Hello all! I've been doing a lot of research on this topic recently but it's hard to get a clear answer so hopefully we can shed some light on the matter here. First of all please excuse my poor English, it's not my native language and it wasn't easy for me to explain (or rather try to) this kind of technical concepts on a forum post.
My iMac 5k will turn one year old soon so I figured it's about time to start taking good care of it

I create this thread because I'm interested in knowing other people's opinions on what is a reasonable GPU temperature (what I think it's the most heated component) & fan speed while playing this wonderful game. It also might help other mac owners who had no idea about this stuff like I didn't one year ago!
I never had checked this stuff at all because these computers are very silent & it's expected for them to get quite hot during heavy use like gaming... But after downloading the Macs Fan Control app I realised that maybe it gets too hot (80-90 Celsius, 95-100 in big fights like Cyrodiil) for its long term safety. I haven't had the chance to ask an apple expert yet but on the internet opinions seem very mixed. Some think that the computer is perfectly fine anywhere below 100 Celsius (when by standard the comp will slow itself down to prevent possible damage) because the iMac is built like a laptop - known to have less space for ventilation so the components are made to endure higher temperatures (the aluminium case also helps as a heat conductor). Others say that no matter what it's not good for any device to get past 80 - 90 Celsius for too long at the risk of reducing its lifespan.
So I adjusted the fan to move faster and keep the GPU cooler. Right now ESO runs mostly between 70 and 80 C (never above 85 but that's quite rare, only happens once or twice per session), and the fan speed goes between 1500 and 2000 RPM (still very silent!), up to 2300 very occasionally during some cyrodiil or boss fights. My settings are all at High besides shadows, turned down to Medium because I don't notice them too much. Resolution is set to 2560 x 1440.
What do you think? Do you think it's bad to use these apps to accelerate the fan speed? How hot does your machine run and how risky do you think it is? What do you consider a "dangerous" temperature for the GPU / fan speed?
Thank you very much for your time & see you in Tamriel!