@Lord_Draevan It's the leadership. They spreads lies and slander about other players and tries to control who his guildies and former guildies are allowed to play with. There's a reason nearly every one of his officers have quit the guild.
doublestuffed wrote: »
This 100%
PeggymoeXD wrote: »My argument to this post is the fact that taking anything makes it the most important objective on the map to AD. Some PvE pug could call out that there are 3 EP grinding in Cracked Wood Cave and AD would hold a faction event to zerg them down. I know it's difficult to split AD forces, since there are six hundred million of them all connected to a hive mind, but any effort to divert their attention elsewhere is always necessary.
Roehamad_Ali wrote: »Can we make this about lag ? Or take a minute to discuss Shield Breaker ?
Telel can at least confirm that many Ad 'scouts' are not fond of providing obviously unimportant information when they call out attacks. Silly things like, how many, what side, if there's actually siege, and where they are all cast aside for efficiency's sake.
This does mean you will see more organized groups quickly moving from site to site as we try to figure out if there's 8000 griffs sieging alessia again, or if there's just five under the bridge killing any lone level 10s that try and cross.
On the plus side it does give the pack something to do besides chase Invictus across the width and breadth of Nirn for hours on end.
PeggymoeXD wrote: »
Actually there was a moment yesterday when we had a tiny group attempt to lure a large group of AD to a happy-time kill spot, but they didn't chase us! We felt unacknowledged and slightly offended.. Perhaps the hive mind is adapting and becoming intelligent :P
Yup, Pact Militia coordinates multiple raids just so we can chase stamina builds around trees all night. Without raid 3 I highly doubt we would be able to Eliminate those amazing players who do 1vTree.
and by coordinating they mean taking the same objective with 3 raids. If you not sure of that check out some of the massive fights we have had on TF....it's real.....
They were very real tonight, I have never so many players fighting and dying in one place since February. easily some of the most epic open field battles I have ever have in this game.
Maybe they didn't want to use overwhelming odds because they were more interested in a sporting fight.
Or maybe they wanted to get to a more strategic position to push a map objective over walking into an obvious trap that'd frustrate the newer players who weren't quite ready for prox blob chasing.
ORRRRRRRRR....they've seen how some griffs like to sucker people in with bait only to yank the bacon flavored yarn of \o/ away and replace it with the Dunmer flavored wire of >: , and they didn't want to fall for it an eightieth time.
That evening.
The thing at the dolmen with the eight trebuchets was funny though.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »
DC at Chalman: check.
AD at BRK at Ash: check.
Estimated EP retake of BRK: 5 hours minimum.
The weekend EP routine: SO IT BEGINS...
Darnathian wrote: »
EP whine before 8 am: Check.
With the last of AD leaving Had, we all can be assured that the lag fights will get worse, the que will be longer, and strange mystical things will happen. I am not saying AD coming to TF will cause this because i am glad they are here. But with no one to fight on Had, the DC and EP will follow. I think we can all expect to see lager EP and DC balls....i mean zergs, because we know they don't have those when all they choose to do is stack on top of each other......Lets make one thing clear to all the factions out there on TF. We constantly check numbers before responding to a defense. If we here more than 2 raids at a keep, you can be assured AD will stack as well. I would caution the other factions. They are not dealing with 1 or 2 organized groups, you now have to contend with 5 or 6 organized guilds. We have no problem working together and communicating with each other. EP and DC this is your worst nightmare---a faction united with a common goal.
Summer has arrived!
With the last of AD leaving Had, we all can be assured that the lag fights will get worse, the que will be longer, and strange mystical things will happen. I am not saying AD coming to TF will cause this because i am glad they are here. But with no one to fight on Had, the DC and EP will follow. I think we can all expect to see lager EP and DC balls....i mean zergs, because we know they don't have those when all they choose to do is stack on top of each other......Lets make one thing clear to all the factions out there on TF. We constantly check numbers before responding to a defense. If we here more than 2 raids at a keep, you can be assured AD will stack as well. I would caution the other factions. They are not dealing with 1 or 2 organized groups, you now have to contend with 5 or 6 organized guilds. We have no problem working together and communicating with each other. EP and DC this is your worst nightmare---a faction united with a common goal.
Summer has arrived!
Darnathian wrote: »
EP whine before 8 am: Check.
When I see 60-80 AD players trying to take Brk, my first reflex is to get my group all the way down at Faregyl / Blood / Black-boot and captures ressources / flag keeps. This is the best way to force the enemy zerg to spread out. Stacking more raids to create a huge mega zerg VS mega zerg fight only create more latency issues and make everyone log for the night.
It's a shame seeing AD leave Haderus. When we went to Haderus, it was all yellow 24/7. We were lucky to get the north west corner blue most nights. It took months of fighting on the map to get it in a position to take Emp. An now AD has the same challenge and walks away. That's a damn shame.
antihero727 wrote: »
It was a sad day for us too but the server has become a joke. There were only 2 large AD guilds left and we only ran a few hrs a day if that as a group to contentd with both DC and EP constantly pushing the AD. There is some shady stuff going on up north too. The fights are so one sided most of the time, it's just no fun anymore being the only ones running most of the time. Well they could always fight eachother, lol like that would happen. It would be different fighting only 1 strong alliance but 2 with a vendetta is a load of crap. At least it was mostly AD you were facing not, pop DC, 3 bar, EP, 2 bar AD with both roe and fare flagged at the same time.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »
Apparently it's all we can do. EP's been pop-locked for hours yet only 10-15 of us are trying to push anything. The rest is...