Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

good new Fengrush video for you

  • Waffennacht
    @Moglijuana yes the performance is fine for me, almost zero lag when I play, yes console only (obv)

    Um was that video on TV? Cuz the only advertising I have to deal with are on TV
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Moglijuana
    Reevster wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Your wrong about that video, played PvP the last few days for like 8 to 10 hours straight each day and its pretty close to that video, only difference is you move around a lot more then in that one scene in the video when they are standing there fighting each other.

    Only problem I had was long loading screen at peak hours. Which is quite annoying for sure. Plus the game crashed maybe 2 times each day.

    This was vet non CP campaign.

    The argument wasn't if PvP was like that video or not. It's if ESO advertised big PvP fights as a main feature. It Did. Look Up.
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • Reevster
    Reevster wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Your wrong about that video, played PvP the last few days for like 8 to 10 straight each day and its pretty close to that video, only difference is you move around a lot more then in that one scene in the video when they are standing there fighting each other.

    Only problem I had was long loading screen at peak hours. Which is quite annoying for sure. Plus the game crashed maybe 2 times each day.

    This was vet non CP campaign.

    Not sure what platform you are on, but i am on PS4 and PVP has been unplayable for me since TG. My animations dont show half the time, weapon swap is horrible and insane lag. I also played PC launch and the game ran 100 times better then it does now.

    Oh , I am PC / NA
  • jkemmery
    jkemmery wrote: »
    My personal feelings about Fengrush aside (I'm not a fan, to say the least, and I'm also a DC PVP player), he does make some good points, and, if you watch the whole video, you really wouldn't have anything negative to say about it.

    I do disagree though that the time to fix PVP is over. I just think it's been passed off for other, more revenue increasing areas. I think if they took a good look at it, there are things they could do to fix it. Here are my suggestions: Put Cyrodiil and it's instances in a separate server area. Remove all crafting nodes from Cyrodiil ... no one goes to Cyrodiil to farm mats anyway, unless you enjoy being ganked repeatedly. This will remove the incentive for bot farming. Use the game launch net code for the Cyrodiil instances.

    This just seems to be one way that we could have our cake and eat it too.

    PVP in this game is pretty fun, but, the only other games I've done any PVP in are Eve Online and Life is Feudal. And I sucked much worse at those than I do at this one. Still, there are active guilds who PVP every night, so I would think there would be at least some incentive to keeping them happy. As it is, the lag gets old, the framerate gets old ... It's really just not as much fun as it could be. It's still better than most though.

    This. And make PvP subscription only, it would pay for itself and keep it maintained and up to date. No PvP'ers buy fluff so it makes sense plus everyone would pay it and many would come back to the game if they knew the lag had gone.

    I like that. Only Plus players can enter Cyrodiil, at least at V levels Make that veteran instances. An alt on a plus player should be able to enter a campaign besides BWB that his or her guildies are playing on.
    Edited by jkemmery on April 5, 2016 8:36PM
  • Moglijuana
    @Moglijuana yes the performance is fine for me, almost zero lag when I play, yes console only (obv)

    Um was that video on TV? Cuz the only advertising I have to deal with are on TV

    I find that hard to believe (especially on Xbox :p ). I watch console streamers daily and they all have frame rate issues. Pve & PvP. Idk if that vid was on tv tbh, I don't have cable because I pay for super fast internet instead lol. I only get decent performance on non peak hours, but there are also times where there are not a lot of people online and the frame tearing/sound tearing is really bad. I do a lot of PvE as well and I run into issues in dungeons and trials, and I am not alone.
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • Ajax_22
    Xjcon wrote: »
    Xjcon wrote: »
    I have nothing against Fengrush but isn't it possible if we cared enough we would go to his stream or channel to get this? Why do his followers keep pushing these in the ESO forums?

    I appreciate them posting his videos because I don't visit YouTube for same reason I don't visit imgur on my own free will. I'll wake up from a stupor and realize I just wasted 5 hours of my life browsing videos and pictures.

    Plus I really enjoyed his TG review. It resonated the same feeling I have.

    Like I said I have nothing against him or his videos. But what I've seen from people who consider him (Lord Fengrush) they are usually angry and disruptive, they get very combative when others don't agree. Several threads were closed due to this.

    I agree with some of what he says but don't agree with the mass who follow him trying to combat players who don't share the same view as them.

    It has nothing to do with them being Lord Fengrush's followers, it's just PvP players in general. It's the same way in every MMO that I've played, especially in when it comes to class balance or we feel neglected. Fengrush has asked his community to stop being combative with the PvE community, but it won't have any effect.
  • Cadbury
    jkemmery wrote: »
    jkemmery wrote: »
    My personal feelings about Fengrush aside (I'm not a fan, to say the least, and I'm also a DC PVP player), he does make some good points, and, if you watch the whole video, you really wouldn't have anything negative to say about it.

    I do disagree though that the time to fix PVP is over. I just think it's been passed off for other, more revenue increasing areas. I think if they took a good look at it, there are things they could do to fix it. Here are my suggestions: Put Cyrodiil and it's instances in a separate server area. Remove all crafting nodes from Cyrodiil ... no one goes to Cyrodiil to farm mats anyway, unless you enjoy being ganked repeatedly. This will remove the incentive for bot farming. Use the game launch net code for the Cyrodiil instances.

    This just seems to be one way that we could have our cake and eat it too.

    PVP in this game is pretty fun, but, the only other games I've done any PVP in are Eve Online and Life is Feudal. And I sucked much worse at those than I do at this one. Still, there are active guilds who PVP every night, so I would think there would be at least some incentive to keeping them happy. As it is, the lag gets old, the framerate gets old ... It's really just not as much fun as it could be. It's still better than most though.

    This. And make PvP subscription only, it would pay for itself and keep it maintained and up to date. No PvP'ers buy fluff so it makes sense plus everyone would pay it and many would come back to the game if they knew the lag had gone.

    I like that. Only Plus players can enter Cyrodiil, at least at V levels.

    There was a topic on here about making the entire game sub-only again that sadly got deleted.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Bashev
    Very depressive video because most of the things that @FENGRUSH talked about are true.
    Because I can!
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    The most important takeaway from this video is the ZOS sacrificed all of Cyrodiil and betrayed the ENTIRE PvP community (which back then was so much bigger) to get rid of bots in PvE.

    If you only watch a few seconds of Fengrush's video start HERE

    If you are even to lazy to do that, I have transcribed it. This is the story everyone needs to know. This is what really happened.
    I make this video and I show these things for a reason. A lot of people responding to my videos, they don't know the backstory of this game. They don't know how it went from something functional to something that got drastically changed; and when they made this change, they refused to roll it back. They said "It's more important to get rid of the bots, then have a functional Cyrodiil." And at the time, there were thousands. Thousands and thousands of people in Cyrodiil. It was huge! They would have like seven servers that held three times the population than they do today. Today, the servers hold maybe a third of the population of what they used to - and they run terribly. You could have 100v100v100 at one keep and it wasn't breaking. The game ran fluidly, it was an epic siege. That's the game they built. It's gone. They cant bring it back. There is no amount of changes that can bring it back. So the game they spent years developing, in one patch, they got rid of it - because of bad press.
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on April 5, 2016 8:55PM
  • Croaxor
    I'ts funny that alot of people are saying that you aren't allowed to express your opinion when you quitted the game, or complain at all.


    I agree with Fengrush... The amount of lagg is bad, and they always said that they'll do their best to fix it. The problems in PvP are persisting over more than a year. I know that you can't fix large bugs in a short period of time, but this is taking WAY TOO LONG. Coming home after work and trying to play PvP just isn't possible/fun anymore.

    PvP is a great aspect of this game, and yet it has been putted in a dark corner by Zenimax. PvE is great... but after a while it comes down to doing the same boss over and over again, with the same mechanics, and it bored me.(lack of endgame content perhaps?)

    (And yes PvE is great and i love it aswell, @ people who are going to say that i'm only focused on the PvP side of ESO).

    Edited by Croaxor on April 5, 2016 8:43PM
  • Reevster
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Reevster wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Your wrong about that video, played PvP the last few days for like 8 to 10 hours straight each day and its pretty close to that video, only difference is you move around a lot more then in that one scene in the video when they are standing there fighting each other.

    Only problem I had was long loading screen at peak hours. Which is quite annoying for sure. Plus the game crashed maybe 2 times each day.

    This was vet non CP campaign.

    The argument wasn't if PvP was like that video or not. It's if ESO advertised big PvP fights as a main feature. It Did. Look Up.

    Dont need too, this is the Video that got me into ESO looks like mostly PvE. I dont think Molug Bal is a real person... so thats PvE

    Opps and this one
    Edited by Reevster on April 5, 2016 8:54PM
  • KhajiitiLizard
    andreasv wrote: »
    They have already said PVP will stay in cyrodill. DB is in kvatch which is on the gold coast. Thats not part of the ESO cyrodill map. So I dont know exactly who we will be killing but it wont be other players.

    Correct. But you could still add certain things to Cyrodiil, e.g. something besides capturing the same keep over and over again. Things like Fengrush mentioned in the video sound interesting. It doesn't have to be a new map but new modes within the already existing (and frankly freaking huge) area.

    Like assassinate the emperor quests to tie in with the Dark Brotherhood DLC.
    Edited by KhajiitiLizard on April 5, 2016 8:45PM
  • JMadFour
    Cathexis wrote: »
    I agree with @FENGRUSH entirely. I do think most new players dont have a clue what pvp used to be like or how awesome it used to be. I remember spending like 4 or 5 hours defending keeps with a tiny group of half ass pugs and some forwards camps with 3 walls down against wave after wave of zerging onslaught. That *** just doesn't happen anymore.

    Not really trying to start a fight here, but I also remember streamers bitching about how they don't want to spend 4 or 5 hours defending keeps anymore, they want Arenas. and complaining about zergs this, and zergs that and how pvp wasn't fun because zerg zerg zerg. and calling Cyrodiil a "horse simulator" and other such nonsense.

    I remember people trying to hijack a twitch stream spamming "WE WANT ARENAS NOW" over and over again.

    so why are we being all nostalgic about large-scale pvp all of a sudden?

    weren't people JUST complaining about large-scale pvp?

    what am I missing here?
    Edited by JMadFour on April 5, 2016 8:50PM
  • Ajax_22
    Reevster wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Reevster wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Your wrong about that video, played PvP the last few days for like 8 to 10 hours straight each day and its pretty close to that video, only difference is you move around a lot more then in that one scene in the video when they are standing there fighting each other.

    Only problem I had was long loading screen at peak hours. Which is quite annoying for sure. Plus the game crashed maybe 2 times each day.

    This was vet non CP campaign.

    The argument wasn't if PvP was like that video or not. It's if ESO advertised big PvP fights as a main feature. It Did. Look Up.

    Dont need too, this is the Video that got me into ESO looks like mostly PvE. I didnt think Molug Bal is a real person... so thats PvE

    The discussion isn't about what advertisement got you into the game. It's about whether PvP was advertised as being a main feature of the game, and it's a fact that it was. Just because you got into the game for one advertisement doesn't make all of the others invalid.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    jkemmery wrote: »
    This. And make PvP subscription only, it would pay for itself and keep it maintained and up to date. No PvP'ers buy fluff so it makes sense plus everyone would pay it and many would come back to the game if they knew the lag had gone.

    I like that. Only Plus players can enter Cyrodiil, at least at V levels Make that veteran instances. An alt on a plus player should be able to enter a campaign besides BWB that his or her guildies are playing on.

    PVP is a central part of ESO - for many of us it is the only reason we play. Locking it behind subscription would be comparable to making the entire game subscription only.

    A tiny population in Cyrodiil might have less lag, but it's extremely boring. Who wants to play on a dead campaign where you go around trying to flag keeps to get people to come out? It was more fun at launch when there were battles all over the map, in the towns, in the delves. You couldn't go anywhere without stumbling across random small battles.

    In my case, I was glad to hear the announcement of Tamriel Unlimited, because it meant lots more people will participate in PVP. The more players the better, IMO. Many will come because they are Elder Scrolls fans, but once they try this PVP combat system they get hooked on it - that's what happened to me.

    I'd rather see ESO on sale via Steam for $4.99 or so, maybe even Humble Bundle - get lots more people playing. If it were that cheap, quite a few existing players would even buy extra copies to gift to their friends on Steam, etc.

    There are a lot of people who would simply never spend money to subscribe to any game, but once they are playing, provided they have a fun experience, they will spend money in the crown store for name change, race change, appearance change, DLC that appeals to their interest, etc.

    Look how much people spend on hats for TF2 or weapon skins for CS:GO. When the barrier to entry is low (game is free or often below $10), and the gameplay is fun, the population and community grow quickly. I wish it was buy to play from launch, we might have ended up with a much bigger long term population.
    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on April 5, 2016 9:36PM
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Tried to watch the video.

    Realized the video is primarily PvP focused and quit caring right at that moment.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • Ajax_22
    JMadFour wrote: »
    Cathexis wrote: »
    I agree with @FENGRUSH entirely. I do think most new players dont have a clue what pvp used to be like or how awesome it used to be. I remember spending like 4 or 5 hours defending keeps with a tiny group of half ass pugs and some forwards camps with 3 walls down against wave after wave of zerging onslaught. That *** just doesn't happen anymore.

    Not really trying to start a fight here, but I also remember streamers bitching about how they don't want to spend 4 or 5 hours defending keeps anymore, they want Arenas. and complaining about zergs this, and zergs that and how pvp wasn't fun because zerg zerg zerg.

    I remember people trying to hijack a twitch stream spamming "WE WANT ARENAS NOW" over and over again.

    so why are we being all nostalgic about large-scale pvp all of a sudden?

    weren't people JUST complaining about large-scale pvp?

    what am I missing here?

    Even if you take out all the lag currently in Cyrodiil it is not the same PvP experience. The nostalgia for large scale PvP is for a Cyrodiil that had no AOE caps, dynamic ult, and no CP.
  • puffy99
    Pushing out subpar DLC content with zero to none performance fixes in PvP and now in PvE is not the right thing to do just to try and sell a few boxes.
    Hell, if this thing ran smoothly a lot of people would come back. But I know of some that still can't even log in after TG release.

    Whoever is making decisions has their head up their ass...
  • jkemmery

    PVP is a central part of ESO - for many of us it is the only reason we play. Locking it behind subscription paywall is comparable to making the entire game subscription only.

    In my case, I was glad to hear the announcement of Tamriel Unlimited, because it meant lots more people will participate in PVP. Many will come because they like Elder Scrolls, but once they try PVP they get hooked on it - that's what happened to me. The more the better.

    A tiny population in Cyrodiil might have less lag, but it's extremely boring. Who wants to play on a dead campaign where you go around trying to flag keeps to get people to come out? It was more fun at launch when there were battles all over the map, in the towns, in the

    I'd rather see ESO on sale via Steam for $4.99 or so, maybe even Humble Bundle - get lots more people playing.

    There are a lot of people who would never in a million years spend money to subscribe to any game, but once they are playing, provided they have a fun experience, they will spend money in the crown store for name change, race change, appearance change, DLC that appeals to their interest, etc.

    Look how much people spend on hats for TF2 or weapon skins for CS:GO. The barrier to entry is low (game is free or often below $10), and the gameplay is fun, so the population and community grow quickly.

    On the one hand, I don't disagree with you in spirit: The more players the better. However, when it comes to lag, that's sadly not the case. I would rather see a sparsely populated Cyrodiil than to have to deal with lag. Honestly, I think they should triple the number of campaigns in order to cut down on lag. The fact of the matter is that the current combination of code and technology just can't handle large scale PvP, and that isn't going to be fixed.

    Sure, it would be great if you could have 1000 players from each faction battling it out in a lag-free Cyrodiil. But it ain't gonna happen, at least not any time soon. So why not try to mitigate the issue in the mean time, using whatever means can be implemented without much development time for ZOS so that they can justify doing it and not loose out on the cash making side of the business?
    Edited by jkemmery on April 5, 2016 8:57PM
  • Gothlander
    Why would ZOS make the game worse? Weird.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    TESO needs a wardrobe system badly. Something similar to WoW's tmog system would make this game one of the best mmorpg out there!
  • Prabooo
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Is that a GUN at 0:36 ?!
  • Ajax_22
    Prabooo wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Is that a GUN at 0:36 ?!

    It's a crossbow animation from the Silver Bolts skill from the Fighters Guild.
  • Reevster
    Ajax_22 wrote: »
    Reevster wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Reevster wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Your wrong about that video, played PvP the last few days for like 8 to 10 hours straight each day and its pretty close to that video, only difference is you move around a lot more then in that one scene in the video when they are standing there fighting each other.

    Only problem I had was long loading screen at peak hours. Which is quite annoying for sure. Plus the game crashed maybe 2 times each day.

    This was vet non CP campaign.

    The argument wasn't if PvP was like that video or not. It's if ESO advertised big PvP fights as a main feature. It Did. Look Up.

    Dont need too, this is the Video that got me into ESO looks like mostly PvE. I didnt think Molug Bal is a real person... so thats PvE

    The discussion isn't about what advertisement got you into the game. It's about whether PvP was advertised as being a main feature of the game, and it's a fact that it was. Just because you got into the game for one advertisement doesn't make all of the others invalid.

    Well thats what that other guy was trying to say lol, for me though if it had of been only advertised as PvP I would not have started playing/ bought the game in the first place. It was advertised as a "MMO" Not PvP only.
    Prabooo wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Is that a GUN at 0:36 ?!

    Fighters guild skill - that skill shoots from a crossbow!
    JMadFour wrote: »
    Cathexis wrote: »
    I agree with @FENGRUSH entirely. I do think most new players dont have a clue what pvp used to be like or how awesome it used to be. I remember spending like 4 or 5 hours defending keeps with a tiny group of half ass pugs and some forwards camps with 3 walls down against wave after wave of zerging onslaught. That *** just doesn't happen anymore.

    Not really trying to start a fight here, but I also remember streamers bitching about how they don't want to spend 4 or 5 hours defending keeps anymore, they want Arenas. and complaining about zergs this, and zergs that and how pvp wasn't fun because zerg zerg zerg. and calling Cyrodiil a "horse simulator" and other such nonsense.

    I remember people trying to hijack a twitch stream spamming "WE WANT ARENAS NOW" over and over again.

    so why are we being all nostalgic about large-scale pvp all of a sudden?

    weren't people JUST complaining about large-scale pvp?

    what am I missing here?

    I actually never complained about large-scale pvp. Arenas were talked about a lot during We Are ESO - we all had different point of views. I think mine was the most along the lines of enjoying open world PVP without the structure of numbers, but just taking whatever comes down the road. I really enjoy that. I enjoy having the opportunity to fight whatever may come down the road. Complaints about zergs were mechanics bolstering their strength not just through normal numerical advantages, but actually increasing their ability to mitigate the very thing designed to kill them - AOE.

    But to not side track.. I actually prefer Cyro, I just dont see it being fixed anytime soon. The last 2 patches proved that to me abundantly. Its just not coming now. So if there is to be PvP - work with an environment that is largely dev and might as well be a dev/pat environment. Take the districts, redesign them.. keep it simple, and update down the line. But in 3-6months they could turn something out there. Unfortunately, they are backloaded with releasing new PVE DLCs, and that likely wont happen. They will also push forward on areans/BGs, which is great and all... but.. This content is done, its there.. its just meaningless and filled with boss mobs that AOE everything to death and has instant respawns. Its mindless.

    You might as well have a PVE dungeon that rewards no loot or XP from the mobs, but you can constantly die and immediately spawn on a platform to jump into an endless stream of mobs. Kind of like those mines in upper craglorn... still cant figure out what the point of those ever was.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    jkemmery wrote: »

    PVP is a central part of ESO - for many of us it is the only reason we play. Locking it behind subscription would be comparable to making the entire game subscription only.

    A tiny population in Cyrodiil might have less lag, but it's extremely boring. Who wants to play on a dead campaign where you go around trying to flag keeps to get people to come out? It was more fun at launch when there were battles all over the map, in the towns, in the delves. You couldn't go anywhere without stumbling across random small battles.

    In my case, I was glad to hear the announcement of Tamriel Unlimited, because it meant lots more people will participate in PVP. The more players the better, IMO. Many will come because they are Elder Scrolls fans, but once they try this PVP combat system they get hooked on it - that's what happened to me.

    I'd rather see ESO on sale via Steam for $4.99 or so, maybe even Humble Bundle - get lots more people playing. If it were that cheap, quite a few existing players would even buy extra copies to gift to their friends on Steam, etc.

    There are a lot of people who would simply never spend money to subscribe to any game, but once they are playing, provided they have a fun experience, they will spend money in the crown store for name change, race change, appearance change, DLC that appeals to their interest, etc.

    Look how much people spend on hats for TF2 or weapon skins for CS:GO. When the barrier to entry is low (game is free or often below $10), and the gameplay is fun, the population and community grow quickly. I wish it was buy to play from launch, we might have ended up with a much bigger long term population.

    On the one hand, I don't disagree with you in spirit: The more players the better. However, when it comes to lag, that's sadly not the case. I would rather see a sparsely populated Cyrodiil than to have to deal with lag. Honestly, I think they should triple the number of campaigns in order to cut down on lag. The fact of the matter is that the current combination of code and technology just can't handle large scale PvP, and that isn't going to be fixed.

    Sure, it would be great if you could have 1000 players from each faction battling it out in a lag-free Cyrodiil. But it ain't gonna happen, at least not any time soon. So why not try to mitigate the issue in the mean time, using whatever means can be implemented without much development time for ZOS so that they can justify doing it and not loose out on the cash making side of the business?

    Have you never played on a dead campaign? It's the most boring thing. I've been stuck on a low pop campaign before, with campaign cooldown or not enough AP to change and no way to earn AP.

    Trying to flag keeps by yourself in hopes of being lucky enough to find an enemy player - this is the opposite of fun. And it feeds on itself, because everyone who logs on sees the campaign is empty and boring then immediately leaves. I know there are some people out there who enjoy PV-Dooring keeps and fighting NPC mage guards, but I imagine they are in the minority.

    Campaign population caps have already been reduced to a fraction of what they used to be. You could log on at any time of day or night, even weekdays, and find fun battles all over the map in Wabbajack, for example.
    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on April 5, 2016 9:34PM
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Reevster wrote: »
    Ajax_22 wrote: »
    Reevster wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    Reevster wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Your wrong about that video, played PvP the last few days for like 8 to 10 hours straight each day and its pretty close to that video, only difference is you move around a lot more then in that one scene in the video when they are standing there fighting each other.

    Only problem I had was long loading screen at peak hours. Which is quite annoying for sure. Plus the game crashed maybe 2 times each day.

    This was vet non CP campaign.

    The argument wasn't if PvP was like that video or not. It's if ESO advertised big PvP fights as a main feature. It Did. Look Up.

    Dont need too, this is the Video that got me into ESO looks like mostly PvE. I didnt think Molug Bal is a real person... so thats PvE

    The discussion isn't about what advertisement got you into the game. It's about whether PvP was advertised as being a main feature of the game, and it's a fact that it was. Just because you got into the game for one advertisement doesn't make all of the others invalid.

    Well thats what that other guy was trying to say lol, for me though if it had of been only advertised as PvP I would not have started playing/ bought the game in the first place. It was advertised as a "MMO" Not PvP only.

    When this game launched, there were no trials. No DSA. No Maelstom arena. PvP was Endgame. It was the ONLY endgame activity and the only reason to get your character to max level.

    PvP was the pinnacle of this game's achievement and the crow jewel of marketing campaigns. So many people joined the game after seeing the epic siege battles.

    But everything changed when the bot nation attacked.
  • Gothlander
    "You could have 100v100v100 at one keep and it wasn't breaking. The game ran fluidly, it was an epic siege. That's the game they built. It's gone. They cant bring it back. There is no amount of changes that can bring it back."

    Can someone explain why they can't make 100v100v100 happen again?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    TESO needs a wardrobe system badly. Something similar to WoW's tmog system would make this game one of the best mmorpg out there!
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Gothlander wrote: »
    "You could have 100v100v100 at one keep and it wasn't breaking. The game ran fluidly, it was an epic siege. That's the game they built. It's gone. They cant bring it back. There is no amount of changes that can bring it back."

    Can someone explain why they can't make 100v100v100 happen again?

    It's not that they can't. It's that they won't. The netcode is drastically different now. ZOS has no interest in repairing the damage they did to PvP by reverting the game back 2 years worth of bad patches. Their business model relies on PvE, selling XP, and crown store cosmetic items.
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on April 5, 2016 9:29PM
  • DHale
    You know, the game has flaws we all know this. but I even have a guildie sell thier accounts with 900 cp and 6 vr 16 s come back starting from scratch. He thought bdo would be his new savior the new game then he tried division nope a little paragon and axe and destiny etc... He just never found that game that is a good as ESO. If only he had.... Given me his stuff.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    Gothlander wrote: »
    "You could have 100v100v100 at one keep and it wasn't breaking. The game ran fluidly, it was an epic siege. That's the game they built. It's gone. They cant bring it back. There is no amount of changes that can bring it back."

    Can someone explain why they can't make 100v100v100 happen again?

    It's not that they can't. It's that they won't. The netcode is drastically different now. ZOS has no interest in repairing the damage they did to PvP by reverting the game back 2 years worth of bad patches. Their business model relies on PvE, selling XP, and crown store cosmetic items.

    ^^^This. They obviously made a business decision on what route they would go in the future and PVP was not a priority for the future. As people always forget, their #1 goal is to be profitable, it is never to make the best game.
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