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PVE Vet Dungeon and Trials Guild looking for high end members

Soul Shriven

We are a very small guild, 15 members, looking for 10-15 elite players to join us for daily gold runs, Vet WGT, Vet ICP, and trials on the weekends. 3 of us can run most vet gold dungeons with no issue but, it would be nice to find a few more players to run with who have 2 or more characters. We do go into the sewers and the imperial city as well, just not a lot in Cyrodiil. We are all on our late 20's or 30's, or older. If this sounds like a guild you want to join, please send me a message (gamertag below) or leave your gamertag in a response and I will add you.

My GT - Jack 338
Edited by Jack_338 on July 18, 2016 2:00PM
  • Jack_338
    Soul Shriven
    We now have an excellent healer, the 3 of us ran through Vet COA in under 30. Looking for a few more DPS, maybe a tank, and 1 more healer to join us.
    Edited by Jack_338 on July 20, 2016 4:04AM
  • kingstriker5
    Soul Shriven
    Gamertag kingstriker5 I would love to run dungeons mainly white gold tower
  • Jack_338
    Soul Shriven
    I will send you an invite when I get back on. What kind of character are you running?
  • jamesoer
    Soul Shriven
    I am not elite but I would like to join. I have (2) 50 DKs and a 50 Sorc. GT Whiplash1975
  • Jack_338
    Soul Shriven
    Jamesoer, I will be happy to send you an invite. We can help you get to the elite level!
  • Kuso719
    Im trying to get up there with the elites. I have a sorc that's level 50 with 441 cap. I have been trying to find a guild that does stuff daily.Im usually on everyday after work. Gt: KusoRagnarth Id love to see if I can hang with you elites.
  • Kuso719
    Im AD fraction
  • ryanborror
    I have all magic classes and stam nb and dk at max level. Gt dooderrr
    templars, nightblades
    PC/XB1 NA
  • Jack_338
    Soul Shriven
    Kuso, we can still run vet dungeons cross alliance.
  • Kuso719
    Ight. Good Im down if your willing to let me
  • Crescentshield
    481 CP Nord Stam DK Tank.
    GT Crescentshield

    Have a friend who is an Altmer Magicka Templar Healer.
    GT Resence
    Edited by Crescentshield on July 26, 2016 4:43PM
  • Jack_338
    Soul Shriven
    Kuso, just need your GT to send an invite.
  • Kuso719
    My Gt is KusoRagnarth
  • Kuso719
    Anyone doing dungeons
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    I'm interested in doing trials on the weekends as long as it's after 9pm est (can't play when kids are up). I have 501 CP stamDK, mDK, mSorc, and magplar. Willing to learn any role. I've done plenty of vet dungeons but only a handful of normal mode trials. If I sound like someone you could use shoot me an invite. GT same as my forum name.
  • melocken
    Soul Shriven
    Im interested, my 1st language is french but im almost bylingual. I have 7 (champion 440) character healer and dps i know how to run alost any vet dungeons (exept the prison) and all trials . I play every day.

    My GT is melocken
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