Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to check us out. We are a brand new guild looking to recruit casual players who prefer to play in groups and want to help each other out. We encourage new players to join, as we want to help improve their experience with the game by helping out as much as possible. We are looking to expand our ranks, as well as review players for officer roles. You can request an invite via the Discord app (details for how to join the server are at the bottom of the post)
Guildmaster: Kaos Sauce
-Guild Bank
-Guild Raffle!
-No Fees or Dues
-Friendly, laid-back community
General Conduct Expected From Members:
-Being in other guilds is permitted.
-We are a social guild, however we are expected to handle ourselves as professionals and treat other players with respect.
-Do not harass other players (in or out of the guild)
-No hurtful remarks towards Race, Religion, Gender, Sexual Preference
-We will always show respect for one another, respect for our competitors and respect for other guilds within our faction.
-Have FUN! Our primary core philosophy is to have fun. Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of this, and it's very important that we focus on enjoying ourselves.
Bannable Offenses:
-Scamming another player. If found guilty of scamming another player inside or outside the guild, you will be banned with no re-entry into the guild!
-Stealing. If caught stealing from our Guild Bank or a bank of any other guild, you will be banned with no re-entry to the guild!
-Modding, glitching, hacking, or any other method of game play that the game developers did not intend to be used in the game is grounds for immediate ban with no re-entry into the guild!
-We have a ZERO tolerance policy for drama. Members who cause drama will be immediately removed from the guild. If you cant hash out a problem over a video game like an adult then this guild is not for you.
**MEMBER EXPECTATIONS are always to be observed/followed to maintain your membership in the guild! General conduct violations will be handled case by case. However bannable offenses are immediate if proven guilty**
-Owner of the guild, and has final say in decisions
-A high ranking member of the guild who holds power and a vote for group decisions made in the guild
-A devoted player to the guild
Requirements to be moved from Recruit to Member status are:
-Must be on Guild Roster in-game
-Must be in Discord chat (details to join Discord chat below)
-One week trial period before promotion to Member
You can download the Discord desktop app here! (also available on mobile devices)
Here is the link to join the Guild Discord Chat! Set your USERNAME as your GAMERTAG. This is how we set up groups, and manage guild events and announcements.
**Joining the discord chat is the quickest way to introduce yourself, and get a guild invite in-game.**