Hey, all.
Looking for primarily AD guild on XB1 NA.
Not too small (ideally at least 15 or so people reliably online during evenings, US Pacific Time).
No need for massive endgame activities as of yet, but I would like to be able to team up with nice people a few nights a week for leveling content.
I am still leveling my toons (highest is 44 at the moment), so I hope to find a home with a nice mix of new and veteran players.
I will talk your ear off inside a dungeon, but I otherwise hate using my mic since it makes my wife feel like I am ignoring her. Which I am. However when chat comes online shortly, I will be an active communicator.
I have kids, an engrossing job, and I was born in the 70's. I like a guild where most folks have the same problems.
If anyone out there kind of lines up with all of that verbal diarrhea above, please let me know.
Frank Cable (GT XB1)