How to prepare for veteran group dungeons (guide for new players.)

This is a guide to prepare for veteran group dungeons for new players.

General information:
*Don't be a vampire. Just because you can, it does not mean it is a good idea. Remember that this is group play.
*Be in your best gear.
*Bring a minimum 30 soul gems with you.
*Bring 2-3 buff food with you, the dungeon might drag out to several hours.
*Bring a minimum 50 potions with you.
*In group dungeons, mobs and bosses are a lot harder to beat, than in normal dungeons and outside world. Some bosses have special mechanics, that require the team to work together. For instance:
Fungal Grotto has a boss, that will spawn a portal that takes in the closest group member in to a room full of spiders, that group member can not leave untill all the spiders are dead. - In this fight, it is usually the dps that has the best survivability that walks in, as he will not be able to recieve heals from the healer while he is in there. It would also be silly to throw the tank or the healer in, because then who will tank the boss or heal?
*Tell your group members, if you don't know the strategy on a specific bossfight.
*Try not to stand in stupid. There are some red circles where no amount of healing will save you, if you continue to stand in it for over 3 seconds.
*Don't rush into fights and wait for your team to catch up or regain resources.
*Make clear what your role is, before you join a group - so you know what they expect from you. If you are a dps and yell TEMPLAR LFG, then you will most likely be picked up by someone thinking you are a healer, and when they see you don't heal they will kick you. Yell instead DPS LFG.
*Don't aggro before the team is with you, if you rush from the boss into a mob and walk further, you split up the team and die, and cause your team mates to die as well.
*If a dungeon takes too long and you wipe a lot, let 1 member stay inside and the rest of you port out and repair, once you get back then the remaining member can port out and repair. Because if your armor is too damaged, the glyphs on your armor stop working and it will not provide you any protection either - that means a lot less damage and survivability. Dungeon completion can be questioned, if you are down to 0 armor.
*Sometimes dungeon completion is a goal in itself, if your team is really struggling then don't expect to succeed the dungeon with goldkey challenge on top.
There are 3 main roles:
-Dps/DD (damage dealer)
Dungeons can be done with mixed groups, however the classical setup in ESO is 1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 Dps.

If you play as tank:
*Have a backup self heal
*Slot at least 1 taunt skill, so you can aggro bosses and mobs.
*Focus holding aggro on bosses, as the healer and dps are squishy and can be one shotted.
*Make the bosses face AWAY from the Healer and the Dps, if given the chance that you can stand still with a boss.
*Try to do some form of damage or crowd control, while you fight adds.

If you play as healer:
*Your main job is keeping everyone alive. You can do backup dps, but do not forget that your team is depending on you as healer mainly.
*Have healing skills slotted on both your bars.
*Keep HoTs (Healing over Time) up, for if you get knocked back or crowd controlled, you might not make it to save your team mates. A good HoT skill is Rapid Regeneration.
*Ressurect a team member, if you have the time for it - if not, continue keeping the remaining alive.
*If you are templar, slot Luminous Shards and Restoring Aura. Use Luminous Shards at the tank, when you fight during bosses, it will help them regain stamina & magicka and continue blocking. Use Restoring Aura during mob fights, this way you provide your whole team with stamina regen.

If you play as a Dps:
*Your main job is to deal damage. Don't wear tank gear, you'll be dealing 2k dps when you should be dealing much more.
*Slot AoE (Area of Effect) skills for mob fights, slot single target damage skills for boss fights.
*If you are bow user, keep yourself within 28 meters radius of the healer. If the boss comes at you, don't run away or els you will be resetting the boss. You can not avoid getting damage in a veteran dungeon, so L2P in a group!
*If you are magicka based, while you deal AoE try to block-cast your skills. You block-cast by holding the right mouse botton down, and press the 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 button to use the AoE skill. Remember that you are wearing lightarmor, you are squishy.
*If a team member dies, try to ressurect them. The tank must focus on the boss, while the healer is trying to keep you alive, so it is best if the dps that is alive ressurects.
*If 3 adds are hitting you, stop dps'ing the add that is 15 meters away from you, and kill the 3 close to you first! Use your common sense, because the healer is probably stressed and runs out of magicka if he has to heal you constantly.
*If you are melee Dps, get only close enough to the boss till you can dps it, do not get closer than that. Many bosses have AoE around them, if you see red circle beneath the boss step out of it and stand close enough to the edge to be able to melee.
*Don't stand face2face with the boss, leave that for the tank and stand behind the boss. You as DPS are squishy.
*If you see the healer dealing with 3 adds, while healing the rest of you, go kill those adds first - if the healer dies, you all likely die.
Dungeons can be done in many different ways, and I am aware of that. I wrote this guide, based on what I have experienced with new players and what they have struggled with. The purpose of this guide is to provide basic information, nothing more.
Edited by failkiwib16_ESO on February 15, 2018 3:48PM
  • failkiwib16_ESO
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    Nice post, you mentioned most of the important things. I have only one addition:
    "Tell your group members, if you don't know the strategy on a boss fight"
  • TheRealMcKoy
    Thanks for this. I have only done a few dungeons when I was non-VR and am looking to get into doing them again. I am not very experienced on all the group lingo and terminology and this was very helpful.
  • Destruent
    Great guide, i hope lots of new player read this. It'll make dungeon-runs a lot easier and more enjoyable for them and their temmates. :)
  • C0wrex
    The first one hurts a lot - I'm a vampire :((

    Kidding aside though, great post! Very useful for new players such as myself! Though I have to ask, why is it disadvantageous to be a vampire in veteran dungeons?
    "We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will, to strive, to seek and not to yield."

    -Tennyson, Ulysses
  • Destruent
    C0wrex wrote: »
    The first one hurts a lot - I'm a vampire :((

    Kidding aside though, great post! Very useful for new players such as myself! Though I have to ask, why is it disadvantageous to be a vampire in veteran dungeons?

    The only thing you'll really notice is the increased fire damage you get (most dungeons have enemys with fire damage). You can do them as a vamp if you are experienced, but it's not that easy as a new player. :)
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    @C0wrex if you have friends or guildies that you can do dungeons with, who are experienced players then you can get away with being a vampire. If you don't have that and must pug dungeons with randoms, then try to play as optimal as you can - you never know how good or bad your team is going to be. @Destruent explained, fire damage is pretty much the standard damage you will recieve in group dungeons. Experienced players know when a boss will hit them hard etc. so they can avoid a lot of trouble .... but if you are a new player who still needs to learn the mechanics and explore the dungeons - then it is highly unwise to put yourself at such a disadvantage.

    Vampirism have its benefits for solo questing and pvp, but it brings nothing good to pve group play.

    I forgot to mention: in Dark Brotherhood vampirism will be changed. I don't know if it will get more active skills or be buffed to uesfullness in group pve. There is still time left before DB arrives though.
    Edited by failkiwib16_ESO on April 25, 2016 11:57AM
  • C0wrex
    Destruent wrote: »

    The only thing you'll really notice is the increased fire damage you get (most dungeons have enemys with fire damage). You can do them as a vamp if you are experienced, but it's not that easy as a new player. :)

    Yea... I'm still getting used to being a vampire and fighting in dungeons - seeing as how enemies do have a lot of fire attacks! Thanks for the two cents though :D

    "We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will, to strive, to seek and not to yield."

    -Tennyson, Ulysses
  • C0wrex
    @C0wrex if you have friends or guildies that you can do dungeons with, who are experienced players then you can get away with being a vampire. If you don't have that and must pug dungeons with randoms, then try to play as optimal as you can - you never know how good or bad your team is going to be. @Destruent explained, fire damage is pretty much the standard damage you will recieve in group dungeons. Experienced players know when a boss will hit them hard etc. so they can avoid a lot of trouble .... but if you are a new player who still needs to learn the mechanics and explore the dungeons - then it is highly unwise to put yourself at such a disadvantage.

    Vampirism have its benefits for solo questing and pvp, but it brings nothing good to pve group play.

    I forgot to mention: in Dark Brotherhood vampirism will be changed. I don't know if it will get more active skills or be buffed to uesfullness in group pve. There is still time left before DB arrives though.

    Thank you very much. Reading it helped me out a lot :)) Like what I mentioned in the above post, I'm still getting used to being a vampire :)) Might take a while but I do have a guild to help me out with it :)

    On a side note, I'm very excited to see what kind of changes ZOS is planning for vamps :)

    Again, thanks a lot :)) The guide is incredibly useful for new players :D
    "We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will, to strive, to seek and not to yield."

    -Tennyson, Ulysses
  • infidel1983
    As a newbie, can only really add to this by suggesting you AVOID group finder for Vet dungeons altogether and put time into finding a decent guild. The boss mechanics for some (most) of these are nigh on impossible without all 4 players communicating in chat.

    The time you'll save as well would probably be better deployed in a decent normal run in group finder.
    If Carlsberg did Dragonknights....
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    @C0wrex I hope vampirism gets new skills like how Werewolves got new skills, that could be interesting.

    just because I don't recomend it, doesn't mean that it's not doable :p you have a fun time in dungeons ^^ good luck! ..and thank you.
  • C0wrex
    @C0wrex I hope vampirism gets new skills like how Werewolves got new skills, that could be interesting.

    just because I don't recomend it, doesn't mean that it's not doable :p you have a fun time in dungeons ^^ good luck! ..and thank you.

    I hope so too :))

    Thanks a lot :)) I will :D Good luck to you too! :)

    "We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will, to strive, to seek and not to yield."

    -Tennyson, Ulysses
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