Everlasting Conquest is an AD guild on the NA servers of the Xbox one, that prides itself on being one of the only AD guilds on being more than just a group of strangers, we are a community! We are 350 members strong with an activity rate of 80-120 members online NIGHTLY. Mostly all of which are here to use the guild as a premier LFG, our GC1 is solely dedicated to finding other players to do dungeons and end game content with, we host weekly trial events and have 2/3 of the trials on farm including speed runs! We easily have 20+ groups that complete their daily vet pledges within the guild through using the guild as a tool to find players. With the recent release of imperial city we also host PvP events, where we form a group of ONLY GIULD MEMERS, usually avareging a turnout of 20+ members, and this may be bias, but we completely dominate Impercial City when we go in as a group!
Now I've went on long enough about us, here's what I need from all you potential members!
1- Have a working mic (REQUIRED), we would rather have a sub par player with a mic, than someone without one, due to the fact that this is a community, and we can help those who vocalize their desire to improve. As I would easily consider us one of the few, top end game guilds.
2- Have a desire to be a social member of a strong and growing community.
If you like what we have to offer, and these are only a few of the things, please contact me via the forums by replying to this thread and keeping it alive. Or in game on XB1 at my GT - Hordemasterr