Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

[Xbox One] Ebonheart Pact players

I'm a level 18 Nord Nightblade looking for other EP members to link up with, create friendships, and play together. Shoot me a message online if you want to play, I'm a daily player!
Xbox Live: xxROBBIE RIOTxx
    EP Nowatay Warriors is looking for more solid players we are mostly in the EsT time zone and adult laid back guild that do daily vets pledges, and vet DSA, we have 6 VR 16s and a couple VR -12s that have a lot of expierience. Also master crafters with 8-9 traits.
  • SpazzmanNDQ
    Sons of Kattegate is recruiting new players that want to team up and enjoy the game a nord night blade is a tough build but we have lots of members lvling up characters now I could send u an invite when I get hm this evening if you lk?
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