This is not a healthy mentality to have if you are pugging dungeons. The fact of the matter is, ESO is highly punishing in content to the majority of players. Zenimax does a horrible job at giving players benchmarks on performance, stats, etc, before jumping into "end game" content. Many players jump in with the same builds they had while leveling up thinking they'll do fine, and they really hurt group progression/performance in doing so. While it's easy to blame the players for doing so, a lot of the blame falls to Zeni for not teaching mechanics such as weaving, priority system, synergy/scaling of stats, etc.I dont have Kena which explains why I am running pledges the past 4 weeks in the first place.
I actually evolved from 5pm Kags to 5pc Maras. The 12% resto reduction was almost a no brainer. I don't want to run a set for faster rezzes because honestly people shouldn't be dying to easy mechanics in the first place.