
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Still recruiting looking for more active traders
  • Kinkysaurus
    GT: Runzwitskizzors
    I'd like to join if there is space. I've been needing a place to buy/sell items.
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Won our trader again for this week. Still room for dedicated traders and questers alike
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Won our trader again for this week, still recruiting , if you need any help, medium or heavy 9 trait armor, glyphs etc please message me. This is a helpful guild that helps you get the most out of your game
  • Tida2Yuna
    GT: kyaribobon
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Lost out trader for this week. Looking for trial members and pvp people that are in the Scourge Campaign
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Looking for Stam Nightblades to join a pvp group. Must be active and willing to pvp anytime
  • teaguewh
  • Kushh
    Presedent kushh
    Just returning to eso and looking for some cool people to run dungeons and do pvp with.
  • Humbled_Sniper
    Kushh wrote: »
    Presedent kushh
    Just returning to eso and looking for some cool people to run dungeons and do pvp with.

    I am as well. GT is Death Saeculum. Would appreciate a guild invite.
  • ThoraxtheDark
    We won our trader for this week, please fill your slots at 30 / 30 and make some gold! remember there will never be weekly dues or fees for being in the guild. There is a deposit of 5,555 Gold required to use the Guild bank though.
  • Tonixt
    Hi :)

    Looking to join please send me an invite @ Tonixx777

    I am an Altmer level 22 on Xbox North America Server NY (Eastern Time) and looking for a nice Guild to join, I play everyday at night, I am 52 and like layback playing, exploring and enjoying the game at my own pace and not rushing everywhere to just get XP or the latest armor, Tamriel is a wonderful place to visit

    My goal to join a Guild is to get a group to trade and occasionally go into a difficult Dungeons or defeat a though Boss, socialize a bit, etc.


  • imdas
    We won our trader for this week, please fill your slots at 30 / 30 and make some gold! remember there will never be weekly dues or fees for being in the guild. There is a deposit of 5,555 Gold required to use the Guild bank though.

    I would like to join please feel free to send invite whenever possible! GT: Das P4K
  • th3hitman
    Th3 Hitman
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Today is our Pvp Night in the Guild. A good way to get introduced with Cyrodiil if you have not done so already. Keep up the good work with the selling and donating for all new members
  • Tonixt
    Hi :)

    I just joined this wonderful Guild but I have been playing Elder Scrolls games since the unforgettable Morrowind...

    I am looking for some good friends 30+ years old (or at least mature)  to do Dungeons and other activities together, last night I went into “The Banished Cells” with a pickup group of teens and the experience was a bit frustrating, they talk trash and too much and also make fun of the NPC characters of the game, which I don’t like….

    If anyone is interested please message me to my gamertag: Tonixx777

    I am an Altmer level 22 on Xbox North America Server NY (Eastern Time)  I play everyday at night, I am 52 years old and like layback playing, exploring and enjoying the game at my own pace and not rushing everywhere to just get XP or the latest armor, Tamriel is a wonderful place to visit :)


  • ThoraxtheDark
    Our Guild bid for our trader tonight, we should be good for next week so join in on the selling and make some gold , we are in a main city
  • Jbugz97
    GT J bugz3
    pls send me invite
    NB v14 / DC / Shades of Jbugz
    DK v12 / DC / Fear of Jbugz

    Now Playing on xbox
    GT : J Bugz 3
    DC for life
    Magika NB
  • deaththealien
    Soul Shriven
    May I have a invite GT: DeathTheAlien
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Will send invites out tonight, Please take note of Ranking System written on the first page of this thread. This forum page will be used more to give all information about every guild mechanic used within the guild so everyone knows what should be done in regards to helping the guild etc. Thanks
  • yan686qc
    Soul Shriven
    Hello , can you send me a invite pls .

    GT: yan686qc
  • ThoraxtheDark
    PvP night is tonight make sure to jump into Guild chat or send me a message
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Guild Trader Bid is tonight, for all members inside the guild please make your deposits TONIGHT! thank you
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Trader won, all players can use our trader!
  • Ocularcoder
    Soul Shriven
    Main Characters:DK Tank/Nightblade
    Most crafts at 50
  • LuminaLilly
    Gt: ImClone Systems
  • tiocfaidharla
    Soul Shriven
    Looking mostly for trading. Will donate. I'd like to do some end game raids but not ready as of now. Fairly new to ESO but long time WoW player in serious raiding guild.
    GT: Tiocfaidharla26
    CP: 302
    Stam NB and Magika sorc
    blacksmithing,clothing,woodworking and enchanting at 50 between the 2
  • tiocfaidharla
    Soul Shriven
    Former WoW player...panda express ruined everything.
  • ThoraxtheDark
    will send the invites out today, fishing week is now over within the guild, hope everyone got lots of perfect roe. i ended up getting 9 out of 1129. Yay lol and yes that works out to be an 0.8% chance. :smile:
  • ThoraxtheDark
    Condensed and updated the main thread in regards to basic information, less to read , more informative.
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