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Note to self: STOP

I really need to stop picking up so much. I played at launch but stopped for awhile and just came back. I forgot just how much stuff is in the game and have been picking up almost everything. So a question for the experienced crafters out there. How do you know what to pick up and what to leave? Is there a system you use or do you just go out and get what you need when you need it?
  • W0lf_z13
    that is really all up to you as the player.... there are certain potions that i make ( you can find a list of potions and the ingredients by doing google searches ) so i know exactly what reagents to pick up... i pick up pretty much every rune that i find and i try to keep at least 200 (1 stack) of each armor/weapon crafting material ( my bank space is only 80 but its completely filled with runes and trait stones and style mats )
    Edited by W0lf_z13 on May 3, 2016 12:20PM
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

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  • Turelus
    Personally I pick up everything but provisioning items as I have a guild bank with friends to place it all in.

    Otherwise I would say focus on the valuable items only being materials you can refine, end game potions solvents, valued plants and purple/gold runes. Leave everything else where it was.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • llSRRll
    I for the most part picked up everything until I realized I needed to get a move on to get one Character to VR16. Now I still pick up all ore, raw clothing mats, and scraps I see. I also pick up all Runes and certain alchemy reagents ( Culinbine, nirnroots, dragonthorn, and bugloss). I very rarely pick up provision stuff now bc I get plenty from writs and hirelings.
  • dannymcgr81b14_ESO
    Thanks everyone.
  • FerrumnCutem
    I just started alchemy on my new char, and my bag is always full. Can't deposit everything on my bank, because that's full of metals, hides and cloth. My solution is just to craft everything i find into a dish, drink or potion asap. Gives loads of exp for the skill lines and clears my inventory nicely. And if I ever need some ingredients I just buy them from a guildstore nearby :)
  • SirAndy
    I really need to stop picking up so much. I played at launch but stopped for awhile and just came back. I forgot just how much stuff is in the game and have been picking up almost everything. So a question for the experienced crafters out there. How do you know what to pick up and what to leave? Is there a system you use or do you just go out and get what you need when you need it?
    I have 4 mains and 4 mule characters. I have at *least* 2 x 200 of every crafting item, for some even more. That includes mats, trait and style items.

    Then you have multiple armor/weapons sets, style books/chapters, treasure maps, trinkets, doodads and other special items.
    Edited by SirAndy on May 3, 2016 10:43PM
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    How do you know what to pick up and what to leave? Is there a system you use or do you just go out and get what you need when you need it?

    I have just recently begun stopping myself from picking up vendor-trash-only items (Ash, Gnawed Bones etc.) during my compulsive looting of everything not nailed down or on fire (I can't say that, because being burned to ashes has not saved the corpses of my foes from being looted). I will be overjoyed when Crafting Bags come out and my inventories are empty again...for the twenty minutes or so per character it will take to re-fill that space with Glyphs I no longer need to decon for XP and set pieces I won't use but refuse to decon.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • medusasfolly
    I like crafting and guild trading and am running 4 active characters. I prioritized bank expansions right from the beginning, so I'm maxed out on bank space. I also hate rolling to an alt to get items so I rarely give her anything other than stuff I know I won't be using on a regular basis.

    I keep one stack of raw and one stack of refined equipment mats - because I sell what i'm not working on
    I keep one stack all alchemy mats - I sell 50 when I'm getting close to full stack to maintain
    I keep one stack of all runes - because they stack it makes more sense than keeping them on chars. I sell 50 when I'm getting close to full stack to maintain
    I keep one stack of style material and trait stones - I sell 50 when I'm getting close to full stack to maintain,
    I keep one stack of each of the highest writ foods and drinks and keep them in bank for all chars - I used to keep the ingredients and then realized the finished product took up much less bank space. Provisioning writs don't require you to have made the items, just have them in your pack. Any provisioning items I pick up go into guild bank.
    I also keep repair kits and filled soul gems.
    I keep no armor or weapons in the bank. I've become ruthless in either deconstructing armor and weapons that I'm not actively using or donating them to a guild. I used to list them with the guild trader and found that they move extremely slowly (unless it's the newest, hottest thing).
    Anything that doesn't fit the above, gets trashed or sold to a merchant immediately.

    So all that being said, I pick up everything.

    Worth mentioning, I think the Bank Manager Revived addon is a must. It automatically puts designated items into the bank when you open bank menu. This is especially helpful when you need to pass a lot of items from one character to another and your bank is full. I have the donating char withdraw all trait stones (because they are not used on a a regular basis) and then deposit the items to be passed. Then I roll the characters and withdraw donated items. The next time I log the donating char in and open bank, all the trait stones get automatically put back in bank.
  • GeertKarel
    I really need to stop picking up so much. I played at launch but stopped for awhile and just came back. I forgot just how much stuff is in the game and have been picking up almost everything. So a question for the experienced crafters out there. How do you know what to pick up and what to leave? Is there a system you use or do you just go out and get what you need when you need it?

    Just wait till the next dlc and buy yourself eso + membership then you can pickup whatever you want without losing inventory space. and besides that you can even share that bag with all your characters.
    Server: EU Pact
    Guild: Hodor
  • bryanhaas
    I really need to stop picking up so much. I played at launch but stopped for awhile and just came back. I forgot just how much stuff is in the game and have been picking up almost everything. So a question for the experienced crafters out there. How do you know what to pick up and what to leave? Is there a system you use or do you just go out and get what you need when you need it?

    240 bank 200 character, I pick up everything.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTV7ACtmEpQQwsEiHVcrBxC0zKaj6LKvc3An7dGG2t0/edit?usp=sharing
    Youtube: MaulochBaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRav05_8nWGvlTrfBBefaEw/featured
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    -.- I'm kinda forced to drop a few things, give out or just vendor. I normally hoard all I can but I can't do it in this game.

    Stuff I consider junk:
    • Refined materials - the ones that aren't used for popular writs or endgame craftable gear don't sell very well, so I just sell them to a vendor unless I donate them to my guildbank.
    • Common traitstones - those that can be bought a vendor for 15g such as Moonstone, Flint etc. I either vendor them for 0g or destroy them in my inventory. Lowbies tend to fill up my guildbank with this poop, and I just take them out and destroy them.
    • Common traitstones - currently I keep a small stack of everything on a mule, + put a stack of everything in my guildbank, as guildies often need traits for research etc.
    • Ta aspect runestone - I normally vendor these, I previously used to donate them to guildbanks, for the players who used them for writs - however it started stacking even there.. so now I just vendor them or stack them to 200 and sell them through guildstore for 20g to make a low level happy.
    • Jojota, Denata, Rekuta aspect runestones - I wear gold on everything on my v16's and I am too lazy to craft glyphs for my lower level chars, I just buy white runes from vendor for those.. so anything but Kuta is worthless to me, however I sometimes sell them or donate to guildbank. Players who create new chars they want to level up or new players really appreciate these.
    • Fishbait - I donate the fishbait to my own or my friend's guildbanks, since I don't fish. I used to sell it through guildtraders, however the profit margin is relatively low and I have better things to fill my 30 sell spots with.
    • Provisioning ingredients - with exception of the purple ones: Frost Miriam and Bervez Juice it's simply not worth keeping those that I don't need for the recipes I use. However I craft for a lot of low levels in my own and my friend's guild, so I keep a minimum stack of 200 of each x_x otherwise I would only keep materials for the recipes that I use for myself, and sell everything els in stacks of 200 for 900g-2500g.

    Edited by failkiwib16_ESO on May 4, 2016 8:48PM
  • dannymcgr81b14_ESO
    Thanks again everyone! I appreciate the tips!
  • Mike0987
    I pick it all up, maxed out the bank and it holds one stack of all provisioning, enchanting, alchemy and all higher level smithing, clothing, and woodworking. Extras I throw on bank mules or sell in the traders.
  • Duiwel
    Here is my routine OP:

    Always pick up Aspect Runes

    Always pick up alchemy ( except sometimes I run past a blessed Thissle or Wormwood node...

    I have dedicated farmers so I go out and gather silk, metal / wood with them whenever I need it. I usually have too much wood anyway...

    Essence runes are second priority as I use TV for Rekuta when needed... so potency is not a priority ( lately I have started to gather more runes than before )

    I never gather provisioning as I don't really need it. Although I recently started gathering that as well because I am planning on leveling an alt's to 50.

    So my recipe is this:

    Aspect, Heavy Sacks, Chests = always collect
    Alchemy = mostly collect but don't go out of my way for them, they just happen to be below my feet everywhere I go :wink:

    Most of my high level chars do NOT have the passives other than clothing for the Rubedo leather when killing mobs so they can't gather the mats everywhere which is good because I feel like it wastes a ton of time if you gather on all chars all the time especially in Wrothgar

    So I gather Ancestor Silk and other high level mats on my crafter it also makes arranging bag and bank space easier other than always having a ton of stuff on all chars.

    The stuff stockpiles eventually anyway as you play there is no need to over farm most of them. I find there are better ways to make money than just farm everything, farm specific things :wink:

    I always decon glyphs, VR15, 16 mats that are not Ornate this is how I keep a healthy stockpile as well. Unless a VR16 item is actually worth more than 1,5k then I will sell it. Under that it is worth more to me being deconned than wasting a slot.

    I actually like having Rekuta, Denata ect.

    My problem is the inconsistancy with provisioning materials, I find that I always need flour, and berries, yet my friends get those in stacks and need what I get :smiley:
    Join ORDER OF SITHIS We're recruiting! PC EU

    "Dear Brother. I do not spread rumours. I create them..."
  • Wreuntzylla
    I keep one stack of each of the highest writ foods and drinks and keep them in bank for all chars - I used to keep the ingredients and then realized the finished product took up much less bank space.

    Don't you get 4 stacks of food for 3 stacks of provisioning items?
  • medusasfolly
    I keep one stack of each of the highest writ foods and drinks and keep them in bank for all chars - I used to keep the ingredients and then realized the finished product took up much less bank space.

    Don't you get 4 stacks of food for 3 stacks of provisioning items?

    Highest level writs:

    2 zephyr tea = rose, lemon
    grandma's bedtime tonic = guarna, ginger
    gods blind me = yeast, isingless
    comley wench whisky = rye, ginger
    blue mountain = guarna, isingless
    aetherial tea = jasmine, meth

    6 recipes vs 10 ingredients

    I have three different chars that I'm doing provisioning writs for at three different levels. Having the finished product is definitely more compact and faster.
  • Calidus1
    Don't stop! Embrace the hording! Pick up everything then sell or destroy what you don't need later. Stockpile like its Armageddon.

  • mdylan2013
    I pick up everything and then complain about having no space in my bank.
    PSN - LookoutLuke
    15 Max level toons
  • DaveMoeDee
    I keep one stack of each of the highest writ foods and drinks and keep them in bank for all chars - I used to keep the ingredients and then realized the finished product took up much less bank space.

    Don't you get 4 stacks of food for 3 stacks of provisioning items?

    Highest level writs:

    2 zephyr tea = rose, lemon
    grandma's bedtime tonic = guarna, ginger
    gods blind me = yeast, isingless
    comley wench whisky = rye, ginger
    blue mountain = guarna, isingless
    aetherial tea = jasmine, meth

    6 recipes vs 10 ingredients

    I have three different chars that I'm doing provisioning writs for at three different levels. Having the finished product is definitely more compact and faster.

    But if you are talking stacks, the provisioning perk would make 200 rose + 200 lemon => 800 zephyr tea, or 1 stack + 1 stack => 4 stacks.

    If you stacks are small, that won't be the case.
  • Serenityx
    I found that having two or three mules for seperate types of items has worked well since Im not able to shell out the cash to max my bank yet. I keep all alchemy and prov mats on one, all cloth/blacksmithing/woodworking mats as well as trait stones and "rare" (non vendor purchaseable) sryling mats on another, then I have my enchant alt which holds all my runes. I also keep a handful of random set items that I dont want to let go (decon/sell) on my her too.

    I realized today that DB will make most "veteran rank" mats under vr15-16 completely useless to anyone who has a single vr15-16 character. So I crafted all mats between vr1- my highest char current level and deconned the results on my enchant alt to get an extra hireling drop.
    Edited by Serenityx on May 15, 2016 5:46AM
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