I dunno what a crafting-style guild really means but I surely can help you, giving loads of voidsteel daggers, and in exchange maybe you can help us in "other businesses" Read about us!
In case my original post was a little vague, in short I meant; a guild for those who craft regularly, sell and trade crafted wares, exchange items for decon and research, the general stuff.
If it means anything I have chars from level 20-v1, on most alliances although I have yet to complete the EP route.
Some months ago (tbh at the very start ) I was dreaming about a real crafting guild, that time I thought crafting (I mean the "hard" and committed crafting) won't be available for anyone, who don't put LOTS of time in it... sadly this isn't the truth.
Crafting in this game so easy, and even prices are so low, that you won't have to put in really much resources, and you can progress easily in your crafting skilltrees besides normal gameplay. Even with the nirnhoned gearpieces for now.
If you want, I really can help you, I know almost all traits on almost all gearpieces (only nirns are missing from some pieces, because I didn't find them too important, and just in the latest weeks placed I some emphasis on them). Check me ingame @PainDragon.