Are you a regular, almost daily player?
Do you want to complete regular PvE content, Trials, Pledges, Dungeons and farm new gear?
I'm looking for 3 people to join me to do regular PvE content and just have fun.
I've been in a team in the past and it was great fun, most of the group went from having completed no content in the game to finishing everything and being very competitive but we also chatted about builds and just enjoyed the game.
You must be a regular player, playing most days around 6pm.
You must use a mic or there is no point!
You need to understand your build and have a decent amount of CP, but reaching the CP cap isn't required as we will grow and build together!
You don't need to understand or have done any of the content such as trials, DSA, Vet Dungeons - just be able to fulfill your role in the group and handle yourself.
I play mostly as a Tank but also have very good Healer and DPS builds so the other 3 people can take whatever role is preferred - even better if you have multiple toons!
If you are like me and want to just login every day and have a group to do stuff with then pop me a message on XBL and we'll get it going. GT LeeNewton13