Carbonised wrote: »Rename tripots - yes.
Make craftable potions have green, blue and purple colours depending on strength/quality/number of effects - yes.
Alchemy hireling instead of snakeblood (but please don't make it deliver poison ingredients) - yes.
And also, could we please get the crafter's name on potions/poisons and foods/drinks, just like it is already shown on gear and enchants? No reason those alchemists and provisioners should feel left out.
Snakeblood actually have uses in combat, if you cannot find a use for it, don't take it from other players that can.
Keep Snakeblood, add an hireling if needed. Just pleae don't remove Snakeblood.
#Snakeblood forever.
Refuse2GrowUp wrote: »(...)
I think it is a good idea to not pour out the baby with the water - we have to wait for One Tamriel and see, how this effects the situation on the market and than evaluate again. I am for example curious, if the new system will lead to a shortage in the materials harvest, which is based on levels - half will be level-based the other based on crafting-skill - so if my crafting skills are greater than my actual player level, I will find just half as many materials for my level than before. And then I wonder, will I find materials which are lower than my levels as well or is that totally gone then?
What I really wonder is if I should keep a character at level 10 to be able to get iron ore. There are tons of new players, the starter areas are crowded and like it often is, there are enough among those, who are too lazy to farm themselves and they are willing to pay for lower level stuff like iron and jute and sanded maple rather well compared to that it is nearly no effort to farm this. In the case that my characters will in future always get their level material, this would mean once all my characters are above a certain level, I would no longer be able to farm these lower level materials - it would be good to know, how this will actually work with One Tamriel.
Crafted potions should definitely be green. The reagents are all green, after all.The strange thing is, this already exists to some extent. Some multi-effect potions exist in the data files, and they have different names. But these don't usually exist in-game (most bought/dropped pots are single-effect), and the names don't transfer to crafted pots. Even some of the colours are different.Slayer9292_ESO wrote: »I suggested in another thread that it would be nice if potion names would be different for potions with multiple effects.
Like __ of Health can be just a healing potion or one that restores health/magicka and stanima, making it so you have to hover over to see which is which.
- Health, Armor, Spell Resist: __ of Defense (not actually a possible combination, red)
- Health, Magicka, Stamina: __ of Rejuvenation (standard resto tri-pot, orange)
- Magicka, Spell Power, Weapon Crit: __ of Spell Blade (not actually a possible combination, yellow)
- Magicka, Spell Power, Spell Crit: __ of Spell Weaving (standard magicka tri-pot, blue)
- Stamina, Weapon Power, Weapon Crit: __ of Strength (standard stamina tri-pot, green)
Yeah, they have. I think it was something to do with the fact that Alchemy is the only profession where you can find all necessary reagents in every zone, or something.xilfxlegion wrote: »have they ever mentioned why alchemy is the only one without a hireling ?
There simply wouldn't be any Legendary potions. Singles would be green, bi-pots would be blue, and tri-pots would be purple. Unless it was decided that a tri-pot with a triple match would be Legendary. Then you could distinguish between a tri-pot with three doubles and a tri-pot with two doubles and a triple. But then you would have inconsistency with single and bi-pots which have triple matches...UltimaJoe777 wrote: »I don't see any reason to not color a Potion by how many effects it has. Problem with that though is what qualifies it as Legendary?