We need Day/Night Equilibrium

Currently, ESO has a 6 hour day which includes about 4 hours daylight and 2 hours night. Many of us believe that this is, quite frankly, unacceptable. Players who enjoy the night are getting shafted! As I see it, there are two ways to remedy this egregious error!
  • Equal Day and Night
  • Variable Day and Night
  • Dangerous Nights
Equal Day and Night

This one is simple... 3 hours day and 3 hours night.. straight forward.

Variable Day and Night

This concept would have ESO act a bit more like the real world. It would likely coincide with the establishment of a Tamriel Standard Time (click for that concept thread) and would see the day/night ratio change over the course of an ESO "year". Currently, at 6 hour days, and ESO year lasts about 3 months.

During those three months ESO would have a Summer Solstice that would see day being longer than night. Lets use 4 hours day and 2 hours night since this is how ESO is designed now. This would shift over a 3 week period to an equinox where there are 3 hours day and 3 hours night. This would then shift over the next 3 weeks to the Winter Solstice with 2 hours day and 4 hours night. Over the next three weeks we would see a shift to another equinox. Then in 3 more weeks we would be back at the Summer Solstice.

Players who enjoy night would have a period where their preference is observed and Players who enjoy the day would have a period where their preference is observed. Everyone wins!

Dangerous Nights
A greater parity between Day & Night could also lead to a greater variety between gameplay and atmosphere where nights are actually different than day. There was a great thread by @Neizir that had some wonderful ideas about how this could be accomplished:
Neizir wrote: »
Hello Zenimax and forum dudes, I have a few suggestions that would really make the world feel alot more alive.
1. Add trade caravans wandering the roads, but only at certain times of the day. There's not alot on the road between locations, other than the occasional delve and fissure. Sure, there are wandering merchants, but there are no caravans. It'd be more realistic to have several people going around with the traders. But only have the caravans wander around in the daytime. Also make the caravans stop for a while at towns, cities and villages to sell their wares. These caravans wander the road from the early morning, setting out from a city, and going along the road, stopping at certain points, until night time.
2. Make the night more interesting and dangerous. In its current state, nighttime is only for aesthetics and for Werewolf/Bloodfiend spawns. I think that night time could be made more interesting by:
  • Make the night slightly darker.
  • Add patrolling guards wandering the road at night to watch for bandits, highwaymen, and other unfriendly things.
  • Add highwaymen and bandits running around at night to ambush an unsuspecting player. If a patrolling guard and a bandit cross paths, they'll fight until the best man wins.
  • Make the night spookier by adding creepy ambient noises (like the ones in Minecraft), creepy music and making certain ghosts and spirits stealthed.
  • Add bandit camps to the world from which bandits and highwaymen spawn. If a patrolling guard stumbles across this camp, he might call for some reinforcements to attack it, which will contain rewards!
  • When nightfall comes along, make it so there are much fewer NPCs on the streets in a city. The people of Tamriel must sleep too! To combat the problem of no merchants, you could put in night shifts so while one merchant is sleeping, another comes along at night in his place. Close certain shops at night though; not every merchant has someone to go in his place. This won't force players to run to a city when it's sundown, since there'll be trade caravans on the road! They'll stop when it gets pretty dark though.
Those are my suggestions for adding an insanely higher level of immersion to ESO. What are your thoughts? Hopefully ZOS sees this and implements it :smile:

So what do you think? Is day/night ok the way it is? Do you want an equal day and night? Does the Variable Night sound like a fun and unique addition to TES & MMOs?

Tell us your thoughts!
Edited by Gidorick on February 8, 2016 2:46AM
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  • Mojmir
    personally i like day time(bad vision), ive heard a lot of guildmates say they wish cyrodiil had more nighttime.
  • Gidorick
    Mojmir wrote: »
    personally i like day time(bad vision), ive heard a lot of guildmates say they wish cyrodiil had more nighttime.

    Ah! So would you like the variable day/night... some weeks you would have more day than night and some weeks your friends would have more night than day. You CAN please everybody @Mojmir !:lol:
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  • Mojmir
    Gidorick wrote: »

    Ah! So would you like the variable day/night... some weeks you would have more day than night and some weeks your friends would have more night than day. You CAN please everybody @Mojmir !:lol:

    with the variable i think it would be subtle and not many people would even notice,im easy like sunday morning(except daylight savings time sunday morning).
  • Hand_Bacon
    Well, in order to make an adjustment to the day/night longevity they would have to have to make the Templar BoL on par with negative potion effects.

    Sorry, not constructive.

    I personally think the current system is okay, but then again I don't tend to think about those kinds of things that much. I'm too busy playing the game and observing RNG cult rituals to worry about whether or not the food I'm eating is actually in-game breakfast, lunch or dinner.


  • Gidorick
    Mojmir wrote: »

    with the variable i think it would be subtle and not many people would even notice,im easy like sunday morning(except daylight savings time sunday morning).

    I didn't want to get into it in this thread but I personally believe that Vampires should get a buff during the night.. and a DEbuff during the day. Werewolves should get a CRAZY good buff depending on the lunar cycle. If ZOS did that, THOSE players would live and die by the sun and the moon... and boy they would take notice! :lol:
    Edited by Gidorick on February 8, 2016 2:55AM
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  • RAGUNAnoOne
    agreed we need more night and more encounters like that Maskars oblivion Overhaul mod.
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  • Fockewulf8
    I think this is a wonderful Idea! The changing of day time brings with it more atmosphere. The more atmosphere a game has the more the story line and environment draws you into it. Games with just one time of day are not as enthralling as those with shifting times of day. ESO and the gameplay supports the OP's ideas.
  • Mojmir
  • Hand_Bacon
    Mojmir wrote: »

    Not a bad idea that.

    Since the AD side of things seems to be all about moons and how it affects skooma riddled felines, I could agree there is room for improvement.

  • Gidorick
    Mojmir wrote: »

    Ah, dragonlance... good stuff.
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  • Gidorick
    I have been curious about something... I play sporadically at best but I always seem to end up playing during the night in Tamriel. From what I've read, it seems ESO has a 6 hour day with 4 hours daylight and 2 hours night. Since 24 is divisible by 6 , the time of day should always be the same in Tamriel.

    To people who play daily, and at the same time every day I would like to know... is it always the same time of day in Tamriel when you play?
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  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Well would be nice to play at night time more often and actually see stars and the twin moons. Was one of the things I did enjoy about Oblivion and Skyrim was able to sneak around a bandit camp at night time and kill them all in their sleep.

    And don't say that's messed up their bandits that's what they did to so many innocent people about time they got justice served to them.
    Edited by Forestd16b14_ESO on February 13, 2016 2:40PM
  • corrosivechains
    I do think this is a cool idea, especially if they add in for werewolves the inability to change out of werewolf form during a double full moon or something similar(as a werewolf player) to accompany that buff, though I imagine people who just went werewolf for the stamina buff would be less than thrilled.

    And not to forget vampires, give them a damage buff to class and vampire skills during a double new moon.
    "Could you post me a link to the official MMO rule book please." - clayandaudrey_ESO
  • Gidorick
    I do think this is a cool idea, especially if they add in for werewolves the inability to change out of werewolf form during a double full moon or something similar(as a werewolf player) to accompany that buff, though I imagine people who just went werewolf for the stamina buff would be less than thrilled.

    And not to forget vampires, give them a damage buff to class and vampire skills during a double new moon.

    I LOVE the idea of a period in which vamps have the upper hand and a period in which wolves do.
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  • Altaire
    I'm all for this. There lots of old ruins where creatures of the night could spawn.
    Heh, banshee w/a AoE fear. might be fun....
  • bedlom
    I hate the way day is soo much longer than night. Games look so much better at night.
  • Strider_Roshin
    I just wish night time was actually dark.
  • Gidorick
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Cendrillion21
    More nighttime would be great, it's gone in an instant (seemingly).
    Campos de oro
  • Moonscythe
    Don't want more dangerous nights unless it is only out in the wilderness. Night is a good time to go resource hunting but it just gets irritating when you have fight some bad every time you spot a plant and don't get me started on players who steal your resource while you fight the bad. What happens in PvP world though I don't care about.
    Scura di Notte - Altmer Nightblade (gear)
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  • Thevampirenight
    I do think that there should be a two hour day and two hour night or have the day and night go by the real world twenty four hour period. It would make the game feel much more immersive to me if they did this.
    Also want them to add more werebeast conditions we can become like wereshark!
    *Wants to be a wereshark*
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Gidorick
    I do think that there should be a two hour day and two hour night or have the day and night go by the real world twenty four hour period. It would make the game feel much more immersive to me if they did this.
    Also want them to add more werebeast conditions we can become like wereshark!
    *Wants to be a wereshark*

    I actually have a thread regarding the total day length... I too think the 6 hours could be improved upon. I personally think 10 hours is a sweet spot for many reasons, which I will go into in that thread when I post it.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 13, 2016 9:49PM
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  • MornaBaine
    OMG I love this! LOL Although I do think night is as "bright" as it is because of people having trouble seeing things during the darker hours. I know when I upgraded my monitor dramatically my "night vision" became immensely better! But I know everyone is not willing or able to do that so I know ESO kind of has to try to compensate for that. Which is fine. What would be AWESOME is if they could add to our settings controls an option for "Darker Night" and, if we selectit, it automatically gives us, indeed, a darker nighttime.

    I'd love the variable day/night cycle but honestly I'd be JUST as happy with a straight up 3/3 split.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Smitch_59
    I'm probably in the minority here but I think the day/night cycle is fine as it is.
    By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
  • PlagueMonk
    Gidorick wrote: »

    I LOVE the idea of a period in which vamps have the upper hand and a period in which wolves do.

    Once again Vamps wanting to get something for nothing. If they did this then there would have to be an EQUALLY long period of time where your vamp/WW was as weak as they were previously strong.

    And I'm all for more night. In fact I have very fond memories of DAoC which had VERY dark nights and wish ESO's nights were a bit darker.

  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Why not have day and night client based like the weather and have it last the same time that it does in all other ES games, that way they could also implement things like sleep mechanics.
    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on February 13, 2016 11:11PM
  • CherryCake
    They need to fix that rain ;___; too much rain... (I have the winter blues)
    I like sweetrolls and I cannot lie
  • hammayolettuce
    I like how the current system is. it allows certain time zones to enjoy day or night
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  • Gidorick
    I like how the current system is. it allows certain time zones to enjoy day or night

    How would equality between day and night change that @hammayolettuce? If anything an equal day acne night design would provide greater opportunities for players.
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  • Oliumzen
    I would just like to see the Vamps health regeneration go up during night time. I never understood why it was so poor in the first place when Vampires are supposed to heal fast. But if they changed it to healing slow during day, and fast a night it would make sense to me. Since vampires are technically weakened by sunlight.
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