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I really need some major help with my magplar in pvp!!! Please help me

Ok so I am very good with my Stamblade bc I played him so long but I just got my magplar dunmer to lvl 50(I'm cp 323) and I went to pvp to try him out and I only had 1500 spell damage and I couldn't survive at all I expected to hit like a truck and survive really easy but I was getting one shoted. I am wearing full viscous death bc it looked fun to use on a temp with proxy det(don't have it yet) and I am also wearing 3 piece willpower, but I'm not being successful in pvp I love using puncturing sweeps and radiant oppression for pvp so I would love for these to hit harder how can I make that happen what should I put in the cp tree for Mage. Lastly I'm a dunmer and I use meteor should I use shooting star or ice commit?
  • Baconlad
    Elemental expert and thuamaturge for puncturing sweeps damage. Vicious death is ok for rings and dual swords and off bar sword and shield. For five piece use kagrenacs heavy all impen. One molag one bloodspawn OR two bloodspawn. One light one heavy. You can use will power jewels if you can find them all arcane. But you would use either a two piece bonus that gives spell power or regen for your swords. Make sure the weapons are golded first priority and that they are sharpened trait.

    Use tri stat food or magic/ stam recovery drink. Atronach mundus. For DW bar, have puncturing sweeps, toppling charge, radiant destruction, flex spot (many choose harness magick but since five heavy it will only negate the cast not give you extra magick), I use repentence here, and structured entropy, ult is meteor most of the time.
    Bar two have extended ritual, channeled focus, flex spot, elusive mist, BOL, and flex ultimate. Sometimes I run a resto staff on my off bar and use healing ward in place of the flex spot on my defensive bar.

    Lastly...weapon/ spell damage enchant on one weapon and disease on the other, and enchant all jewels with at least two spell damage enchants. These thing will push your spell damage to at least 2300 unbuffed which will read over 3.4 with continuous attack buff and major/minor spell power buffs.

    Bigest thing about magick templar is not burtsy damage but long lasting (indefinete being the goal) sustain in a 1v1 scenario. you CAN go full spell power and achieve almost 5k spell damage, but that is mainly for very large group settings where you have a healer and many buddies, where your skills will absolutely wreck ***...but 1v1 you will not last with max max max spell me I've tried XD...doesnt work
  • Cameron991
    Thanks that helps a lot what if I don't have any monster helms? @Baconlad
  • Cameron991
    Baconlad wrote: »
    Elemental expert and thuamaturge for puncturing sweeps damage. Vicious death is ok for rings and dual swords and off bar sword and shield. For five piece use kagrenacs heavy all impen. One molag one bloodspawn OR two bloodspawn. One light one heavy. You can use will power jewels if you can find them all arcane. But you would use either a two piece bonus that gives spell power or regen for your swords. Make sure the weapons are golded first priority and that they are sharpened trait.

    Use tri stat food or magic/ stam recovery drink. Atronach mundus. For DW bar, have puncturing sweeps, toppling charge, radiant destruction, flex spot (many choose harness magick but since five heavy it will only negate the cast not give you extra magick), I use repentence here, and structured entropy, ult is meteor most of the time.
    Bar two have extended ritual, channeled focus, flex spot, elusive mist, BOL, and flex ultimate. Sometimes I run a resto staff on my off bar and use healing ward in place of the flex spot on my defensive bar.

    Lastly...weapon/ spell damage enchant on one weapon and disease on the other, and enchant all jewels with at least two spell damage enchants. These thing will push your spell damage to at least 2300 unbuffed which will read over 3.4 with continuous attack buff and major/minor spell power buffs.

    Bigest thing about magick templar is not burtsy damage but long lasting (indefinete being the goal) sustain in a 1v1 scenario. you CAN go full spell power and achieve almost 5k spell damage, but that is mainly for very large group settings where you have a healer and many buddies, where your skills will absolutely wreck ***...but 1v1 you will not last with max max max spell me I've tried XD...doesnt work

    Quick question I can't craft kagrenacs hope I didn't fully research what set should I do instead julianos Or any other set? @Baconlad
    Edited by Cameron991 on July 21, 2016 6:23AM
  • sluice

    Ideally, find someone (in your guild or a friend of a friend) to craft Kagrenac's for you.
    It's the BiS magicka gear for PVP at the moment.)

    I run a very similar setup to what @Baconlad has describe (except only 2x Vicious Death and 3x Willpower Arcane) and it's crazy strong.

    I have between 37k and 40k Magicka (depending on if I use Inner Light or not)
    4k spell damage fully buffed.
    1.4k recovery (don't need more with potions and Channeled Focus)

    Short video of the build in action dating from last month:

    The monster set there is Malubeth, I have switched to Bloodspawn since Malubeth is broken.

    I would suggest, these shouldn't change :
    -3x Willpower Arcane Jewelry with spell damage glyph
    -5x Kagrenac's Impen. (On the body and not head or shoulder to keep those open for potential monster set)

    If you don't intend to get some Monster set
    -4x Magnus (2x swords sharpened, helm and shoulder medium)

    If you intend to get Monster set soon
    -2x VD (Preferably helm and shoulders if that's what you currently have..)
    -2x Torug's Pact for weapons (Unless you already have the weapons..)

    You could use Seducers instead of Magnus, if you need more recovery.

    That said, I would never use Vicious Death, unless I had the 3 Jewelry. The 5x Kag's is too good to past up...
    Edited by sluice on July 21, 2016 12:01PM
    PSN: sluiceqc (NA-PS4) CP: 551+
    I strictly play on Daggerfall Covenant for when it comes to PvP
    Daggerfall Covenant
    sluice - Orc Sorcerer (50)
    Anýa - Bosmer Nightblade (0..50)

    Aldmeri Dominion (PvE only)
    Arýä - Altmer Sorcerer (50)
    Marksar - Breton Templar (50)
    Maksar - Bosmer Nightblade (50)
    sluice - Imperial Dragonknight (0..50) R.I.P.

    Ebonheart Pact
    Can't-Heal-Stupid - Argonian Templar (0..50)

    (vMA) drop table and probability
  • Haquor
    Mageplar can be really fun and powerful as long as you dont do that rediculous transmutation/malubeth blockmaster bol spammer bs..

    I played my second mageplar (first ws a to assault/support 10 recently and had lots of fun with the following build

    5x seducer, 3x willpower, 2x valkyn, sword and shield transmutation (regen bonus) and dual wield VD sword(spell damage bonus).

    Bar 1 (dw): sweeps, dark flare, toppling charge/javelin, radient destruction, structored entropy, meteor
    Bar 2: ritual of retribution, restoring focus, elusive mist, Breath of life, defensive stance, devouring swarm

    Run trifood and aim for about 22k health, 38k magicka, 16k stam and about 1600 to 1800 magicka regen.

    For damage:
    Pop entropy for empowerment, dark flare, javelin to prevent dodging flare then sweeps/radient destruction for dps. Often a flare then jab then radient will kill people.

    For survivability:
    Switch to sword and shield bar, use ritual to remove dots, and always stand in or around focus to reduce damage taken and increase your spell resist and armor. Keep defensive stance up to keep casters off your back. Use mist form to reposition out of aoes or around trees and rocks to break line of sight and ofc breath of life if needed to heal up. Swith bars and throw javelin to keep people off you.

    Stack cost reductiom for magicka, elemental expert and thumatage for damage and hardy and elemental defender for defence.

    Always keep rituak and focus up. Otherwise you will take way more damage
  • Ron_Burgundy_79
    @Cameron991 What platform are you on and do you have your undaunted maxed out? I run a build similar to @sluice and @Baconlad

    5-1-1 (5 light) using Atronach mundus stone
    5pc Kragenacs (all impen with heavy chest and medium legs)
    2pc Bloodspawn (monster set)
    3pc Willpower (2 recovery 1 Spell Damage)

    Front bar: Dual Wield 2pc Vicious Death swords
    Inner Light / Toppling Charge / Structured Entropy / Blazing Spear / Puncuring Sweeps
    Ultimate: Meteor or Barrier depending on solo or small group play
    (Inner light can be swapped out for vampires bane or radiant oppression. I don't use dark flare because of the 1 second cast time and it's easily dodgeable.)

    Back bar: Sword & Board 2pc Endurance (Seducer or Transmutation would work because of the extra recovery)
    Cleansing Ritual / Channeled Focus / Elusive Mist / Repentance / Breath of Life
    Ultimate: Devouring Swarm

    Fully buffed (Blood spawn proc standing in channeled focus with entropy):
    3000 spell damage
    1800 magicka recovery (front bar) 2000 on back bar
    39000 Magicka
    25000 Health
    14500 Stamina
    32000 Spell Resist
    27000 Physical Resist
    2775 Impen
    (Stats are not exact due to posting this while at work)

    This build is effective in solo play, but it really shines as a support class in a small group. (I consider a small group to be anywhere from 2-6 players). 4pc Magnus can be used in place of the 2pc blood spawn and the weapons on both bars.
    Edited by Ron_Burgundy_79 on July 21, 2016 6:33PM
  • Robbmrp
    I have a lot of fun with 5 Julianos and 5 Vic Death(Jewelry, duel swords, 1 Resto staff and Belt) It's really 6 pieces but I get to keep the 5th set bonus of both sets when I switch to Resto which is nice to pull back magicka. Use + magicka enchants on armor, + weapon/spell damage on weapons and jewelry and only use the poisons on your Resto staff to debuff while regaining magicka.

    Put your strongest spells on the front bar with the duel swords and your templar spells on the back with a couple resto staff abilities.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Cameron991
    I am on Xbox and no it not fully maxed out sadly @Ron_Burgundy_79
  • Ron_Burgundy_79
    Cameron991 wrote: »
    I am on Xbox and no it not fully maxed out sadly @Ron_Burgundy_79

    Add me and I'll hook you up with some gear if you have the mats. GT: Ron Burgundy 79
  • Cameron991
    Thank you so much man that would be awesome @Ron_Burgundy_79
    Heavy or light kagrenacs?
  • Ron_Burgundy_79
    Light Krags. I don't have 8 traits in heavy yet.
  • Cameron991
    Light Krags. I don't have 8 traits in heavy yet.
    What's better?
    Edited by Cameron991 on July 21, 2016 10:59PM
  • Ron_Burgundy_79
    Cameron991 wrote: »
    Light Krags. I don't have 8 traits in heavy yet.
    What's better?

    I've used light and heavy, but I prefer light.
  • Cameron991
    Thanks for the offer but I can't get the materials Rn I have no ancestor silk sadly is the 150 cp set a lot different then 160 bc I might just go with heavy Julianos for now thanks you though @Ron_Burgundy_79
  • Mac10murda
    I don't get how people play magplar I get jumped swap to s/b to heal then swap back to offensive bar then get insta gibbed with 5 heavy and 2500 impen
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    @sluice are you running heavy kags or light?
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Cameron991
    @Ron_Burgundy_79 bro I saw you in pvp lol imperial city you were beasting it out with surviability I was ebonheart in temple. OMG you were hard to take down lol
    Edited by Cameron991 on July 22, 2016 7:50AM
  • sluice
    @sluice are you running heavy kags or light?

    Most of the time, I'm rolling with 5 lights and 2 mediums.

    Sometime I roll with 5/1/1, since I have all the undaunted passives, but I tend to prefer the passives from 2 mediums.
    PSN: sluiceqc (NA-PS4) CP: 551+
    I strictly play on Daggerfall Covenant for when it comes to PvP
    Daggerfall Covenant
    sluice - Orc Sorcerer (50)
    Anýa - Bosmer Nightblade (0..50)

    Aldmeri Dominion (PvE only)
    Arýä - Altmer Sorcerer (50)
    Marksar - Breton Templar (50)
    Maksar - Bosmer Nightblade (50)
    sluice - Imperial Dragonknight (0..50) R.I.P.

    Ebonheart Pact
    Can't-Heal-Stupid - Argonian Templar (0..50)

    (vMA) drop table and probability
  • dereck_phantom
    sluice wrote: »

    Ideally, find someone (in your guild or a friend of a friend) to craft Kagrenac's for you.
    It's the BiS magicka gear for PVP at the moment.)

    I run a very similar setup to what @Baconlad has describe (except only 2x Vicious Death and 3x Willpower Arcane) and it's crazy strong.

    I have between 37k and 40k Magicka (depending on if I use Inner Light or not)
    4k spell damage fully buffed.
    1.4k recovery (don't need more with potions and Channeled Focus)

    Short video of the build in action dating from last month:

    The monster set there is Malubeth, I have switched to Bloodspawn since Malubeth is broken.

    I would suggest, these shouldn't change :
    -3x Willpower Arcane Jewelry with spell damage glyph
    -5x Kagrenac's Impen. (On the body and not head or shoulder to keep those open for potential monster set)

    If you don't intend to get some Monster set
    -4x Magnus (2x swords sharpened, helm and shoulder medium)

    If you intend to get Monster set soon
    -2x VD (Preferably helm and shoulders if that's what you currently have..)
    -2x Torug's Pact for weapons (Unless you already have the weapons..)

    You could use Seducers instead of Magnus, if you need more recovery.

    That said, I would never use Vicious Death, unless I had the 3 Jewelry. The 5x Kag's is too good to past up...

    Just seen the video nice man...I run 2 engine guardian 5 kags 2torugs pact sharpened with spell damage weapon glyphs and willpower set all spell damage I just want to know how are you hitting so many crits on sweeps?
  • RajinPVP
    The correct build is reactive set + malubet set. . We call this build " the cancer" cant believe no one else suggested it yet.
  • sluice
    sluice wrote: »

    Ideally, find someone (in your guild or a friend of a friend) to craft Kagrenac's for you.
    It's the BiS magicka gear for PVP at the moment.)

    I run a very similar setup to what @Baconlad has describe (except only 2x Vicious Death and 3x Willpower Arcane) and it's crazy strong.

    I have between 37k and 40k Magicka (depending on if I use Inner Light or not)
    4k spell damage fully buffed.
    1.4k recovery (don't need more with potions and Channeled Focus)

    Short video of the build in action dating from last month:

    The monster set there is Malubeth, I have switched to Bloodspawn since Malubeth is broken.

    I would suggest, these shouldn't change :
    -3x Willpower Arcane Jewelry with spell damage glyph
    -5x Kagrenac's Impen. (On the body and not head or shoulder to keep those open for potential monster set)

    If you don't intend to get some Monster set
    -4x Magnus (2x swords sharpened, helm and shoulder medium)

    If you intend to get Monster set soon
    -2x VD (Preferably helm and shoulders if that's what you currently have..)
    -2x Torug's Pact for weapons (Unless you already have the weapons..)

    You could use Seducers instead of Magnus, if you need more recovery.

    That said, I would never use Vicious Death, unless I had the 3 Jewelry. The 5x Kag's is too good to past up...

    Just seen the video nice man...I run 2 engine guardian 5 kags 2torugs pact sharpened with spell damage weapon glyphs and willpower set all spell damage I just want to know how are you hitting so many crits on sweeps?

    When, I'm not using Inner Light (like in this video), I only have 34% spell critical.
    I didn't seem to crit that often? If it looks like it. It's all RNG.

    If you want to increase your Crit%, slot Inner Light on your front bar.
    You can remove Structured Entropy and instead use Spell Power potions.
    With Medicinal Use at 3/3 (Alchemy level 50), you can have Major Sorcery up at all time.

    That's what I normally do, but it's expensive to play like this and I like to keep my potions for some Immovability or Tri-stat potion.

    PSN: sluiceqc (NA-PS4) CP: 551+
    I strictly play on Daggerfall Covenant for when it comes to PvP
    Daggerfall Covenant
    sluice - Orc Sorcerer (50)
    Anýa - Bosmer Nightblade (0..50)

    Aldmeri Dominion (PvE only)
    Arýä - Altmer Sorcerer (50)
    Marksar - Breton Templar (50)
    Maksar - Bosmer Nightblade (50)
    sluice - Imperial Dragonknight (0..50) R.I.P.

    Ebonheart Pact
    Can't-Heal-Stupid - Argonian Templar (0..50)

    (vMA) drop table and probability
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