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heirs to the throne AD guild now recruiting active members and leaders

ALL ALLIENCES WELCOME. Heirs to the throne is a social/trading guild looking to help other members of the guild out. If enough people want to we can run pvp and pve. There is also a personal banker and merchant. Looking to build the rooster back up as I haven't been on in about a year and created new character. Any levels can join. Hoping to get active players that like to play with guildmembers. Also looking for a couple people to put as leaders to help grow the guild and make it thrive if you feel the spot is for you let me know. If you would like to join leave gamertag below and I will add as soon as I can or message me GT: crispywhisper48
Edited by Crispywhisper48 on September 15, 2016 4:03PM
  • Crispywhisper48
    I play in AD most of the time but all alliances are welcom as I do have players in each.
    Edited by Crispywhisper48 on September 15, 2016 4:01PM
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