After spending arround 115k(and time) setting up a sword singer set It came to my attention that the 5piece bonus(450WD) seems to not work with the 2handed ultimate
The set reads "Adds 450 Weapon Damage to your Two handed abilities"
I tested with 5piece Sword singer(Gold 2h mace Weapon, Purple boots, Blue jewelery, all gold enchants) vs 4 piece marksman(3jewelery purple, boots purple all golden enchants) 1piece sword singer(Gold 2h mace)
Now, from one set to the other I only loose a few stam on jewelery and the max stam bonus, keeping the weapon damage bonus
Dmg from sneak, fully buffed on a Giant with Sword Singer - 125k
Dmg from sneak, fully buffed on a Giant with Marksman - 124k
Now, I supose this dmg loss if from the max stam I loose, about 1k, wich means the extra 450WD(429to be exact) from the 5piece bonus isn't affecting the ultimate
Is this intended or bug?