The Lunar Collective - Active social guild, No dues/Weekly traders, Full guildhall/Daily events!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • KATObloodpaw
    All above should have received an invite. Let me know if you didn't
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • IxskullzxI
    ix skullz xi
  • ForlornBeliever
    Vengeful Wyvern
    Leader of the Bloodborne Rogues. Werewolf looking for a pack or want to be a werewolf? Or just looking for teammates to take on Tamriel's baddies? Feel free to message me if you have questions or are interested in joining. Xbox One/NA Server
  • KATObloodpaw
    Welcome to the guild
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • KATObloodpaw
    Still looking for social and active recruits !
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • ChaosArcher84
    Looking for a guild that can help amplify my gaming eso experience. I have a lvl 30+ char in all alliamces. Would be interested in joining especially as a trader perhaps!

    GT : KRY Phoenix CDR
    -=where one man fails, another will conquer.-=
  • DanZander
    Soul Shriven
    GT: MasturZander
    I just leveled up my character to level 10 a couple days ago, and I'm just looking for a good guild to help me level up in. I have no friends that plat ESO so I thought a guild will be a great alternative. I will be active, however, not the most experienced player. I apologize because of that.
  • Kinkysaurus
    Gt: Runzwitskizzors

    I came over from PC and PS where I was a vr 16 templar healer. My current character is level 37 templar healer. I love to craft and am working on researches.
  • MRusso89
    Looking to join here if you'really still recruiting. I'm an Altmer Sorceror CP 382 currently and I play daily.
    Hermaeus Mora, elder than Ada, Abyssal Cephaliarch, hearken to the plea of this unworthy, for I have come to barter for knowledge denied.
    excerpt from Fragmentae Abyssum Hermaeus Morus
  • KATObloodpaw
    All above will receive an invite Tonight. Keep your eyes peeled
    Edited by KATObloodpaw on July 4, 2016 11:30PM
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • wolffangfist

    last i is an L
  • chljeffries
    Soul Shriven
  • mastersdaniel1b14_ESO
    Dudeman120. Rather new level 50 looking for a guild to join for dungeons and trials.
  • KATObloodpaw
    Looking for players who would like to do weekly guild events! The weekend seems to be prime time for most players. We also take requests for events .
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • Creason
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Jeff Creason
  • KATObloodpaw
    The guild is starting an event today at 9pm cst. If you want to take part put your gamertag below!
    Edited by KATObloodpaw on December 2, 2016 9:06PM
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • Fauxalli
    Soul Shriven
    Please invite :) GT: girlsarentreal
  • KATObloodpaw
    We're hosting another event tonight (Saturday Dec. 3)
    Edited by KATObloodpaw on December 3, 2016 5:13PM
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • Rellick1313
    GT: Vengince
  • KATObloodpaw
    Inactive players are being kicked from the guild.
    Edited by KATObloodpaw on December 5, 2016 12:44AM
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • mikeds83_ESO
    Always grinding everyday. Find lots of valubles so this one would love to join!
    GT: EliteMobster83
  • Compton1865
    GT: MemoFromTurner


    Interesting in joining a vampire guild? The Strigoi Coven is looking for new recruits - shoot me a message!

    "Vampires often turn on those who trust them, you know."
  • KATObloodpaw
    I'll add both of you tonight. Sorry for the slight delay guys!
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • darinmcc78
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Darindevil

  • KATObloodpaw
    This weekend we're having a larger event
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • anonymousnobodyb14_ESO
    I would like an invite please

    GT: Rheiver

  • Angatigonish
    Soul Shriven
    Please invite me.
    Gt: Angatigonish
  • KATObloodpaw
    I'll have both of your invites out tonight.
    GT:Shock Value1134
  • Angatigonish
    Soul Shriven
    I think there might be a technical issue because I have not received an invitation. Could you please try sending one again?
  • pblewett4
    Looking to join my GT is PaulyPierced
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