I keep seeing this bolded suggestion. It's not exactly accurate.It helps to play less. Then you are always in enlightenment and can achieve higher CP levels per /played time than someone who plays more often.
I keep seeing this bolded suggestion. It's not exactly accurate.
You get enlightenment at the same rate regardless of whether you are logged in or not. It doesn't work like "rested xp" in other games. So it doesn't "help to play less" as far as actually getting CP is concerned.
Yes, you'll get far more "CP per unit of time played" if you let your Enlightenment accumulate, and then play all at once. But you'd be getting that same amount of enlightenment even if you were online 24/7 playing, so you'd get all the CP you would have gotten and more. You're average CP per hour would obviously drop during the times you weren't enlightened, but you are not "losing" anything.
Basically, the more you play, the more CP you get. It just has diminishing returns because of the limited enlightenment.
ScottK1994 wrote: »
Hm see this is where I get confused. On wow tier levels were the same physical level so their would be tier 1 cp 160 and tier 10 160 stuff. But that's just my prejudice from being experienced in other games.
How do they work then is T1-5 dungeon gear 6-7 veteran dungeons and T8-10 is trial stuff?
ScottK1994 wrote: »Second question(sorry to the OP) are trials similar in difficulty to raids in world of warcraft? I'm not sure about these days but when I played every new content patch had awesomely difficult fights, obviously getting easier when they've been out for a while.
Ohh man I'm feeling nostalgic now but I remember final bosses for the expansions and how for so long only like 1% of each server had completed the final boss. It was awesome seeing the guys beat you in PvP knowing they deserved to beat you lol
what cp do i have to reach, to be competiting with others in pvp? mainly to 1vX to a point it requires skill not gear/cp.
I've never played WoW, so that's all Greek to me. In ESO, any gear of the same level (or CP level) is essentially the same "Tier". You can improve quality from white - green - blue - purple - gold for better stats.
What's BiS will depend a lot on your build and even there, you will have some variance. The BiS item can come from a variety of sources: It can be crafted, it can be looted from dungeons (like Undaunted sets and other BoP sets from vet dungeon), Trials (some is BoP, some is BoE so you can buy/sell), some from Maelstrom Arena, some from PvP rewards.
It all depends on what you want to do, and there are a couple of Tried and True crafted sets that will get you through most of anything (and those can be crafted at any level).
Trials are 12-person instances. Some are more challenging than others. Maw of Lorkhaj and Sanctum Ophidia now have Normal and Vet modes. Aetherian Archive and Hel-Ra Citadel are getting revamped in the next update (along with Dragonstar Arena, which is a 4-person arena-type raid).
SleepyTroll wrote: »How casual are you? My brother plays like 1-2 hours 5 times a week for like 4 months he's cp 300. Japanese players just joined and I see ones who are 350-400.
ScottK1994 wrote: »
Hm sounds a bit like vanilla WoW(before the first expansion) gear. The whole tier system is basically decided by the player base. I understand though, if you wanted to stick tiers on it 1-10 is too wide a number just now. Tier 1-2 I guess.
Yeah I'll be getting into trials I hope, once console has text chat anyway. I just want to know my end game progression; I need to understand it simply enough to bother eh!
If you go to the Tamrielfoundry class forums, there are a lot of theorycrafting threads there where people post their builds and gear. Most players usually post a "Best options" version and an "almost as good" version of gear (because some things like Maelstrom weapons are not easy to get, particularly if RNG doesn't like you).
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »ESO already has a catchup system for CP. Between the scaled cost of CP and enlightenment it helps newer and returning players catch up.
Although I agree that more needs to be done. My biggest concern when the CP system was launched was the more casual and newer player. As it turns out Zos realized their mistake and made some adjustments to where it is now and hopefully they come to understand more needs to be done.
One suggesting a friend had was at lower CP levels provide several times the enlightenment. Once the player reaches a certain level scale that enlightenment back a little. When the player gets to maybe 75% of cap the enlightenment boost would be normal, as it is now.
This would go a long way for catching up players that actually play reasonably regularly without making any major change to the system. I know many who left due to the changes over a year ago. Some have come back buy many did not stay because of how far they were behind in CP.
Endgame is 160 CP at the current time. You will not find any enemies beyond that level. The CP limit right now is 501, with a 30-point or so increase coming with the next DLC.
I didn't hear a # on them increasing CP in the next DLC, can you cite where they have posted the 30 points. Thanks.
SleepyTroll wrote: »How casual are you? My brother plays like 1-2 hours 5 times a week for like 4 months he's cp 300. Japanese players just joined and I see ones who are 350-400.
ScottK1994 wrote: »
Hm see this is where I get confused. On wow tier levels were the same physical level so their would be tier 1 cp 160 and tier 10 160 stuff. But that's just my prejudice from being experienced in other games.
How do they work then is T1-5 dungeon gear 6-7 veteran dungeons and T8-10 is trial stuff?