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Im struggling to allocate my early level skill points

Ive got to lvl 20 now as a Templar and even at this early point I realised I had spread my limited skill points over too many variations. Eg across all 3 armour, some in each of the crafting, some in resto staff, bow and others in dawns wraith and restoration.

To capture it early, Ive done a skill reset and targeted the skills I seem to favour playing. Im PVE and like to keep a distance and heal myself. (I have a habit of healing randoms I see who are in trouble too)

So, now got a some in
Dawns wrath
Sun fire morphed to reflective light
Sun flare morphed to dark flare

scatter shot
arrow spray

Healing ritual morphed into something I cant remember

Soul magic
(the one that traps souls) morphed into the one that heals me if active when they die

medium armour and others in woodworking and clothier.

Ive not got quite a few left over and im thinking at this stage in my progression, every point is valuable. Where should I drop them?
Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...

xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef

Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer
  • Nidro
    Well, where you invest your few skill points depends on your playnig style of course.

    If you wanna be a healer, try to get the restoring light aswell as the restoration staff skill lines up!
    Very important is to use at least 5 pieces of light armor to get full Bonus of all the light armor passive bonuses !! they are awesome for magicka users.

    I play the german version of ESO so i dont know the ability names perfectly in english but ill do my best.

    your MAIN HEAL is the first active ability of restoring light . (morphed ist called Breath of Life)
    you should use this along with rapid Regeneration/mutagen from the restoration staff skill line and the cleansing ritual from the restoring light skill line

    with this healing combination u can heal almost everything in normal dungeons. Its also good to use if you play quests, and other things

    on your 2nd weaponbar you should be doing some damage if you are questing, doing dungeions, whatever.
    (because u cant just heal Mobs to death ;-) )

    So try a DESTRUCTION STAFF here! (If you are Magicka user)

    use skills like crushing shock and/or elemental Blockade with inner light, and try to have Breath of Life also on that bar, which will give u alot of security while attacking, as u can just pop up a healing if needed, while your attacking something.

    I dont understand why you put your points into medium armor as u said. Medium armor is for Stamina users mostly.
    -> Light armor for magicka users.

    If you want to Play as a Stamina based character, you should use the dual wield skill line and the bow skill line, or Bow with 2-hander or 2 hander with dual wield.

    u can decide on that.

    you should definately NOT mix up Stamina with magicka skills, as hybrid characters are not reall good in this game :-(

    i think you are using a bow with restoration staff at the moment. (i think u said something about that in your question)

    what you Need to know is the healing and damage you do with magicka based attacks/spells/weapons(staffs) scales up with your MAXIMUM MAGICKA.

    same goes for MAXIMUM STAMINA. Bow, 2-hander, Dual Wield and weapon and shield skill lione scale up with your stamina.

    The MORE STAMINA or MAGICKA you have the MORE DAMAGE you will do with the abilities that use magicka OR stamina

    thats why people usually dont play as a hybrid character.

    SO try to put your skill Points into those trees that Support either your magicka or ur stamina abilities.

    I hope this helped you with your Little Problem :-)

    If you Need more help, just answer.

    Im playing on PS4 EU Servers.

    Yours Nidro~

    - Champion Rank 1080 -

    Argonian Warden Tank - Never-Fights-Alone
    Highelf Sorcereress - Magicka DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Highelf Templar - Magicka DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Imperial Dragonknight - Tank - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Khajiit Nightblade - Stamina DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Redguard Templar - Stamina DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Darkelf Nightblade - Magicka DD - Voice of Reason
    Imperial Sorcerer - Stamina DD - The Flawless Conquerer
    Redguard Dragonknight - Stamina DD
    Argonian Templar - Healer - Heals-all-Allies -
  • Suter1972

    Id read on a player guide somewhere that Templar Bow user was superb so had tried to create that.

    I haven’t got a restration staff as the Templars have their own restoration skill line anyway?

    At the min im using a mix of bow and dans wrath for DPS and restoration skill line for a quick heal. Haven’t touched the 2nd weapon bar yet.
    Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...

    xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef

    Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer
  • Nidro
    I Will add you to my PSN friends list, i can help you out and craft you some beginner stuff if you like that :-)
    and we can also talk some

    the thing is when u get higher and higher in lvls, u wont heal alot of your max health anymore with that kinda skills and your out of magicka very fast.

    There EXISTS a very very strong Stamina based healing spell called Vigor. (Its from pvp skill lines)

    You should figure out what style u wanna Play.

    By the way, u chose the perfect race for magicka user or mainly a Healer lol :-)

    Cya Ingame
    - Champion Rank 1080 -

    Argonian Warden Tank - Never-Fights-Alone
    Highelf Sorcereress - Magicka DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Highelf Templar - Magicka DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Imperial Dragonknight - Tank - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Khajiit Nightblade - Stamina DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Redguard Templar - Stamina DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Darkelf Nightblade - Magicka DD - Voice of Reason
    Imperial Sorcerer - Stamina DD - The Flawless Conquerer
    Redguard Dragonknight - Stamina DD
    Argonian Templar - Healer - Heals-all-Allies -
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    Depends on what you want to do in the game. Solo questing, casual, play at your own pace? Then unlock whatever you'd like. There's plenty of skill points in the game, over 300 if I recall, so there's no need to skimp.

    If you want to do group PvE content (dungeons or trials) or PvP, then you'll want to focus on either stamina or magicka. Your magic attacks/heals scale with spell power+max magicka. Your stamina based attacks/heals scale with weapon damage+max stamina. So for group PvE or PvP, you need to focus on one to be competitive.

    Sounds like you want to be a healer. If so, swap out destruction staff for bow. Destro staff has a good damage over time attack, a good ranged interrupt, and a good debuff. You'll want all these things as a healer. Restoration staff will be your primary bar. Make sure to have at least one class skill from each class skill line on both bars while you're leveling. This ensures that you level up your class skills too.
  • Suter1972
    ok thanks guys. I think I was straying off the path a little so will concentrate on magika I think.
    Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...

    xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef

    Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer
  • Elephant42
    My first priority in allocating skill points is staying alive. Need a damage spammable and a self heal if possible.

    Second priority is to ensure that I have at least one skill from each class tree and one from each of my two preferred weapon trees on my bar so that they all get levelled.

    After that it is just a matter of picking the appropriate skills/passives to your preferred play style as the skill points arrive.

    I usually reach a point around L35-40 where I have quite a few skill points waiting to be allocated because I haven't yet unlocked the skill/passive I want to allocate them to.
  • Nestor
    Good Rule of Thumb

    L1 to 15 Class Skills, main Weapon Skills no passives or other skills except maybe Inner Light from Mages for Casters or the eq from the Fighters for Stamina.
    L15 to L25 start second weapon skill, morphs, passives, support skills like Mage or Fighters or Racials
    L25 to L40 continue with Morphs, then Passives, maybe start spending skills on crafting, but only for Research Times, Keen Eye, and Extraction. Of course your unlocking Class and Weapon skills as they become available.
    L40, by this time, you should be getting all your weapon and class skills at least to the stage where you can morph them, even if you dont' think you would use the skill
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Suter1972
    Nidro wrote: »
    I Will add you to my PSN friends list, i can help you out and craft you some beginner stuff if you like that :-)
    and we can also talk some

    the thing is when u get higher and higher in lvls, u wont heal alot of your max health anymore with that kinda skills and your out of magicka very fast.

    There EXISTS a very very strong Stamina based healing spell called Vigor. (Its from pvp skill lines)

    You should figure out what style u wanna Play.

    By the way, u chose the perfect race for magicka user or mainly a Healer lol :-)

    Cya Ingame


    Sent you a messages in game but just wanted to say thanks so much for crafting me that armour/staffs. I allocated the spare skills as you had said and the difference is amazing. From minor mobs really being a struggle (I am lvl 21 after all!) she can now walk straight up to the same mobs and they don’t get more than a few metres before they are glowing yellow with face in the sand.

    I dyed the clothes black and she now looks like some kind of witch haha
    Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...

    xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef

    Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer
  • Nidro
    Hehe, You're Welcome!!

    Sounds Great :-)

    If u Need help with anything, just hit me up!

    i tried to give u a style that is not the best and best looking, because u overlevel that equipment relatively fast, and it would be a big waste of money to get all the very nice style materials xD
    But you can use it until you reach lvl 35-40 i would say.

    I can make you a new set up if you like once you're there :-)

    I very liked the "now walk straight up to the same mobs and they don’t get more than a few metres before they are glowing yellow with face in the sand."

    I can also craft u some other style next time :-)

    If u wanna look cool and the way you like, check out www.eso-fashion.com
    i make my style combinations with that website, so all my characters look so badass ;-)

    Have a good hunt!

    Yours, Nidro~
    - Champion Rank 1080 -

    Argonian Warden Tank - Never-Fights-Alone
    Highelf Sorcereress - Magicka DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Highelf Templar - Magicka DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Imperial Dragonknight - Tank - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Khajiit Nightblade - Stamina DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Redguard Templar - Stamina DD - Dro m'Athra Destroyer
    Darkelf Nightblade - Magicka DD - Voice of Reason
    Imperial Sorcerer - Stamina DD - The Flawless Conquerer
    Redguard Dragonknight - Stamina DD
    Argonian Templar - Healer - Heals-all-Allies -
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