Group Finder Broken?

Ok so before the thieves guild update group finder used to be decent at least for doing the dailies like maybe a 15 min wait for DPS. Now it takes 45mins to 1+ hours. I mean even when a dps leaves in the dungeon. It took seconds to find another, now you just wait and most times the wait is so long that we end up disbanding group.

Anyone else experiencing long wait times?
|--| /-\ \/\/ /-\ | | `"*-.,
    Same here. As a Healer, used to be able to get into a group for the dailies in 10-15 mins. Now it takes over an hour and often the group members are AFK. The new Grouping Tool is rubbish.
    PS4 North America
    Edited by ESYLD on April 3, 2016 3:24AM
  • orlan
    ESYLD wrote: »
    Same here. As a Healer, used to be able to get into a group for the dailies in 10-15 mins. Now it takes over an hour and often the group members are AFK. The new Grouping Tool is rubbish.

    I second that, me also as a healer it takes way to long for a group, this is a pile of rubbish now, each time they release a DLC they always break something, and this time nothing as changed, fix one thing and break 10 other things.
  • disintegr8
    Agree. My friend and I - a tank and a healer - group up and then use group finder. We are PS4 NA and before this patch last week, a few minutes would be a long wait but now we have waited an hour only end up with players who do not go into group chat and have no interest in the gold key (for Vet pledge). I can only assume it is because they went into Random Vet Dungeon group finder and only want to complete the dungeon to get the XP and/or drops.

    Easy solution for Undaunted Dailies - remove the dailies from the random dungeon group finder so that you are more likely to find players doing these dungeons for the same reason - especially for the Vet dungeons and the gold keys.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • Blevil
    I waited over 2.5 hours yesterday with no luck for the vet daily. I did have some luck after almost 1.5 hours with the normal daily only to be grouped in a group of 6. I traveled to the dungeon as soon as i got the prompt. I think this was the other problem where you wouldn't be able to travel to the instance because it would say instance full. Looks like the group finder is broken to where it is trying to combine groups to be larger than 4 for an instances.

    Please check problem out @ZOS_GinaBruno
    |--| /-\ \/\/ /-\ | | `"*-.,
  • Rittings
    This needs addressing ASAP!!! The group finder tool is a HUGE part of the MMO world - and right now, ESO has the worst group finder tool of them all. It looks nice, but lacks any working effectivity...

    It needs to be quick, easy and far more flexible in how groups are formed. We should be able to specify our own role, and the roles we would like the other group members to play (with a degree of extra flexibility in there too). We don't always need a tank, and heck, we don't always need a healer!!

    Also... we need to be able to group for Trials, DSA and for questing in Craglorn too!!
  • Vancity-boi
    Soul Shriven

    same issues here. before queuing up as a tank or healer will get me into a group within seconds to max 15mins. As a dps it would take 5-15mins as well. Now after the TG update i sat in queue as a dps for 1hr with no queue pop. And as a tank for 2hrs with no queue pop.

    I am queuing up using "random vet daily" and even if im using a specific dungeon (usually the vet daily) it is taking a really long time IF it actually gets me in a group which usually does not work.
    Edited by Vancity-boi on March 29, 2016 2:24PM
  • MissBizz
    By the way everyone - the group finder is currently bugged - in a couple ways.

    When you have a group of 4 and try to queue for a random dungeon (for the rewards) it takes a LONG time. There is probably a fix going into today's PC patch that should address this.

    Secondly, if you queue for the group finder with more then just you (any number of premade group) you will likely also experience over the top queue times. ZOS mentioned on ESO Live on Friday they think that bug may be related to the same thing as for a full group - so will be monitoring it after today's fix. (If the fix for sure made it today - we will find out when patch notes hit)

    It appears PS4 is experiencing this bug as well, so hopefully they will find a fix and push it with the next update for you guys :(
    Edited by MissBizz on March 29, 2016 2:27PM
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • vamp_emily
    I tried it after the TG and was shocked I was able to find a group instead of waiting all day and giving up.

    But the second time around, group finder failed. Saturday and Sunday I had 2 dungeons I wanted to complete. I waited in the que and gave up because the wait was way too long ( More than an hour ).

    Maybe next weekend I will try again.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Nestor
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Secondly, if you queue for the group finder with more then just you (any number of premade group) you will likely also experience over the top queue times. ZOS mentioned on ESO Live on Friday they think that bug may be related to the same thing as for a full group - so will be monitoring it after today's fix. (If the fix for sure made it today - we will find out when patch notes hit)

    Yep, we ran into that exact same problem last night. 3 of us used the Group Finder for a fourth. We gave up after about 30 minutes.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Glaiceana
    Yeah its very broken right now. Haven't once got into a random veteran dungeon for the rewards. Actually, I got in once via invite from my brother when someone left. But I got no rewards for it. And there was no icon for my role next to my name for some reason, even though I was selected as Damage.
    As a DD, I'm even less likely to get into a group dungeon.
    Priests of Hircine
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    Dances-With-Frost-Dragons - DK, Argonian, Male, Tank, Werewolf.
    Raziel The Paradox - Mag TP, Dark Elf, Male, DD, Vampire.
    Swims-Through-Starlight - TP, Argonian, Female, Healer, Werewolf.
    Glaicean Mag Ward, High Elf, Male, Ice DD, Werewolf.
    Hjurne Hircine's Forsaken - Sorc, Redguard, Male, PvP DD, Werewolf.
    My Total Free Werewolf Bites: 400+ (Ask me about bites if you need one!)
    Playing since July 2015!
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Just to confirm, everyone is on PS4 correct?
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • adamt88yep
    I have the same issues on Xbox one
    Xbox One [ EU ]
    Gamertag - Adamt88yep
    Stamina Nightblade - Dark Elf - EP
    Stamina Templar - Argonian - EP
    Magicka Sorcerer - High Elf- EP
    Magicka Templar - Breton - EP
    Magicka Dragon Knight - Dark Elf - EP
    Magicka Nighblade - Breton - EP

    PC [EU]
    Magicka Templar - Breton - DC
  • Vancity-boi
    Soul Shriven
    Just to confirm, everyone is on PS4 correct?

    im on ps4-na.
  • Gigglez
    XBone same deal.
    Tank and a healer in a 2 man group. Use the grouping tool to look for a a que for an hour.
    Craglorn would be nice to group for.
    Hopeful for a fix in the next patch. The grouping tool has always had various issues. Starting to lose patience a bit.
    Love this game. Please get this right.
  • Taryf
    Just to confirm, everyone is on PS4 correct?

    No. Nothing is correct :disappointed:

    Situation A:

    1. Group TANK+HEALER+DPS
    2. Leader uses Activity Finder Tool to find RANDOM dungeon.
    3. After about 20-30min we ask our guild friend to also use Activity Finder on Random as DPS
    4. After about 5-10min he got other group. We still wait for our DPS.

    We disband group and use Activiti Finder solo. All got group quite fast (DPS was last, but this is normal)

    We test it also on Specific Dungeon. All same scenario.
    If You are in group You cannot use that tool to find missing role.

    Imperial Dragonknight Stamina Tank
    Ebonheart Pact

    M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk - M'aiq the Liar
  • kylewwefan
    yes on PS4. Group finder only seems to work right if your solo looking.
  • wayfarerx
    Taryf wrote: »
    Situation A:

    1. Group TANK+HEALER+DPS
    2. Leader uses Activity Finder Tool to find RANDOM dungeon.

    Exactly what happened to us last night on PC. Sitting in queue almost 30 minutes waiting for a single DPS to queue for a normal dungeon. Before TG I would get groups faster than this queuing solo as a DPS. Really hoping this is fixed in today's PC patch.
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • LearnThis
    I waited over two and a half hours to get in on a random dungeon. Then, we had to three-man it because a four never came in. What turned out to be a lot of fun beating a dungeon with three people, did not end well for me because I did not even get the daily reward for doing a random veteran dungeon. I am still waiting on ZOS to help me with that. They are in the process of figuring why I did not receive my reward or XP. :( I saved the video though so I would not have to worry about being challenged that I did receive it. Proof.
    PSN: LearnThis
    Bosmer Nightblade (Master Crafting, everything researched)
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    Champion Points are capped

    ~I have completed Cadwell's Silver six times and Gold four times... Please do not tell me about the experience of leveling.~
  • Rittings
    kylewwefan wrote: »
    yes on PS4. Group finder only seems to work right if your solo looking.

    I can't confirm this because I have not been "issue free" when searching solo either. I ended up in a group of 3 after queing solo, which then turned into a group of 7 (when trying to find the missing memeber).

    Its utterly broken

    And yes, ps4, na server.
  • Blevil
    Yes PS4-NA, Today it seemed to work ok for vet daily. Took around 20mins for solo dps queue. Although I have still yet to queue for the non-vet daily.
    Edited by Blevil on March 29, 2016 10:21PM
    |--| /-\ \/\/ /-\ | | `"*-.,
  • Blevil
    Queue for City of Ash vet daily seems to be quick maybe <20mins for dps but getting grouped with like 5-7 people. Also experiencing blue screen during dungeon loading.
    |--| /-\ \/\/ /-\ | | `"*-.,
  • Licht
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah same here EU - PS4, always around 25/30 min of queue if we are lucky!
    Edited by Licht on March 30, 2016 2:34PM
    Ninfhea: VR16 Magicka Sorcerer Dps (AD)
    Jehanne: VR16 Magicka Templar Healer (AD)
    Marghot: VR16 Stamina Dragonknight Tank (AD)
  • Kidly
    In a party with 3 other players. We qued for some random dungeons but it's taking an extremely long time. Dungeon finder isn't working properly at all with pre-made groups or partial groups. I also noticed getting into groups with 5+ players.
  • redspecter23
    I've been in a party with a guildmate looking for 2 dps. Another guildmate was queued as dps. All of us sat around for about 20 minutes with no hits. Something seems to be fishy. This was prior to the latest patch but after thieves guild. If people are looking for dps and other dps are in the queue, what is stopping them from being grouped up?

    Edit: Sorry, I'm PC, just noticed this was PS4 support.
    Edited by redspecter23 on March 30, 2016 10:25PM
  • donwhite615
    Soul Shriven
    Is there a fix coming for this?
  • vic4ert
    support, search the group was horrible !!!!
    return everything as it was, from these innovations only play worse and worse!
  • MarronMarvel
    I've tried to use the random dungeon finder repeatedly with a full group. Last time, it told us that it would take an estimated 12 minutes to queue us into a random dungeon. If we have 4 people and they all have their roles selected correctly with 1 healer, 1 tank, and 2 DPS, why would it take 12 minutes to get us into a dungeon? I'm on PS4, NA server.
  • Pirsius
    I'm in the same boat. PS4 NA server's group finder has been absolutely useless since the TG update. I am currently queued up for normal Banished Cells. Banished Cells!! That should be one of the quickest dungeons to queue up for. Granted I'm a DPS, so I estimated at most 30mins, similar to pre-update. Nope, going on almost 3.5 hours of waiting. The funny part: now it's saying an estimated wait time of 5 minutes.

    Either ZOS has figured out a new way to count time, or something is broken.
  • Shaloran
    Please, does anyone know when this will be fixed? I know they said something about fixing the wait for full parties, but what about singles or duo que? Where are we at with this? I need to do the dailies!
  • DannyLV702
    Have not been able to do a single daily ever since TG dropped..... PS4 NA
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