for the last month and a half since orsinium DLC patch i have been crashing to loging screen with no error. i try to login first time and it hangs. the second time i get a 301 error. third time i can login.
i and many others have posted about this yet you do nothing to "Support" us in our time of need. what use is customer support if they wont even help us with a problem that affects alot of people. we need your customer support zenimax. or we cannot play the game
i think this post has some valuable information about this topic and u should read it.
i hope i get an answer from you guys as do others. this is an ongoing problem and u have done NOTHING to help us solve it nor have u even acknowledged that its a problem when it is.
you really need to learn to talk to your consumers. please dont make the same mistake your CS predasesors did.........