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Guild Recruiting! Come Join Lunar Chaos

We are a guild of weirdos who like playing ESO together. Most members have DC mains but we accept and help any alliance. We are creatures of the night. Vampire and Werewolf bites are available.

We are here to level up and hang out. 18+ Guild with very few exceptions. We are sarcastic and just plain weird. If you are easily offended this is not the guild for you. We PVP, Dungeon run, Level grind, and much more.

We will have goofy challenges weekly and monthly. Example: One mans trash is another guildies treasure challange: Who ever puts the most items of trash in the guild bank by the end of the day wins 2k... etc.

We have a PVP officer, Heavy Armor Crafter, and Guild Provisioner, for the guild. Looking to fill ranks and build normal running groups. Promotion and guild bank access earned through use of voice chat and participation in guild.

We NEVER ask for dues! Items donated to the guild bank are used to level characters crafting or help guild members. Only officers are allowed in guild bank for safety measures. Many of us have came from guilds that has been looted or taken advantage of. No worrying about your donations, ever.

We have a guild store and in process of getting guild trader.

We welcome you to join the chaos & hope to see you soon!

  • SaraRose
    platform? if PC, throw me an invite. @Sara.Rose
  • Ghostxgal
    NA DC XBOXONE Guild Recruiting! Come Join Lunar Chaos

    We are a guild of weirdos who like playing ESO together. Most members have DC mains but we accept and help any alliance. We are creatures of the night. Vampire and Werewolf bites are available.

    We are here to level up and hang out. 18+ Guild with very few exceptions. We are sarcastic and just plain weird. If you are easily offended this is not the guild for you. We PVP, Dungeon run, Level grind, and much more.

    We will have goofy challenges weekly and monthly. Example: One mans trash is another guildies treasure challange: Who ever puts the most items of trash in the guild bank by the end of the day wins 2k... etc.

    We have a PVP officer, Heavy Armor Crafter, and Guild Provisioner, for the guild. Looking to fill ranks and build normal running groups. Promotion and guild bank access earned through use of voice chat and participation in guild.

    We NEVER ask for dues! Items donated to the guild bank are used to level characters crafting or help guild members. Only officers are allowed in guild bank for safety measures. Many of us have came from guilds that has been looted or taken advantage of. No worrying about your donations, ever.

    We have a guild store and in process of getting guild trader.

    We welcome you to join the chaos & hope to see you soon!


    Sorry forgot to include XBOX ONE :(
  • Unsent.Soul
    I assume your platform is Xbox, mainly because the "GT"part.

    I'm typically a smart ass, run a lot of pvp/dungeons but not on every night.

    Gt is unsent soul

    I also assume someone will refer you to the guild recruitment section.
  • Ghostxgal
    I posted there...

    I am a smart ass as well.
    But much thanks.'

    Invite coming soon.
  • Ubiquitousr
    Soul Shriven
    My GT is UbiquitousR, still a noob but I am currently guild less.
  • natewcc
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a fun guild with people who don't take themselves too seriously!

    DC Vampire main character Nate the Optimystic

    GT: The Cajun Fam

    Would love an invite!
  • khyskilgo
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like the guild for me, just started playing on xbox, coming from pc. Gamer tag is Rage of Red.
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