scarecrow/pumpkin mask i could have? seems like everyone i ask wants like 60-90k. personally i think thats outrageous for a free item. so if anyone could help id greatly appreciate it. my psn is assaultwarrior16. im daggerfall.

    well the drop rate is pretty low, so no wonder the prices are so high. I doubt that anyone will give it to you for free. And I bet that after the festival, when they stop dropping, the prices will skyrocket high even more
  • Suter1972
    So using this logic, ie its rare item so people should charge a lot for it,

    when the grimm harl motif disappears, are these same players going to want a set crafting going use their own gold digger mentality and pay the crafter a fortune?
    Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...

    xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef

    Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer
  • Stopnaggin
    Yeah I agree there is no need for the OP to get bent out of shape. It was an honest question, but then to start attacking others was definitely not cool. And yes the prices will try to skyrocket after the festival. One guy yesterday was asking 500 each now or 1mil after Nov 1. That's what I was talking about as far as toxic players.
  • Waffennacht
    Stopnaggin wrote: »
    Yeah I agree there is no need for the OP to get bent out of shape. It was an honest question, but then to start attacking others was definitely not cool. And yes the prices will try to skyrocket after the festival. One guy yesterday was asking 500 each now or 1mil after Nov 1. That's what I was talking about as far as toxic players.

    How is that toxic? One I see that as fair, even 1 mil is a pretty standard price for a discontinued item.

    It's not like you have to buy it. And for the vast majority of players, you get one within the first 100 plunder skulls.

    Imo the masks are actually cheap at 1mil (once discontinued) because I see items that can currently drop going for the same amount (gold jewelry comes to mind)

    Quite frankly, the only person I could see being greedy, would be like a crafter asking for more money after a deal has already been made and materials exchanged
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Stopnaggin
    Because IMHO 1 mil for a costume, actually for a hat, is outrageous. I am not coming on to argue with you or anyone else. It's just my opnion. If you can sell it for that knock yourself out, I personally am not that greedy. There is now way to regulate prices here, they will have to regulate themselves.

    Now on the jewelry front that is completely different as it gives something in return. That mask will not give you any competitive edge. It has no perks attached to it. So you are comparing apples to oranges.

    Now as far as a crafter pulling something like that, make a report, take the loss or what ever you like. Don't do business with people like that. I only deal with people I know. Most of the time I craft for people I have them just send mats and don't charge for the actual crafting. If they want to tip, fine. If they don't have the mats then I will charge. Example being if someone wants nirncrux axe but doesnt have the nirn, yes I will charge, or dro ma without the whiskers, charge.
  • Danksta
    Danksta wrote: »
    Siphoneer wrote: »
    Glamdring wrote: »
    I put in alot of hours to get my masks, and i should just give it away for free?

    Hes referring to spares xD nice try though

    It was still a grind, spares or not.[/quote the grind of needing to stand there and beat a boss over and over. pretty much any level. right my man. sorry.

    Exactly, it's not even a difficult grind. So anyone, including yourself can do it
    Suter1972 wrote: »
    So using this logic, ie its rare item so people should charge a lot for it,

    when the grimm harl motif disappears, are these same players going to want a set crafting going use their own gold digger mentality and pay the crafter a fortune?

    Most likely, yes. Especially considering they'll need to spend real money on mimic stones.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

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